
第77章 死亡正如出生一样自然(7)


“不孝逆子,做下非为,老夫身亡,不能尽人之道,畜生何异!”自把头去壁上磕撞,大哭起来。宋江便分付燕顺道:“不是我薄情寡义,其实只有这个老父记挂,今已没了,只得星夜赶归去,教兄弟们自上山则个。”燕顺劝道:“哥哥,太公既已没了,便到家时,也不得见了。世上人无有不死的父母,且请宽心,引我们弟兄去了。那时小弟却陪侍哥哥归去奔丧,未为晚矣。”宋江道:“若等我送你们上山去时,误了我多少日期,却是使不得。我只写一封备细书札,都说在内,就带了石勇一发入伙,等他们一处上山。我如今不知便罢;既是天教我知了,正是度日如年,烧眉之急。我马也不要,从人也不带一个,连夜自赶回家。”燕顺、石勇那里留得住。宋江自离了村店,连夜赶归。当日申牌时候,奔到本乡村口。当宋江赶回家,见其弟不戴孝,心中大怒,便指着宋清骂道:“你这忤逆畜生,是何道理!父亲见今在堂,如何却写书来戏弄我?教我两三遍自寻死处,一哭一个昏迷。你做这等不孝之子!”宋清却待分说,只见屏风背后转出宋太公来叫道:“我儿不要焦躁,这个不干你兄弟之事。是我每日思量,要见你一面,因此教四郎只写道我殁了,你便归得快。我又听得人说,白虎山地面多有强人,又怕你一时被人撺掇,落草去了,做个不忠不孝的人,为此急急寄书去,唤你归家。”宋江听罢,纳头便拜太公,忧喜相伴。宋江又问父亲道:“不知今日官司如何?已经赦宥,必然减罪。”宋太公道:“我如今为何唤你归来,近闻朝廷册立皇太子,已降下一道赦书,应有民间犯了大罪,尽减一等科断,俱已行开各处施行。便是发露到官,也只该个徒流之罪,不到得害了性命。且由他,却又别作道理。我儿远路风尘,且去房里将息几时。”当夜两个都头在宋江庄上歇了。次日五更,同到县前等待。天明解到县里来时,知县才出升堂。见都头赵能、赵得押解宋江出官,知县时文彬见了大喜,责令宋江供状。当下宋江一笔供招。知县看罢,且叫收禁牢里监候。县里迭成文案,待六十日限满,结解上济州听断。本州府尹看了申解情由,赦前恩宥之事,已成减罪,把宋江脊杖二十,刺配江州牢城。当下两个公人领了公文,监押宋江到江州。(第三十六回)With Yan Shun, mounted, and a dozen men on foot, Song Jiang rode on towards Liangshan Marsh.

Noon of the second day found them traveling on the highway. They observed a large tavern ahead. Whenthey went there to buy wine and food, they happended to meet Shi Yong, nicknamed General Shi, who tooka letter for Song Jiang from home. After reading the letter, Song Jiang cried out in anguish and beat hischest.“Unfilial son that I am! How badly I’ve behaved! He is dead and I am not there to perform my dutiesas a son! I’m no better than a beast!”He beat his head against the wall and lamented.“I’m not withoutfeeling for our men,”he said at last,“but my old father was the one I loved best. Now he’s gone. I mustreturn home tonight. Tell our brothers to go up the mountain themselves.”“Brother,”said Yan Shun,“theold gentleman is no more. Even if you went home, you wouldn’t see him alive. All parents die. Take a long-range view. Lead us to the stronghold, and then I’ll accompany you back for the funeral. It won’t be toolate.“It would delay me for days. I can’t do it. I’ll write a letter in detail, telling the whole story. Take ShiYong with you. When the others catch up, go together up the mountain. It would be different if I hadn’t heardabout my father’s death. But since Heaven has let me know, every day seems like a year. I’m burning to getback! I don’t want my horse and I don’t need anybody to go with me. I’ll travel alone through the night and behome tomorrow!”Nothing Yan Shun and Shi Yong said could make Song Jiang change his mind. Song Jiangtraveled all night after leaving the tavern, and reached his own village late the following afternoon. WhenSong Jiang hurried home, he saw his younger brother Qing, who was not wearing mourning. Song Jiang wasenraged and said:“How dare you, you monster! Father is alive and well. How could you write such a lyingletter? I was ready to kill myself. I wept till I lost my senses. What sort of unfilial son are you!”Before SongQing could reply, Squire Song rounded a screen and emerged.“Calm yourself, son,”he said,“It’s notyour brother’s fault. I was thinking of you every day, and I told him to write saying I had died, knowing thatwould bring you home quickly. I heard there are many robbers on White Tiger Mountain. I was afraid youmight be inveigled into joining them and become a disloyal, unfilial person. So I sent the letter calling youhome.”Torn between happiness and anger, Song Jiang kowtowed to his father.“Have you heard anythinglately about the status of my case?”he asked.“An amnesty has been proclaimed. The charges against meare sure to be reduced.”His father explained:“Why have I summoned you home? The emperor has namedhis heir to the throne, and in celebration has issued a general amnesty. Charges on all major criminal actshave been lessened by one degree. The edict is already in force. If you were brought before a judge now,at worst you would be exiled, but you no longer could be punished by death. So let them do what they will.

We’ll find some ways to cope. You’ve had a long, hard journey, son. Why not go to your room and rest.”Theconstables spent the night in the manor, and at dawn the next day proceeded with Song Jiang to the county.

When it was daylight, they brought him before Shi Wenbin, the magistrate, who had just opened court. Thejurist was delighted. He ordered the prisoner to submit his confession. Song Jiang took a brush pen and wroteit. The magistrate read the confession and ordered Song Jiang remanded into custody. The magistrate drew uphis findings and, when the sixty-day detention period was over, sent the prisoner to the prefecture of Jizhoufor sentencing. The prefect reviewed the case, taking cognizance of the amnesty which lessened the severityof the crime. He directed that Song Jiang be given twenty strokes and exiled to the prison in Jiangzhou. Onreceipt of the documents, the guards set off with their prisoner to Jiangzhou. (Chapter 36)

宋江自和两个公人下船,投江州来。宋江依前带上行枷,两个公人取出文书,挑了行李,直至江州府前来,正值府尹升厅。原来那江州知府,姓蔡,双名得章,是当朝蔡太师蔡京的第九个儿子,因此江州人叫他做蔡九知府。那人为官贪滥,作事骄奢。为这江州是个钱粮浩大的去处,抑且人广物盈,因此太师特地教他来做个知府。当时两个公人当厅下了公文,押宋江投厅下。知府道:“快写个帖来,便送下城外牢城营里去,本府自差公人押解下去。”这两个公人就送宋江到牢城营内交割。宋江取三两来银子,与了江州府公人,当讨了收管,将宋江押送单身房里听候。宋江又自央浼人情,差拨到单身房里,送了十两银子与他;管营处又自加倍送十两并人事。管营说道:“此人既是县吏出身,着他本营抄事房做个抄事。”就时立了文案,便教发去抄事。宋江谢了,去单身房取了行李,到抄事房安顿了。(第三十七回)然后,宋江结识了江州两院押牢节级戴院长戴宗、“黑旋风”李逵、“浪里白跳”张顺。(第三十八回)“浔阳楼宋江吟反诗 梁山泊戴宗传假信。”(第三十九回)次日,蔡九知府升厅,便叫当案孔目来分付道:“快教迭了文案,把这宋江、戴宗的供状招款粘连了。一面写下犯由牌,教来日押赴市曹,斩首施行。”当案却是黄孔目,本人与戴宗颇好,却无缘便救他, 只替他叫得苦。当日禀道:“明日是个国家忌日,后日又是七月十五日中元之节,皆不可行刑。大后日亦是国家景命。直至五日后,方可施行。”一者天幸救济宋江,二乃梁山泊好汉未至。蔡九知府听罢,依准黄孔目之言,直待第六日早晨,先差人去十字路口,打扫了法场,饭后点起土兵和刀仗刽子,约有五百余人,都在大牢门前伺候。已牌时候,狱官禀了知府,亲自来做监斩官。黄孔目只得把犯由牌呈堂,当厅判了两个斩字,便将片芦席贴起来。那众人仰面看那犯由牌上写道:“江州府犯人一名宋江,故吟反诗,妄造妖言,结连梁山泊强寇,通同造反,律斩。犯人一名戴宗,与宋江暗递私书,勾结梁山泊强寇,通同谋叛,律斩。监斩官江州府知府蔡某。”监斩官便道:“斩讫报来。”两势下刀棒刽子,便去开枷,行刑之人,执定法刀在手。说时迟,那时快,闹攘攘一齐发作。结果,“梁山泊好汉劫法场 白龙庙英雄小聚义。”(第四十回)只见宋江跪在地下,众头领慌忙都跪下,齐道:“哥哥有甚事,但说不妨,兄弟们敢不听。”宋江便道:“感谢众位豪杰不避凶险,来虎穴龙潭,力救残生;又蒙协助,报了冤仇。如此犯下大罪,闹了两座州城,必然申奏去了。今日不由宋江不上梁山泊投托哥哥去,未知众位意下若何。如是想从者,只今收拾便行。如不愿去的,一听尊命。”众人议论到:“如今杀死了许多官军人马,闹了两处州都,他如何不申奏朝廷,必然起军马来擒获。今若不随哥哥去,同死同生,却投那里去?”


Song Jiang and guards embarked for Jiangzhou. Song Jiang wore the rack around his neck oncemore. The guards, carrying his documents and bearing the luggage, proceeded with him to the office of theJiangzhou prefectural government. The prefect was holding court. His name was Cai Dezhang and he was theninth son of Cai Jing, the premier. For this reason he was known in Jiangzhou as Prefect Cai the Ninth. Anavaricious official, he was pompous and rude. The premier had seen to it that he was appointed to this postbecause Jiangzhou was a populous wealthy city. The guards handed him the documents and produced SongJiang.“Write a statement about that immediately and take him to the prison outside the city. I will sendprefectural guards with you.”The prefect designated two men, who took the statement from the two originalguards, then Song Jiang gave the Jiangzhou escorts three ounces of silver. They delivered him to the prison,obtained a receipt and placed him in a single cell. Song Jiang invited the head keeper to his cell and gavehim ten ounces of silver. He also sent the same amount to the warden, plus gifts. The warden said:“Thisfellow was a county functionary. Let him work as a copyist.”A written order to this effect was immediatelyissued, and Song Jiang expressed his thanks. He collected his luggage from his cell and moved into theCopying Section (Chapter 37). Then Song Jiang came to know“the Head of Jiangzhou’s Two Prisons”DaiZong,“Black Whirlwind”Li Kui and“White Streak in the Waves”Zhang Shun (Chapter 38). The nextday Cai opened court, summoned the scribe, also named Huang, and said:“Compile all documents on SongJiang and Dai Zong and add in their confessions. Also write criminal convictions to be posted on the daythey ae beheaded in the market-place.”Scribe Huang was on very good terms with Superintendent Dai.

But he had no way to rescue him, and he groaned inwardly.“Tomorrow is a national day of mourning,”hesaid,“and the day after is Midsummer Ghosts’ Day—you can’t execute them then. The following day is anational holiday. Nothing can be done till after the fifth.”Huang had no better plan, he could only delay Dai’sdeath as long as possible. He did this usually for condemned men whenever he could. The prefect agreed withhis suggestion and set the execution date for the sixth. On the morning of the appointed day a crossroads inthe market-place was swept to serve as an execution ground. After breakfast soldiers and executioners weremustered—well over five hundred men—and assembled outside the prison gate. At mid-morning the wardenwent to the prefect and formally requested him to supervise the beheadings. Scribe Huang had no choice butto present the convictions. On each the word“Decapitate”was inscribed, and the announcements werepasted on reed mats. The spectators read the announcements of criminal conviction. They ran as follows:

Jiangzhou Prefecture. Criminal Song Jiang. Wrote a rebellious poem, spread evil rumors, and colluded withbandits in Liangshan Marsh to foment a rebellion. Sentenced to be decapitated. Criminal Dai Zong. In orderto help Song Jiang, secretly handed over a private letter, colluded with the bandits in Liangshan Marsh andplotted with them to foment a rebellion. Sentenced to be decapitated. Supervisor of executions: Cai, Prefect ofJiangzhou.

“Cut off their heads,”ordered the prefect. Soldiers opened the prisoners’ racks. Two executionersstood with swords at the ready. Quicker than it takes to say, rioting broke out. Consequently,“MountLiangshan Gallants Raid the Execution Grounds Bold Heroes Meet at White Dragon Temple”(Chapter40). To their astonishment Song Jiang dropped to his knees. They hastily knelt with him.“What is it?”theycried.“Speak freely. There’s nothing we’re not willing to hear.”Song said,“With fearless disregard ofdanger, you gallants snatched me from the tiger’s den, the dragon’s lair, and saved my wretched life. Andnow you have graciously helped me get my revenge. But we have committed great crimes, and causedturmoil in two prefectural towns. This will surely be reported to the emperor. I have no choice but to join youbrothers in Liangshan Marsh. What about the rest of you? If you feel the same, gather your belongings andwe’ll go together. If there are some who don’t wish to go, I await your orders.”The men conferred.“We’veslaughtered scores of officers and soldiers and thrown two towns into disorder. The prefect is bound to reportto the imperial court, which is sure to send an army to capture us,”they said.“If we don’t leave with brotherSong Jiang, to live and die together, where else can we go?”Very pleased, Song Jiang thanked them. Thatsame day Zhu Gui and Song Wan were sent ahead to inform the mountain stronghold. The marchers weredivided into five units and headed for Liangshan Marsh. (Chapter 41)“

忠义堂石碣受天文 梁山泊英雄排座次”,宋江坐了第一位,变成了一百零八个头领中的最高领头人。他高举“替天行道”、“忠义双全”的大旗,聚集着越来越多的各种人才,变成了一种令人生畏的政治军事力量。“宋公明两赢童贯”(第七十七回)、“宋江三败高太尉”(第八十回)。他很快实现了梦寐以求的招安,“梁山泊分金大买市 宋公明全伙受招安”(第八十二回)。招安后,“宋公明奉诏破大辽”(第八十三回),“天子降敕,封宋江为平南都总管,征讨方腊正先锋。”(第一一○回)结果,宋江的军队大获全胜,活捉了方腊。徽宗天子看见宋江等只剩得这些人员,心中嗟念。天子乃曰:“朕知卿等众将,收剿江南,多负劳苦。卿等弟兄,损折大半,朕闻不胜伤悼。”宋江垂泪不止,仍自再拜奏曰:“以臣卤钝薄才,肝脑涂地,亦不能报国家大恩。昔日念臣共聚义兵一百八人,登五台发愿,谁想今日十损其八。谨录人数,未敢擅便具奏,伏望天慈,俯赐圣鉴。”上皇览表,嗟叹不已。乃曰:“卿等一百八人,上应星曜,今止有二十七人见存,又辞去了四个,真乃十去其八矣!”随即宣布:“先锋使宋江加授武德大夫,楚州安抚使,兼兵马都总管。”当日宋江等各各谢恩。宋江又奏:“臣生居郓城县,获罪以来,自不敢还乡,乞圣上宽恩给假,回乡拜扫,省视亲族,却还楚州之任。未敢擅便,乞请圣旨。”上皇闻奏大喜,再赐钱十万贯,作还乡之资。宋江谢恩已罢,辞驾出朝。于是,“宋江衣锦还乡。”(第一一九回)

“In Loyalty Hall a Stone Tablet Bears a Heavenly Script The Heroes of Liangshan Marsh TakeSeats in Order of Rank”(Chapter 71), Song Jiang has taken the first seat and become the top leader of the108 chieftains. He holds high the great banners of“Acting in Heaven’s Behalf”and“Complete Loyaltyand Righteousness”, gathering more and more talents and becoming a formidable political and militaryforce.“Song Jiang Twice Vanquishes Chancellor Tong Guan”(Chapter 77)“Song Jiang Defeats MarshalGao the Third Time”(Chapter 80). He has soon realized what he longs for day and night—amnesty.“TheMount Liangshan Fortress Distributes Its Wealth Song Jiang and All of His Men Are Amnestied”(Chapter82). After the amnesty,“Song Jiang Is Ordered to Smash the Liao Tartars”(Chapter 83).“The sovereignproclaimed Song Jiang Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Pacification, and Vanguard of the ExpeditionAgainst Fang La.”(Chapter 110) Consequently, Song Jiang’s troops won a complete victory and capturedFang La alive. Emperor Hui Zong saw how drastically their numbers had been depleted, and his heart wasmoved.“We have heard of your hardships in the punitive expedition across the Yangzi, and that you havelost more than half your brothers,”said the emperor.“We feel very badly about that.”Song Jiang, weeping,remained on his knees.“Because I am only a crude talentless rustic, I can never repay Your Majesty’skindness, though I spill my liver and brains on the battlefield! There were a hundred and eight of us when wepledged brotherhood in the Wutai Mountains. Who would have thought we’d lose eight out of ten! I have a listhere, Your Majesty, which I hesitate to present, I pray that in your benevolence, Sire, you will make a suitabledisposition.”“One hundred and eight of you, all stars in the firmament,”the emperor sighed,“and onlytwenty-seven left after another four departed! You literally have lost eight out of ten!”He proclaimed:“SongJiang was entitled Marshal of Military Virtue and made governor of Chuzhou Prefecture and commander ofits armed forces.”All thanked the sovereign.“I was born in Yuncheng County,”said Song Jiang,“butsince committing my crimes I have not dared to go back. Pray grant me permission, Sire, to sweep my familygraves and visit my relatives and neighbours. I will then go to Chuzhou and assume office.”Very pleased, themonarch presented him with ten thousand strings of cash for maintaining his ancestral manor. Song Jiang andthe chieftains, again expressing their gratitude, took leave of the sovereign and withdrew. Thereupon“SongJiang Goes Home in His Official Finery”(Chapter 119)



Song Jiang and his brother Song Qing left the capital and reached their native village in YunchengCounty, Shangdong Province. They were welcomed by neighbours and relatives, but when they arrived at themanor they found that their father, the old squire, had died, and that he was still lying in his coffin. The twobrothers wept heartbrokenly. They were deeply grieved. Song Jiang hired monks and priests to offer prayersfor his departed parents and ancestors. Officials from county and prefecture called without cease. A propitiousday was chosen and, with the brothers serving as pall-bearers, the squire’s body was carried to a high plateauand laid to rest. Prefectural officials, neighbours and elders, friends and family, all attended. Song Jiangentrusted the affairs of the manor to his brother. although Song Qing had also been made an official, SongJiang instructed him to remain at home, attend to the farm, and maintain the family shrine. What money hestill had with him he distributed among the people. After several months at home Song Jiang left his nativevillage and returned to the Eastern Capital. Song Jiang gradually dispersed his army. Soon the families ofthe slain had all departed. Those appointed to office bid farewell to the various ministers and left to take uptheir duties. Song Jiang and Lu Junyi, after parting, left to take up their respective posts. Lu Junyi, who hadno family, proceeded to Luzhou accompanied by a few traveling companions. Song Jiang bid farewell to theemperor and his ministers and departed for Chuzhou with several family servants. From then on, each of thechieftains went his separate way. During the first ten days of summer in the sixth year of Xuan Ho, half ayear after he took office, Song Jiang heard that an emissary had arrived from the capital with imperial wine.

Accompanied by other officials, he went out of the city to welcome him and escort him in. In the public hallthe emissary read the emperor’s greeting, presented the wine and urged Song Jiang to drink. When Song Jiangrequested the emissary to join him, the man refused, saying he was a teetotaler. Sogn Jiang ceremoniouslydrank and the emissary returned to the capital. Song Jiang’s stomach began to pain him soon after, and hesuspected something had been added to the wine. He quickly made inquires and learned the emissary hadin fact done some drinking while stopping at a hostel for officials along the road. Song Jiang realized he hadbeen tricked. He was positive the wine had been poisoned by the evil ministers. He sighed.“Since childhoodI studied Confucianism, and when I grew up I learned how to be a minor official. Unfortunately I becameinvolved in crime, but I never had the slightest desire to rebel. Now the emperor listens to deceitful ministersand sends me poisoned wine! What have I done to deserve this! It doesn’t matter if I die, but Li Kui, whois today the commandant of Runzhou, will certainly take to the hills again when he hears about this dirtytrick the imperial court has played. That will ruin the reputation of loyalty to the emperor I have sought sodiligently all my life! There’s only one thing I can do.”He dispatched a man that same night to Runzhouwith a message to Li Kui to come to Chuzhou immediately. Li Kui reached Chuzhou and asked:“What is it,Big Brother?”“First have some wine.”Song Jiang escorted Black Whirlwind into a rear hall, where wineand a goblet was waiting. Li Kui drank for some time until he was half intoxicated.“Brother, don’t blameme!”said Song Jiang.“The emperor sent me some poisoned wine the other day, and I drank it. I’m going todie soon. All my life I’ve tried to adhere to two principles—loyalty and righteousness. I would never practicedeceit. Now, though I am innocent, the imperial court is causing my death. But I’d rather the emperor wrongedme than wrong the emperor. I was afraid that after I died you would rebel and spoil our reputation for loyaltyand righteousness, earned while acting in Heaven’s behalf in Liangshan Marsh. And so I asked you here andgave you the poisoned wine also. When you return to Runzhou you’ll surely die. After you’ve expired, cometo Liao Er Flats, outside Chuzhou’s South Gate. It’s a beautiful place, and looks just like Liangshan Marsh.

Our spirits can meet there. That’s where I’m going to be buried after I die. I’ve already decided!”As hespoke, Song Jiang’s tears fell like rain. Li Kui also wept.“Enough, enough, enough!”he cried.“I took careof you in life, Big Brother, and I’ll be a minor ghost and serve you after death as well!”His body fell heavy.

Weeping, he bid Song Jiang farewell and boarded his craft. When he reached Runzhou, sure enough, thepoison activated. As Black Whirlwind lay dying, he instructed his attendants:“After I’m gone you absolutelymust take my coffin to Liao Er Flats outside Chuzhou’s South Gate and bury me beside Big Brother.”Later,his orders were carried out. Song Jiang felt very badly when Li Kui sailed away that day. He thought of WuYong and Hua Rong, and sorrowed that he’d never see them again. The poison began to work during thenight. On his deathbed he said to his trusted followers:“You must fulfil my request. Bury me on high groundabove Liao Er Flats. Your virtuous conduct will certainly be rewarded. Promise that you will.”So saying, hedied.

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