
第65章 奋斗改变人生(15)






Yang Hu had kept informed of Sun Hao’s loss of virtue after the removal of Lu Kang. Realizing thatthe time to attack the Southland had come, he petitioned the court in Luoyang to authorize the invasion...

Delighted with Yang Hu’s memorial, Sima Yan ordered his forces to mobilize. But Jia Chong, Xun Xu,and Feng Dan objected strenuously and succeeded in preventing the invasion. When Yang Hu learnedhis petition had been denied, he sighed and said,‘How rarely things go one’s way in this world! AHeaven-sent opportunity will pass untaken. What could be more lamentable?’In the fourth year of XianNing,‘Universal Tranquility’(A.D.278), Yang Hu went to court and begged permission to retire to hishome village to restore his health. Sima Yan asked him,‘Have you any recommendation for the security ofour kingdom?’Yang Hu answered,‘Sun Hao’s tyranny has reached the extreme of violence and cruelty.

He can be conquered without a battle. But if Sun Hao should pass from the scene and a capable sovereigncome to the throne, Your Majesty may find the Southland difficult to conquer.’Sima Yan, inspired by thesewords, asked,‘Would you be willing to lead the invasion now?’‘My years are many and my health ispoor,’Yang Hu answered.‘I doubt I could undertake the mission. But if Your Majesty could find someoneelse—some shrewd, bold warrior—it could be done.’So saying, Yang Hu took leave of Sima Yan andreturned to his home village. In the eleventh month of that year Yang Hu’s condition worsened, and SimaYan made a personal visit to his home to express his concern. As he came near the sickbed, Yang Hu saidtearfully,‘Ten thousand deaths could not repay all I owe Your Majesty.’Sima Yan cried to.‘How sorelywe regret our failure to adopt your plan to invade Wu,’he said,‘for who today can bring your purpose tofulfillment?’Choking back his tears, Yang Hu replied,‘As death approaches, I must fulfill my humblefealty. Du Yu, General of the Right, is the one to entrust with the task. He is the man to lead the attack onWu.’Sima Yan responded,‘Recommending the worthy and able is something to be proud of. Why did youburn your memorials of recommendation and prevent anyone from learning of them?’Yang Hu said,‘Torecommend someone in open court so that later he could show his gratitude to me privately was something Ichose to avoid.’And with those words Yang Hu passed away. Sima Yan loudly lamented Yang Hu’s deathall the way back to his palace. There he issued an order posthumously naming Yang Hu imperial guardianand lord of Juping... On Yang Hu’s recommendation, the ruler of Jin Honored Du Yu as chief commander,Queller of the South, with authority over Jingzhou province... By this time both Ding Feng and Lu Kang ofthe Southland had died. Whenever the ruler of Wu, Sun Hao, feasted his vassals, he would order them to getthemselves drunk. He had also given ten officers of the Inner Bureau the power to impeach officials. Afterthe banquets these Inner Bureau eunuchs would present cases against various offenders to the throne. Thosefound guilty were punished by having the skin peeled from their faces or their eyes gouged out. This struckterror into the hearts of the people. Wang Jun, imperial inspector for Yizhou under Jin, petitioned for aninvasion of the Southland... The ruler of Jin perused the memorial and consulted with his officials.‘WangJun’s views coincide with what Yang Hu once proposed,’he said.‘We are therefore resolved.’...Heordered Chief Commander Du Yu, Queller of the South, to assume the position of first field marshal and leada force of one hundred thousand against Jiangling; Supreme Commander Sima Zhou, prince of Langye andQueller of the East, to go forth against Tuzhong... When Sun Hao heard that Jin troops had entered the City ofStones, he prepared to cut his throat. His private secretary, Hu Zhong, and the director of the palace officials,Xue Rong, petitioned,‘Perhaps Your Majesty should follow model set by Liu Shan, now lord of Anle.’SunHao approved the suggestion. Accompanied by a coffin, his hands tied behind him, Sun Hao led his civiland military officials into the presence of Wang Jun, and there before the army he tendered his allegiance insurrender... Thereafter, the Three Kingdoms came under the rule of the Jin Emperor, Sima Yan, who laid thefoundation for a united realm, thereby fulfilling the saying,‘The empire, long united, must divide, and longdivided, must unite.’Liu Shan, the Illustrious Emperor of the Eastern Han, had passed away in the seventhyear of the Jin reign period Tai Shi,‘Magnificent Inception’(A.D.271). Cao Huan, ruler of Wei, passedaway in the first year of Tai An,‘Magnificent Peace”(A.D.302). Sun Hao, ruler of Wu, passed away in thefourth year of Tai Kang,‘Magnificent Prosperity’(A.D. 283). All died natural deaths.”(Chapter 120)

2.5 复习讨论题

2.5 Questions for Revision and Discussion

(1)Why does the author Luo Guanzhong display his clear-cut inclination to extol Liu Bei anddisparage Cao Cao?


(2)Why does the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms not only well merit a reading butalso continue to have vitality in Chinese attitudes and behaviour?


(3)How do you think of Luo Guanzhong’s life? How did Luo Guanzhong come to create TheRomance of the Three Kingdoms?


(4)What do you think are the themes of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Why are theyworth our while to think over?


(5)What are the great artistic excellences of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?


(6)On the Study of the Applied Culture of the Three Kingdoms.


(7)How do you think of Han Emperor Shao’s life?


(8)How do you think of Han Emperor Xian’s life? What lessons are you going to draw from hislife?


(9)How do you think of Lü Bu’s life? Why can Lü Bu only swagger like a conquering herofor a time but not have a base of his own or any cause of justice after all?


(10)Why is it said that Cao Cao is an outstanding strategist in Chinese history? A notedstatesman?


(11)Cite some examples to show that Cao Cao has good qualities a successful founder shouldhave.


(12)Do you think Cao Cao is a usurper or a founder? Why?


(13)What are the criteria for defining legitimacy of the Three Kingdoms? How do you think ofthe criteria? Why does the author Luo Guanzhong deny the legitimacy of the Wei’s succession to Han?(Or: On the Legitimacy of the Three Kingdoms)


(14)Why is it said that Cao Cao is the incomparable Machiavellian of“the ThreeIncomparables”? Why is it said that Cao Cao is really of“high merit and great evil—from a singlehand, fair honors with foulest crimes conjoined”?


(15)How does Cao Pi ascend the imperial throne? Do you think he is legitimate? Why? Howdo you think of Cao Pi’s life?


(16)How can Liu Bei“who had been so poor that he had to sell sandals and weave mats tolive”become the emperor of the kingdom of Shu?


(17)What do you think of Liu Bei’s life? What experiences and lessons can you learn from LiuBei’s life?


(18)Why can Zhuge Liang still have an intimate grasp of what is going on in the world evenwhen he is living the life of a hermit?


(19)Do you think whether it’s right or not that Zhuge Liang has Meng Huo“seven timescaptured, seven times freed”? Why? Why has Kongming launched“Six offensives against the northfrom Mount Qi”? (Or: On Kongming’s“Six offensives from Mount Qi”)


(20)What are you going to learn from Kongming?


(21)How do you think of Guan Yu’s life? What experiences and lessons are you going to learnfrom Guan Yu’s life?

(22)你对张飞的人生有什么看法? 你要向张飞的人生学些什么?

(22)What do you think of Zhang Fei’s life? What are you going to learn from Zhang Fei’s life?


(23)Why will Sun Quan’s subordinates risk their lives to serve him? What good qualities doesSun Quan have? What are you going to learn from Sun Quan’s life?


(24)Why is Lu Su really worthy of the title of great strategist? Why is it said that he is a wiseman with the looks of folly?


(25)Why does Lu Su have to talk Sun Quan into allowing Liu Bei to borrow Jingzhou? Whatgreat contributions has Lu Su made to the Southland?


(26)Why does Cao Rui strip Sima Yi of his office and order him back to his village? Why isSima Yi called“the wisest man whose great wisdom often seems timid”?


(27)How do you think of Sima Yi’s life? What are you going to learn from Sima Yi’s life? (Or:On Sima Yi’s Life)


(28)How has Sima Yan conquered the Southland and unified the country? How do you thinkof Sima Yan’s life?

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