

Suddenly I felt alone. I-330 was no longer with me. I don"t know how or where she disappeared. Around me were only those, with their hair glistening like silk in the sunlight. I caught someone"s warm, strong, dark shoulder.

"Listen, please, in the name of the Well-Doer, could you tell me where she went? A while, a minute ago, she..."

Long-haired, austere eyebrows turned to me.

"Sh....sh ... silence!" He made a sign with his head toward the center of the clearing where there stood the yellow skull-like stone.

There above the heads of all I saw her. The sun beat straight into my eyes, and because of that she seemed coal-black, standing out on the blue cloth of the sky—a coal-black silhouette on a blue background. A little higher the clouds were floating. And it seemed that not the clouds but the rock itself, and she herself upon that rock, and the crowd and the clearing—all were silently floating like a ship, and the earth was light and glided away from under the feet....

"Brothers!" (It was she.) "Brothers, you all know that there inside the Wall, in the City, they are building the Integral. And you know also that the day has come for us to destroy that Wall and all other walls, so that the green wind may blow over all the earth, from end to end. But the Integral is going to take these walls up, up into the heights, to the thousands of other worlds which every evening whisper to us with their lights through the black leaves of night...."

Waves and foam and wind were beating the rock:

"Down with the Integral! Down!"

"No, brothers, not "down." The Integral must be ours. And it shall be ours. On the day when it first sets sail into the sky we shall be on board. For the Builder of the Integral is with us. He left the wails, he came with me here in order to be with us. Long live the Builder!"

A second—and I was somewhere above everything. Under me: heads, heads, heads, wide-open, yelling mouths, arms rising and falling....There was something strange and intoxicating in it all. I felt myself above everybody; I was, I, a separate world; I ceased to be the usual item; I became unity....

Again I was below, near the rock, my body happy, shaken, and rumpled, as after an embrace of love. Sunlight, voices, and from above—the smiles of I-330. A golden-haired woman, her whole body silky-golden and diffusing an odor of different herbs, was nearby. She held a cup, apparently made of wood. She drank a little from it with her red lips, and then offered the cup to me. I closed my eyes and eagerly drank the sweet, cold, prickly sparks, pouring them down on the fire which burned within me.

Soon afterward my blood and the whole world began to circulate a thousand times faster; the earth seemed to be flying: light as dawn. And within me everything was simple, light, and clear. Only then I noticed on the rock the familiar, enormous letters: M E P H I, and for some reason the inscription seemed to me necessary. It seemed to be a simple thread binding everything together. A rather rough picture hewn in the rock—this, too, seemed comprehensible; it represented a youth with wings and a transparent body and, in the place ordinarily occupied by the heart, a blinding, red, blazing coal. Again I understood that coal—or no, I felt it as I felt without hearing every word of I-330"s (she continued to speak from above, from the rock); and I felt that all of them breathed one breath, and that they were all ready to fly somewhere like the birds over the Wall.

From behind, from the confusion of breathing bodies, a loud voice:

"But this is folly!"

It seems to me it was I—yes, I am certain it was I who then jumped on the rock; from there I saw the sun, the heads, a green sea on a blue background, and I cried:

"Yes, yes, precisely. All must become insane; we must become insane as soon as possible! We must: I know it."

I-330 was at my side. Her smile—two dark lines from the angles of her mouth directed upward....And within me a blazing coal. It was momentary, light, a little painful, beautiful.... And later, only stray fragments that remained sticking in me....

... Very low and slowly a bird was moving. I saw it was living, like me. It was turning its head now to the right and then to the left like a human being, and its round black eyes drilled themselves into me ....

... Then: a human back glistening with fur the color of ancient ivory; a mosquito crawling on that back, a mosquito with tiny transparent wings. The back twitched to chase the mosquito away; it twitched again

... And yet another thing: a shadow from the leaves, a woven, net-like shadow. Some humans lay in that shadow, chewing something, something similar to the legendary food of the ancients, a long yellow fruit and a piece of something dark. They put some of it in my hand, and it seemed strange to me for I did not know whether I might eat it or not....

...And again: a crowd, heads, legs, arms, mouths, faces appearing for a second and disappearing like bursting bubbles. For a second (or perhaps it was only a hallucination?) the transparent, flying wing ears appeared

With all my might I pressed the hand of I-330. She turned to me.

"What is the matter?"

"He is here! I thought, I-"


"S-, a second ago, in the crowd."

The ends of the thin, coal-black brows moved to the temples—a smile like a sharp triangle. I could not see clearly why she smiled. How could she smile?

"But you understand, I-330, don"t you, you understand what it means if he, or one of them, is here?"

"You are funny! How could it ever enter the heads of those within the Wall that we are here? Remember; take yourself. Did you ever think it was possible? They are busy hunting us there—let them! You are delirious!"

Her smile was light and cheerful and I, too, was smiling; the earth was drunken, cheerful, light, floating....

  • 爱心设计


    《爱心设计》作者赵文辉小说写得好看,一是土得掉渣,二是有故事。他不属少年得志的作家“语言狂欢”式的那种,话虽少却有质地。他的小说语言来自豫北口语,又不同于豫北口语,不可否认是经过了作家的精心锤炼,却叉寻不出锤炼的痕迹——这无疑是一种赵文辉式的“天然”,浑然天成的“天然”。另外,充满激情地追寻并表现人性之美,成为他主要的投注领域和创作母题。 “文学就是人学”这句话的精髓就在于一个“人”字,人性之美,情感之美,人对不可能实现的想象与对甜蜜未来的憧憬之美。在这方面,《篱笆》《小马叔叔》堪称代表作。
  • 李白当记者


  • 艰难的跋涉


  • 婚后三十六个月


    当“七年之痒”被“三年之伤”所取代,当婚后第三十六个月的情感压力达到最高点,夫妻双方如何应对婚姻八面埋伏的挑战:与爱人关系的紧张、微妙的婆媳关系、养不起的孩子、入侵婚姻的彪悍小三……任何一个挑战都足够让婚姻以最快的速度瓦解。 金灿灿、江一朵、杜娟三个80后女孩从不谙世事、懵懂的小女孩逐渐成为妻子、儿媳妇、妈妈。在步入婚姻的第三十六个月,她们经历了很多的困难。在这个过程中,她们不断地改变,不断地适应。经历使她们成长,生活的矛盾与疼痛更让她们炼就了将婚姻的一手烂牌打到最好的勇气。
  • 福尔摩斯探案集4


    《福尔摩斯探案全集》是英国作家阿瑟·柯南道尔创作的一部长篇侦探小说,主角名为夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes,又译作歇洛克·福尔摩斯),共有4部长篇及56个短篇。第一部长篇《血字的研究》完成于1889年,隔年与其它作品合集出版于《比顿圣诞年刊》。被多次改编为电影与电视剧。
  • 三小姐的贴身侍卫


  • 丫头暗恋校草大人


  • 火澜


  • 幻想御具


  • 某亭屋的小尸弟


  • 佛说善恭敬经


  • 阿修罗的次元之旅


  • 纯属搞笑


  • 红尘仙缘飘渺


  • 夏末初

