
第6章 Social Life社会生活(6)

Do this by pushing up and down on the centre of the chest, with your hands interlocked together, constantly until an ambulance arrives.

Push at a rate of 100 beats a minute. You can’t harm them doing this and might just save a life.

Vocabulary 词汇

unconscious ["?n"k?n??s] adj. [心理]无意识的,失去知觉的;[医]不省人事的

patient ["pei??nt] adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的;

n. 病人,患者

squeezing [skwi:zi?] v. 挤压,紧压(squeeze的ing形式)

establish [i"st?bli?] vt. 建立,创办,安置

airway ["ε?wei] n. 导气管,通风孔

tilting [tilti?] adj. 倾斜,倾卸;

v. 使倾斜(tilt的ing形式)

pulse [p?ls] n. [电子] 脉冲,脉搏;

vt. 使跳动;

vi. 跳动,脉跳

chest [t?est] n. 胸,胸部

ambulance ["?mbjul?ns] n. [医] 救护车

cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术

oxygenated ["?ksid??n"eitid] adj. 充了氧的,充满氧气的


Write yes if the sentence is true. Write no if the sentence is not true.

1. If you see someone lying unconscious, don’t do anything because you will kill the patient.

2. You can’t squeezing the skin between their neck and shoulder and shouting.

3. Sometimes, it’s very difficult to tell the difference between dead or just unconscious.

4. If there is no obvious pulse and their chest is not going up and down, you can give up.

5. You should pushing up and down on the centre of the chest at a rate of 100 beats a minute

















1.no 2.no 3.yes 4.no 5.yes

08 Form Good Health Habits 养成好的健康习惯

Now you are going to read about some ways to care for your body.

Teeth are important to you. Have you ever hear someone talk who had no teeth? They can’t speak clearly. You need teeth to help you talk right. A person who has no teeth has another problem, also. The face of that person is not as pretty as the face of someone with pretty teeth.

Another reason that teeth are important is that teeth chew your food for you. If you had no teeth, you would only be able to eat soft food. You could not eat steaks, apples, or hamburgers.

Tom’s father is a dentist, he came to the class to talk about caring for the teeth. He gave each student a toothbrush and a little tube of toothpaste. He had pictures that showed how to brush teeth the right way. He said. “Tooth care begins with eating the right kinds of food. Eat cheese, leafy green vegetables, and drink three or more glasses of milk a day. Try not to eat sweets. Fruits are better for you.

“You need to chew your food well. Chewing exercises the jaws, gums, and teeth. Exercise is healthful. Also, chewing starts digestion.

“Remember to brush or rinse your teeth with water after eating. Always brush your teeth the way they grow. Brush up on the lower teeth and brush down on the upper teeth. Brushing the right way helps get the tiny bits of food from between your teeth. Brushing the right way keeps you from brushing the food under the gums. If you brush across your teeth you may wear away the tooth.

“Be careful! Do not use your teeth as a tool to bite into hard things or to crack nuts. You may chip or crack your teeth.

“You should visit your dentist twice a year, he can tell if any decay has started that you cannot see. Even when you brush your teeth carefully, sometimes little bits of food are left between the teeth. Use dental floss every day to get out these tiny bits of food that toothbrush misses.

Like your teeth, you need to take care of your sight. You must be careful to have enough light when you are reading. The light should come over your shoulder.

Don’t look right at the sun. When the sun is very bright, like at the seashore or in the snow, wear sunglasses. Good food helps your eyes, also. Carrots have vitamins in them that help you see at night. When you use scissors or pointed tools, be careful to keep the points away from your eyes. Be careful around other people, too. You do not want to hurt someone else’s eyes.

You have learned about how to care for your teeth and for your eyes. Now I am going to tell you about how to care for your body.

You should breathe deeply. Deep breathing helps your body to work its very best. Also, you should stand tall with your head high and your shoulders straight. When you stand right, the inside of your body has enough room to work its best.

You must eat the healthy foods. You need to drink water, also. If you drink four to six glasses of water each day, your body will work at its best, too.

You can use water for washing, too. You need to take a bath every day. You should wash your hair at least once a week. If you rinse your hair enough, your hair will shine. Wear clean clothes everyday, too.

Be sure that you have enough sleep at night. You should have eight to ten hours of sleep each night. You will be tired if you exercise your body each day. You need to keep it strong. Sleep will rest your tired body.

You keep your body clean. You should try to keep your thoughts clean, too. How you think makes you happy or unhappy. If you loved your friends, you will be kind to them. You should be kind and loving. If you fill your mind full of bad thoughts, you will not feel happy. To be healthy you don’t want to fill your body with junk food. In the same way, to have a happy, healthy mind, fill it with good thoughts about the world. You want to think the best, read the best, and act the best that you can.

Vocabulary 词汇

teeth [ti:θ] n. 牙齿

chew [t?u:] vt. & vi. 咀嚼、咬

steak [steik] n. 牛排

hamburger ["h?mb?:ɡ?] n. 汉堡包

dentist ["dentist] n. 牙科医生

toothbrush ["tu:θbr??] n. 牙刷

toothpaste ["tu:θpeist] n. 牙膏

jaw [d??:] n. 颌、颚、狭窄入口;

vi. 闲谈

gum [ɡ?m] n. 牙龈、口香糖、胶水;

vt. & vi. 胶合

rinse [rins] vt. 漂洗、冲洗;

n. 漂洗、冲洗、染发剂

decay [di"kei] vt. & vi. (使)腐烂、腐朽;

vi. 衰败、衰退;

n. 腐败、衰退的状态

floss [fl?s] n. 丝棉、乱丝、绣花丝线、绒毛

seashore ["si:??:] n. 海岸、海滨

carrot ["k?r?t] n. 胡萝卜

vitamin ["vit?min] n. 维生素

junk [d???k] n. 废旧物品、破烂物;

vt. 丢弃、废弃


Write the answer in the blank.

1.I can help keep my teeth healthy by eating foods such as    ,    , and   .

2.To exercise my jaws and teeth I need to chew my food      .

3.I need to brush my teeth the way my teeth      .

4.I should visit my dentist       a year.

5.I must not use my teeth as a      .

6.You should wear       glasses in bright light.

7.To help to see better at night, you should eat      .

8.You should take a bath every      .

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