
第78章 死亡正如出生一样自然(8)


Song Jiang strives to be a loyal subject and filial son, but cruel reality forces him, step by step, in theopposite direction. In the end, he too ends up, much against his will, taking refuge on Liangshan. Suchpeople like Song Jiang, Ling Chong, Sagacious Lu, Wu Song etc. represent justice, and their clashes withthe dark and evil forces of the ruling class are classic reflections of the struggles between the oppressors andthe oppressed. Outlaws of the Marsh relates how a score of them like Song Jiang, Lin Chong etc. fight backagainst tragic circumstances, and the injustices perpetrated against them by corrupt officials and evil gentry,until they are forced to seek refuge on Liangshan. But they were not the only types of people on Liangshan.


Song Jiang is not only a central character in Outlaws of the Marsh but also the most controversial one.

How do you think of him?


Zhu Tong:Zhu Tong is a representative of another type of fugitives on Liangshan. He represents thosewho are all forced by the Liangshan outlaws to join the outlaws. Such kind of people include Qin Ming,Commander of Infantry and Cavalry of Qingzhou, Xiao Rang the Master Hand, Jin Dajian the Jade-ArmedCraftsman, Xu Ning, Arms Instructor of the Metal Lancers, etc.


Zhu Tong is the cavalry constable of Yuncheng County in Jizhou Prefecture in the province of Shandong,commanding twenty mounted archers and twenty foot soldiers. He is very tall, with a long luxuriant beard.

His face is known as a chestnut, his eyes bright as stars, like Guan Gong of old. Known throughout the countyas Beautiful Beard, he comes from a wealthy family. He is a chivalrous, generous man and has many friendsamong the gallant fraternity. He is also well skilled in the use of weapons.



After receiving instructions from the magistrate in the rear chambers, they and the sheriff got on theirhorses, rode to the garrison and there picked over a hundred men, including ordinary soldiers and walkingand mounted archers. When night fell, they all set out with Inspector Ho and the two captains who hadoriginally accompanied the birthday gifts. Lei Heng himself rushed about in the light of the fires, pretendingto seek the fugitives. Zhu Tong got away from his men and ran after Chao Gai, halberd in hand. He sawthere was no one behind him, and he dared to speak freely.“You don’t know what I’ve done for you, WardChief, I was afraid Lei Heng would get muddled and not treat you right. So I fooled him into raiding yourfront gate, while I waited at the rear to ensure your escape. Didn’t you see that big reach I just made foryou? Liangshan Marsh is your only safe refuge. Don’t try any other place.”“I’m deeply grateful to youfor rescuing us. Some day I’ll repay you.”Behind them came the sound of Lei Heng shouting:“Don’t letthem get away!”“There’s nothing to be alarmed about,”Zhu Tong said to the Ward Chief.“Keep going.

I’ll draw them off.”He called back.“Three robbers are heading for the east path! After them, ConstableLei!”Lei Heng and his men hurried east, followed by the soldiers. Zhu Tong continued talking with ChaoGai while feigning to pursue him. The fact is he was protecting the ward chief and seeing him on his way.

Chao Gai finally vanished into the night. Zhu Tong pretended to trip. He fell heavily to the ground. Thesoldiers caught up and raised him to his feet.“I couldn’t see the path in the darkness. I ran off into thefields by mistake,”said Zhu Tong.“I slipped and fell. My right ankle is sprained.”“The main culpritgot away,”said the sheriff.“A pretty kettle of fish!”“It isn’t that I didn’t try, but there isn’t much I cando in the dark of the moon,”said Zhu Tong. The sheriff ordered the soldiers to continue the chase. But thesoldiers thought:“Those two constables weren’t any use themselves. If they couldn’t get close, what good canwe do?”They made a desultory show of pursuit, then came back and reported: In this darkness we can’t findwhich path they’ve taken.”Lei Heng also returned after running a while.“Zhu Tong and Chao Gai are closefriends,”he said to himself.“He’s probably let him escape. I have no reason to harm him. I also wanted tolet him go. Well, now he’s gone, before I could prove my good intentions.”“We hadn’t a chance of catchingthem,”he said to the sheriff.“Those robbers are fantastic!”It was already the fourth watch by the time thesheriff and the two constables reached the front of the manor. Inspector Ho observed the soldiers straggling in.

After hunting all night they hadn’t nabbed a single robber. He groaned.“What am I going to tell the Jizhouprefect?”All the sheriff could do was to seize a few of the ward chief’s neighbours and take them back toYuncheng County. (Chapter 18)


After“Song Jiang Slays Poxi in a Fit of Anger”(Chapter 21), it is“Constable Zhu Tong who GallantlyLets Song Jiang Escape”(Chapter 22) and promises to take care of Song’s old father at home.


It is also Zhu Tong who gallantly lets Lei Heng escape.“Everyone went into the tavern and drank.

Zhu Tong took Lei Heng out in the back, as if they were going to relieve themselves. In a secluded spot,he opened the rack and freed him.‘Go home, brother, quickly, and get your mother. Travel all night, findrefuge. I’ll take the consequences.’‘I don’t mind fleeing, but you’ll be implicated.’‘Brother, you don’tknow. The magistrate is furious that you’ve killed his doxy. You’re under sentence of death. If you went to theprefecture, they’d surely execute you. Letting you go isn’t a capital offense. I have no parents to worry about.

It doesn’t matter if all my property is confiscated in recompense. Go as far as you can, and quickly.’LeiHeng kowtowed his thanks. He hurried home along a path from the rear door. He gathered his valuables anddeparted with his mother. They traveled through the night to Liangshan Marsh, where he joined the band.(Chapter 51)

朱仝拿着空枷撺在草里,却出来对众小牢子说道:“吃雷横走了,却是怎地好?”众人道:“我们赶快去他家里捉。”朱仝故意延迟了半晌,料着雷横去得远了,却引众人来县里出首。朱仝告道:“小人自不小心,路上被雷横走了,在逃无获,情愿甘罪无辞。”知县本爱朱仝,有心 将就出脱他,被白玉乔要赴上司陈告朱仝故意脱放雷横,知县只得把朱仝所犯情由申将济州去。朱仝家中,自着人去上州里使钱透了,却解朱仝到济州来,当厅审录明白,断了二十脊杖,刺配沧州牢城。知府看了,见朱仝一表非俗,貌如重枣,美髯过腹,知府先有八分欢喜,便教这个犯人休发下牢城营里,只留在本府听候使唤。忽一日,本官知府正在厅上坐堂,朱仝在阶侍立,知府唤朱仝上厅,问道:“你缘何放了雷横,自遭配在这里?”朱仝禀道:“小人怎敢故放了雷横,只是一时间不小心,被他走了。”知府道:“你敢见他孝道,为义气上放了他?”朱仝道:“小人怎敢欺公罔上?”正问之间,只见屏风背后转出一个小衙内来,方年四岁,生得端严美貌,乃是知府亲子,知府爱惜如金似玉。那小衙内见了朱仝,径走过来,便要他抱,朱仝只得抱起小衙内在怀里。那小衙内双手扯住朱仝长髯,说到:“我只要这胡子抱。”知府道:“早晚孩儿要你耍时,你可自行去抱他耍去。”朱仝道:“恩相台旨,怎敢有违?”自此为始,每日来和小衙内闲耍。时过半月之后,便是七月十五日盂兰盆大斋之日,年例各处点放河灯,修设好事。当日天晚,堂里侍婢奶子叫道:“朱都头,小衙内今夜要去看河灯,夫人分付,你可抱他去看一看。”朱仝道:

“小人抱去。”当时朱仝肩背着小衙内,绕寺看了一遭,却来水陆堂放生池边看放河灯,那小衙内爬在栏杆上,看了笑耍。只见背后有人拽朱仝袖子到:“哥哥借一步说话。”朱仝回头看时,却是雷横,吃了一惊,便道:“小衙内且下来,坐在这里。我去买糖来与你吃,切不要走动。”雷横扯朱仝到净处拜道:“自从哥哥救了性命,和老母无处归着,只得上梁山泊,投奔了宋公明入伙。小弟说哥哥恩德,宋公明亦然思想哥哥旧日放他的恩念,晁天王和众头领,皆感激不浅,因此特地教吴军师同兄弟前来相探。”吴学究道:“山寨里头领多多致意,今番教吴用和雷都头特来相请足下上山,同聚大义。”朱仝听罢,半晌答应不得,便道:“你二位便可请回,休在此间惹口面不好。”雷横道:“哥哥在此,无非只是在 人之下,伏侍他人,非大丈夫男子汉的勾当。不是小弟裹合上山,端的晁、宋二公仰望哥哥久矣,休得迟延自误。”朱仝道:“兄弟,你是甚么言语?你不想我为你母老家寒才放了你去,今日你倒来陷我为不义!”吴学究道:“既然都头不肯去时,我们自告退,相辞了去休。”朱仝回来,不见了小衙内,叫起苦来,两头没路去寻。雷横扯住朱仝道:“哥哥休寻,多管是我带来的两个伴当,听得哥哥不肯去,因此倒抱了小衙内去了,我们一同去寻。”朱仝乘着月色明朗,径抢入林子里寻时,只见小衙内倒在地上。朱仝便把手去扶时,只见头劈做两半个,已死在那里。当时朱仝心下大怒,奔出林子来,早不见了三个人。朱仝直赶去庄院内并高声叫道:“庄里有人么?”只见屏风背后转出一个人来。那人是谁?出来的正是小旋风柴进。柴进说:“近间有个爱友,和足下亦是旧交,目今在那梁山泊内做头领,名唤及时雨宋公明,写一封密书,令吴学究、雷横、黑旋风俱自在敝庄安歇,礼请足下上山,同聚大义。因见足下推阻不从,故意教李逵杀害了小衙内,先绝了足下归路,只得上山坐把交椅。吴先生、雷兄,如何不出来陪话?”只见吴用、雷横从侧首阁子里出来,望着朱仝便拜,说道:“兄长,望乞恕罪,皆是宋公明哥哥将令,分付如此。若到山寨,自有分晓。”朱仝道:“是则是你们弟兄好情意,只是忒毒些个!”(第五十一回)

Zhu Tong buried the rack in the deep grass. He emerged and shouted:“Li Heng has escaped! This isterrible!”“We’ll chase him to his home and bring him back,”exclaimed the guards. Zhu Tong delayedthem to give Lei Heng time to go a long distance, then returned to the county office.“I was careless,”heconfessed.“The prisoner got away on the road. We searched without success. I’m willing to accept anypunishment.”The magistrate liked Zhu Tong very much. He would have preferred to let him off. But BaiYuqiao threatened to go to a higher court and accuse Zhu Tong of deliberately letting Lei Heng escape. Themagistrate had no choice but to report the matter to the prefecture of Jizhou. Zhu Tong’s family immediatelysent someone there who spread bribes around liberally. When the constable was remanded to Jizhou theprefect knew all about it. He imposed a sentence of twenty blows, and ordered that Zhu Tong be committedto the prison in the prefecture of Cangzhou. The prefect was holding court when the guards delivered thedocuments and their prisoner. He could see that Zhu Tong, with hid ruddy face and handsome beardextending down past his middle, was no ordinary person. Favorably impressed, the prefect said:“Don’t takethis man to prison. I want him here in the prefecture as my attendant.”One day the prefect was sitting inhis court. Zhu Tong stood below in attendance. Summoning him forward, the prefect asked:“Why did youlet Lei Heng go and end up here?”“I would never have dared to do that. It’s just that I was careless, andhe escaped.”“Then you considered him filial and thought letting him go was the only chivalrous thing todo?”“Would I have had the temerity to deceive the authorities?”Just then, from behind a screen, theprefect’s little son came out. Only four years old, he was a pretty child, and the prefect loved him better thangold or jade. The boy went directly to Zhu Tong and asked to be picked up. Zhu Tong held him in his arms,and the child grabbed his long beard.“I want this bearded fellow to carry me. No one else,”piped thelittle boy. The prefect said:“Any time the child wants you to take him to play, you can carry him out for awalk.”“Your wish is my command, Excellency,”replied Zhu. Thereafter, Zhu Tong took the little boy fora stroll every day. Half a month went by, and it was the fifteenth day of the seventh month—the Driving Outof Devils Festival. Glowing lanterns were set afloat upon the river, and people prayed and did good deeds.

That evening, the nursemaid spoke to Zhu Tong.“The child wants to see the river lanterns, Constable.

Madam, his mother, says you can take him.”Zhu Tong promised he would. Zhu Tong strolled around thetemple grounds with the little boy. People were earning blessing by setting live fish free in a special pool. Thechild climbed on a railing overlooking the river and watched happily as the lanterns floated by. A man behindZhu Tong tugged him by the sleeve.“Brother, would you come away a moment so we can talk?”Zhu Tonglooked around. To his surprise, there was Lei Heng.“Get off that railing and sit here,”Zhu Tong said tothe child.“I’m going to buy you some candy. Don’t leave this spot.”Lei Heng pulled him into a secludedcorner and said:“After you saved me, I had no other place to go with my old mother, so I joined SongJiang’s band in Liangshan Marsh. I told them of your benevolence, and Song recalled your kindness to himin previous days. Chao Gai and the other leaders were extremely moved. They sent me and Military AdvisorWu Yong to see you.”Teacher Wu said:“Our stronghold leaders send their respects. They’ve deputedConstable Lei Heng and me to invite you up our mountain to join our righteous assembly.”For some timeZhu Tong was unable to answer. Finally, he said:“Please go back, both of you. Staying here, you may causemisunderstanding.”“But, brother, you’re only an attendant, here,”Lei Heng argued.“That’s no job for areal man. It’s not only me who wants you to join us. Our highest chieftains have both been hoping to see youfor a long time. What will they think if you delay?”“Brother, what are you saying? You haven’t thought. I letyou escape because your mother was old and your family poor. Now you suggest I’m lacking in chivalry.”WuYong interceded.“Since the constable doesn’t want to go, we shall bid farewell and leave.”There was nosign of the little boy. Zhu Tong groaned. He searched high and low. Lei Heng grasped his arm.“Don’t botherlooking, brother. Probably the two men who came with us, when they heard you say you wouldn’t go, took thechild away. We’ll go find them, together.”It was a bright moonlit night, and Zhu Tong plunged in amongthe trees. He saw the little boy lying dead on the ground. Zhu Tong rushed out the grove, enraged. The threemen were gone. Zhu Tong hurried into the courtyard and called:“Is anyone at home?”A man emerged frombehind a screen. And who was it? None other than Chai Jin the Small Whirlwind, who told Zhu:“A dearfriend of mine knows you well. He’s one of the leaders in Liangshan Marsh—Song Jiang, called the TimelyRain. He wrote a secret letter instructing Wu Yong, Lei Heng and Black Whirlwind to stay here at my placeand invite you to go with them up the mountain and join the band. Since you couldn’t be persuaded, Songordered Li Kui to kill the prefect’s son, to cut off any chance of you returning to the city, and thus compellingyou to go to the stronghold and assume a chair of leadership. Teacher Wu, brother Lei, aren’t you comingout to apologize?”The two men emerged from an anteroom and kowtowed before Zhu Tong.“Forgive us,brother,”they said.“We were acting on brother Song Jiang’s orders. If you go with us to the fortress, you’llunderstand.”Zhu Tong said:“I know you brothers meant well, but your methods were too cruel!”(Chapter51)


Under the circumstances Zhu Tong has to go with Wu Yong and Lei Heng to become a member of theband in Liangshan Marsh. When the heroes of Liangshan Marsh take seats in order of rank, Zhu Tong isthe twelfth of the 108 chieftains and the sixth of the eight officers in Charge of Ligth Cavalry and Vanguard.

In the battles of vanquishing Tong Guan twice (Chapter 77) and defeating Gao Qiu thrice (Chapters 78-80), Zhu Tong has won many merits. After the amnesty, Zhu Tong has taken an active part in the campaignsagainst the rival Liao Tartars and the uprising led by Fang La and performed outstanding military exploits.

Consequently, he is entitled Commandant of the Garrison at Baoding (Chapter 119). Zhu Tong has performedwell as commandant of the garrison at Baoding. Later he has fought under General Liu Guangshi against theGolden Tartars, and ended his days as governor of the Taiping Military District.


Yan Shun: Yan Shun represents many of the Liangshan outlaws who have lost their livelihoods andbecome wanderers. In order to survive, they have their stronghold on some mount or mountains, robbing andkilling wayfarers, caring not whether good or bad people fall into their hands. For instance, Yan Shun is fromLaizhou Prefecture, Shandong Province, known as the Elegant Tiger. He was originally a dealer in sheepand horses. But he went broke, and took to the greenwood and became a bandit. Wang Ying is known in thegallant fraternity as the Stumpy Tiger, from the Huaihe River valley. A carter by trade, he was unable to resisttemptation on the road, and robbed a merchant. He escaped from prison after his arrest and fled to ClearWinds Mountain. He and Yan Shun took the mountain over when they turned bandit. Zheng Tianshou, fromSuzhou, is known as the Fair-faced Gentleman because of his good looks. He was a silversmith and sincechildhood, was very fond of spears and staves. Eventually, he drifted into the gallant fraternity. While passingClear Winds Mountain he met and fought the Stumpy Tiger fifty or sixty rounds, with neither able to best theother. Yan, impressed by his skill, invited him to join them as third in command (Chapter 32). Bandits havebuilt a fort on Shaohua Mountain. They’re six or seven hundred men and over a hundred good horses. Theirleader is called Miraculous Strategist Zhu Wu. The Second in command is called Gorge-Leaping Tiger ChenDa. The third is called White-Spotted Snake Yang Chun. These three raid and pillage at will. The HuayinCounty authorties can do nothing about them. They’ve offered a reward of three thousand strings of cash fortheir capture. But who dares to try (Chapter 2)? Not far from here is a height called Peach Blossom Mountain.

Two chieftains built a stronghold on it recently with six or seven hundred men. They pillage and rob, but thepolice of Qingzhou haven’t been able to stop them. From their lair on Peach Blossom Mountain, Li Zhong andZhou Tong plunder and rob (Chapter 5).“Nine Dragons Shi Jin Robs in Red Pine Forest”(Chapter 6). Suchsort of instances are too numerous to recount. This is the real reflection of the social ecological environment ofthe time.


After Song Jiang said good-bye to Wu Song at Lucky Dragon Town, he took the eastern road to ClearWinds Mountain while Wu Song strode off along the western road. It was late in the evening. Song Jiangcouldn’t see, and stumbled over a trip-cord. Fourteen or fifteen robbers in Clear Winds Mountain seized SongJiang and bound him, escorting him up the mountain. When Yan Shun heard the captive sigh“what a pitythat Song Jiang should die here!”, Yan rose from his chair.“You fellow. Do you know Song Jiang?”“I amSong Jiang.”Yan Shun shouted to Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou, and all three knelt and kowtowed. YanShun said:“You’re considerate and kind to men of talent, a companion of courageous men, you’re famed farand wide! Who wouldn’t admire you? The stronghold in Liangshan Marsh is flourishing. Everyone has heard.

People say it’s due mainly to you. Why do you come here, and alone?”Song Jiang told how he rescued ChaoGai, killed Mistress Yan, how he lived with Lord Chai and Squire Kong for a long time, and why, today, hewas seeking Hua Rong at Fort clear Winds. The three chieftains listened delightedly. They presented himwith clothes, ordered the slaughter of sheep and horses, and gave him a feast that very night(Chapter 32).

When Song Jiang was viewing the Hill of Lanterns at night, he was arrested by Civilian Commandant Liu Gao.

After Yan Shun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou rescued Song Jiang and Hua Rong, they all got-togetherand marched in three units to Mount Liangshan (Chapter 33-Chapter 35).


After Yan Shun joined the band in Liangshan Marsh, he has become the fiftieth of the 108 chieftainsand the eleventh of the sixteen officers in Charge of Distant Scouting and Picket Cavalry. In the battlesof vanquishing Tong Guan twice (Chapter 77) and defeating Gao Qiu thrice (Chapters 78-80), Yan Shunhas done meritorious deeds. After the amnesty, Yan Shun has rendered outstanding military service in thecampaigns against the rival Liao Tartars and the uprising led by Fang La. Finally, when he dashed to fightwith Fang La’s general Shi Bao, but Shi Bao threw his Comet Hammer and killed him. (Chapter 117)

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