
第46章 学会做人(8)

2.5 复习讨论题

2.5 Questions for Revision and Discussion


(1)What is the full title of Hamlet? What does the full title mean?


(2)Why was Shakespeare’s Hamlet written in 1600 and published the first quarto in 1603?


(3)How has Hamlet been turned into an immortal masterpiece since its story was borrowed?


(4)Will you please tell the story of Hamlet?


(5)Why did Shakespeare leave school at the age of only fifteen? How did he come to London,thus starting his career as a dramatist? How did he distinguish himself as an excellent writer?


(6)Why did Shakespeare in his later years write romances and cooperate with John Fletcher inwriting plays?


(7)When did Shakespeare die? What illness did Shakespeare die of? (Or: On Shakespeare’s Life)


(8)What reasons do Shakespeare’s success as a playwright and poet and the success of his playsupon the stage from Elizabethan England to the present-day English-speaking world depend on?


(9)What are Shakespeare’s chief artistic achievements in his dramas? (Or: Studies onShakespeare’s Artistic Achievements)


(10)Why can Shakespeare live in the hearts of his audiences in the world since he has the evilside of human nature?


(11)Why should we discuss the theme of Hamlet from the humanistic perspective according tothe text?


(12)What’s the surface theme of Hamlet? What’s the deep theme of Hamlet? How would youcome to know the theme of Hamlet? (Or: Explorations in the Theme of Hamlet)


(13)What has made Hamlet’s delay in exacting his revenge? Why is it said that Hamlet is one ofthe most complicated of all Shakespeare’s characters?


(14)How do you think of Hamlet’s life? How do you think of Shakespeare’s life? How aboutyour own life? (Or: What I Live For?)


(15)Is Hamlet’s mother Gertrude an evil woman? Why?


(16)How do you think of Hamlet’s uncle Claudius’ life? Is he happy, living as a King? Why?


(17)How is Ophelia’s madness caused? Why does Hamlet reject Ophelia’s love? How do youthink of the love between Hamlet and Ophelia?


(18)What do you think is the meaning of life? How do you think to be a man? (Or: OnMeaning of Life)第三节 文学常识Section Three Common Sense in Literature怎么判断一出戏的好坏呢?下列四点是根据陆谷孙教授2002年4月2日对复旦大学全校研究生所作的英语演讲“莎士比亚的开放性”总结来的。

How do we judge a play? The following four points are based on Professor Lu Gusun’s Englishlecture“Open-endedness of Shakespeare”to all the postgraduates of Fudan University delivered on April 2,2002.


Generally speaking, we normally judge a play by four things. First, characters; second, scenes; third,plots and sub-plots if any; fourth, language.



The character in the play should be successfully created, favourably appreciated in vividness andintensity, in emotional and psychological depth. Its major characters are usually not simply type charactersbut they are individuals representing certain types. Take Hamlet for instance. If an actor has the chance toplay Hamlet, it’s his fondest prideful hope to come true, an experience conducive to success. But Hamlet isdifficult to play. There is a saying that there is a smack of Hamlet in every one of us. Also, people say that athousand actors can produce a thousand different Hamlets. As there are so many Hamlets in this world thatactors can play, the prince is at worst played with some passable success or partial failure, meaning no actorwould fail completely in presenting a Hamlet who doesn’t look like Hamlet at all. However, nobody can playa prefect Hamlet, exhausting all nuances of the character. In the play Hamlet, there are many characters,among them, the gravediggers speak a vulgar enough kind of language only to reveal what is ultimately true inhuman life. From here we can also see how profoundly the theme is.


The scenes in the play should be various. One of the best scenes remains the opening scene ofHamlet. Altogether there are twenty-five lines composed in plain prose at the beginning of the scene,but the atmosphere is successfully created—so charged: charged with tension and with suspense and sobreathtakingly ominous in anticipation of the ghost, of something rotten in the state of Denmark, and ofwhatever is evil and dangerous! Sometimes Shakespeare goes back to the sublime by presenting you with ascene of marching armies, like the scene toward the end of Hamlet. Fortinbras leads the army onto the stage,and then they give Hamlet a soldier’s burial, with angles singing the sweet prince to rest.


The plots and sub-plots if any in the play should be the perfect integration of the vividness and richnessof the story. What is worth mentioning is that the most effective as well as the most frequently employedtheatrical device is what has often been termed“dramatic irony”, the theatrical effect of which is the mainthing to sustain interest and to provoke laughter from the audience.


All the speeches fit all the characters who speak them, not only different characters speak differently,even the same character speaks differently on different occasions when he is in different moods or speaks fordifferent purposes to different persons. In a word, the language used in the play is very rich and colorful, vividand lively, especially very expressive.

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