总述-是什么(what):为天津大学校庆晚会所设计的节目,获得了第三名的成绩,该比赛共有18支参赛队伍。(Designed a show to celebrate the anniversary of Tianjin University, and won 3rd Prize out of 18 teams.)
活动背景(situation):在校庆那天,学校组织大型晚会,有唱歌、跳舞、戏剧演出。每个学院都需要出5个节目。我们班也想参加一个节目,但是当时临近期末考试,同学们都忙于备考,所以准备起来压力很大。(On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.)
目标(target):我当时是一个大二的学生,担当起了排练我们班节目的大任,我们设计的节目是一出话剧。一方面要吸引"百忙"中的同学参与,另一方面我自己也在这个话剧中饰演国王。(As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates' disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama. )
措施(actions):第一,鉴于我们班上只有20个同学,我给他们每个人都分配了一定的任务,比如说饰演角色、制作道具等。第二,考虑到期末复习每个学生都会很忙,我做出了彩排的安排,坚持少次高质量的原则,每次都高效地完成彩排。第三,为了让彩排更接近最后的表演,我们在彩排的时候就加入了音乐和布景。并且,在这个过程中,我强调出时间的重要性,大家达成共识,相互尊重,实现了很好的配合。(First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes. Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal. Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.