
第45章 学会做人(7)




Hamlet’s question, last but not least, is about the meaning life. The meaning of life is the most general,universal and essential question in the human spiritual life. Only one can make it clear in one’s mind, can oneunderstand why he should live in the world, i.e. can one understand what meaning of life is. By contemplatingthe“to be or not to be”question repeatedly Hamlet has made it clear why he should live on—to revengehimself on his father’s murderer; to set it right, for“the time is out of point”. His former purpose doesnot sound as great as the latter, because the former seems to be a personal or private one while the latteris a public one. Private or personal purposes or aims can only bring about private or personal meaning. Aprivate meaning is in fact no meaning at all, for no one else benefits from his personal achievements. The truemeaning of one’s purposes and actions lies in their contribution to the lives of others. That is their meaningfor others. All true meanings of life are common meanings—they are meanings in which others can share,and meanings that others can accept. From the realistic perspective of human society, Hamlet’s meaning oflife lies in that he has done double duty—as the only son of his father, he has done his personal or privateduty; as the Prince of Denmark, he has done his duty for the public, for he has got rid of the evil king for thestate and the people. Just as the author wrote in Act Ⅰ, Scene Ⅲ:“His greatness weigh’d, his will is not hisown, / For he himself is subject to his birth; / He may not, as unvalu’d persons do, / Carve for himself, for onhis choice depends / The safety and the health of the whole state... As he in his particular act and place / Maygive his saying deed; which is no further / Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.’ He has performedhis responsibilities as the Prince of Denmark should—he has upheld justice and righteousness even at thesacrifice of blood relations and killed his own uncle; he has got rid of the scourge for the state and the peopleby killing“thou incestuous, murderous, damned Dane”in public.


Hamlet says in Act Ⅰ, Scene Ⅳ:“I do not set my life at a pin’s fee; and for my soul, what can it doto that, being a thing immortal as itself (his father’s spirit)”. In Act Ⅳ, Scene Ⅱ, when Hamlet answersRosencrantz’s question what he has done with Polonius’ dead body, he says:“Compounded it with dust,whereto‘tis kin.”Just as the meaning Shakespeare expresses in his last will:“That is to say first Icommend my soul into the hands of god my Creator, hoping and assuredly believing through thonlie meritsof Jesus Christ my Saviour to be made partaker of life everlasting, and my body to the earth whereof Yt ismade.”From here we can see Hamlet represents his author and inherits the orthodox Christian dualistassumptions that one’s life consists of body (physical) life and spirit (soul) life, body (physical) life is madefrom dust (earth) while spirit (soul) life is made everlasting. From this perspective, Hamlet’s meaning of life ismore far-reaching and everlasting. No wonder Hamlet“sets his life at a pin’s fee”while“his soul is a thingimmortal”. It’s also no wonder what he says to his good friend Horatio in Act Ⅴ, Scene Ⅱ:“He that hathkill’d my king and whor’d my mother, / Popp’d in between the election and my hopes, / Thrown out his anglefor my proper life, / And with such cozenage—is’t not perfect conscience / To quit him with this arm? and is’tnot to be damn’d / To let this canker of our nature come / In further evil?”“I’m dead; / Thou liv’st; reportme and my cause aright / To the unsatisfied.”...“What a wounded name, / Things standing thus unknown,shall live behind me.”...“To tell my story.”From here we can see how deeply Hamlet cherishes his name.

As the Prince, for his country and people, with the sword in his hand he has quitted his uncle who had killedhis own brother and usurped the throne,“damned Dane”! He has sacrificed ties of blood to righteousness.

His life is dedicated to his country and people, to truth and justice. His death moves people to song and tears.

His country and people, even all the people in the world will remember him for ever. He is living in the heartsof all his readers, listeners and audiences all over the world. This demonstrates the significance of man’sspiritual existence. This also proves the eternity of Hamlet’s meaning of life.


Now we’ve finally come to the conclusion: the deep theme of Hamlet is, by telling a complicated storyabout three young men Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras avenging their fathers’ death respectively as the threethreads of story running through the play, to explore both kind side and evil side of human nature and itschangeability, one’s attitude towards life and the question“To be or not to be”, the meaning of life, i.e. whyand how one lives.

2.4 主要人物的人生(经验教训)

2.4 Major Characters’ Lives (Experiences and Lessons)


Hamlet: His father is the late King of Denmark. His mother is Queen Gertrude. Naturally, he was bornto the purple. When he was asked coming home from school in Witternberg, German, he was suspiciousof the cause of his father’s sudden death, and unsatisfied with his mother’s overhasty remarriage. After heis told by his father’s ghost that his father has been murdered by his uncle who is now ruling as king andhas married the former queen, his mother, Hamlet has made up his mind to avenge his father’s death. Hebegins to consider how to go about it—and whether to go about it. Much has been made of Hamlet’s delayin exacting his revenge, but in fact all heroes of revenge tragedies delay their vengeance in various ways.

Part of the pleasure of the genre lies in a continual suspense as to how (or even whether) the revenge willeventually be consummated. Hamlet, then, is not unusual in delaying. Indeed, his delay has rather morenarrative justification given to it than is often the case in such plays. He is, after all, under the constant gazeof his enemy, and Claudius is very secure in his position of power: nobody else appears to suspect him.

Claudius seems to hope at first that Hamlet’s antagonism towards him is simply a matter of excessive grief,or some other“natural”cause; he is certainly willing to be convinced that it all springs from a melancholylove-sickness. But as it becomes clearer that Hamlet suspects the truth about his father’s death, Claudiusruthlessness reasserts itself. Hamlet’s position is thus a very vulnerable one. Whereas an revenger-hero mayoften be anonymous and well-disguised, stalking an enemy who does not suspect his presence, Hamlet isengaged in a continual battle of wits with Claudius. This is one of the reasons why Hamlet, at the end of Act Ⅰ,Scene Ⅴ, decides to put on his“antic disposition”, his mad act, and why he charges Horatio and Marcellusnot to reveal that they“know aught of (him)”. It is to a large extent a matter of self-preservation, of survival,since while he can convince Claudius that he is simply a little crazed, he has a certain amount of room formanoeuvre.



Hamlet’s delay has three main stages. First of all, he puts off all action until he has positive proof ofClaudius’s guilt, which he obtains by staging a play within the play which finally convinces him of the truth ofthe Ghost’s words. Secondly, he passes up the opportunity to stab the praying Claudius in the back, preferringto wait for a chance to kill him in a way more fitting. Again, he is being a conventional revenge hero here.

The punishment should, if possible, fit the crime—and the fact that he envisages killing Claudius“in theincestuous pleasure of his bed”suggests which crime it is that obsesses Hamlet. Thirdly, however, he getsside-tracked. Forced into confrontation with is mother, he kills the eavesdropping Polonius, thinking that itis Claudius he is attacking. The fact that his revenge misfires and that the (comparatively) innocent Poloniusis killed has two main effects: it makes Hamlet’s own homicidal campaign lose energy—as if some sort ofblood lust had been sated. It also forces Hamlet finally out into the open: from this point on Claudius knows,rather than suspects, that he is a threat. Polonius’s death also gives Claudius an opportunity to move againstHamlet, which he does, sending him off to England to be put to death. At this point, in Act Ⅳ, Hamlet himselfdisappears from the stage for about half an hour. When he returns to the stage, it’s presumably several weekslater in stage time, for he has had to escape from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and to make a deal with thepirates who had fortuitously captured him.



Hamlet is one of the most complicated of all Shakespeare’s characters. Sometimes he is gentle andthoughtful, but on numerous occasions throughout the play he is cruel and bitter—especially with his motherand Ophelia. Although we see him as a sensitive person, he thinks profoundly about both kind side andevil side of human nature and its changeability, one’s attitude towards life and the question“To be or notto be”, the meaning of life, i.e. why and how one lives and explores constantly the way in which personalidentity constructed and reconstructed time and again in different situations. The whole play, in fact, seemsstructured precisely in order to reflect kaleidoscopically a variety of images of Hamlet. Hamlet’s actions andspeeches towards the numerous other characters in the play show his contradictoriness and multifacetednessof identity. Claudius is continually trying to interpret Hamlet’s words and actions. For him, indeed, it is amatter of political and personal survival to find out what, if anything, they mean: whether they spring fromlove, from melancholia, or from a suspicion of the truth about his father’s death. Acting (usually) on behalfof Claudius, nearly everyone else in the court is set to the task of interpreting Hamlet. Meanwhile Hamlet’sown objective for much of the play is to hide himself from other people’s interpretations, to furnish them withfalse explanations for himself and to keep them guessing as to how much he knows, or what he intends to do.

This, once more, is partly a matter of necessity. If Hamlet is an ambiguous character, one of the reasons isthat ambiguity is, for him, a survival mechanism. Hamlet’s role-playing, and the audience’s uncertainty asto when he is playing a role and when he is not, serves to compound the sense of Hamlet’s impenetrability.

An audience is given the illusion of intimacy with Hamlet; we seem to know all about his“inner being”byvirtue of his large number of soliloquies. But actually, we know comparatively little about him, since what hepresents to an audience is a series of consciously-adopted roles and masks. For example, his most famousspeech“To be or not to be”, as a soliloquy, it makes the audience see what is really going on in his mind,but it also makes the audience see it as Hamlet’s succession of roles and masks, for Claudius and Poloniusare on the stage but hidden from Hamlet’s view, and they constitute an on-stage audience, watching intentlythe small drama that is to be played out between Ophelia and Hamlet—in fact, Ophelia plays the role ofa spy beside Hamlet, who becomes the melancholic man, contemplating suicide in the“To be or not tobe”speech. Only in his way can Hamlet survive and avenge his father’s death on the murderer.


Hamlet is not only a great thinker but also a great man of action. Of course, he is, first of all, anembodiment of the author—the great poet and dramatist Shakespeare. From an early age, we are told, Hamletwas an enthusiastic play-goer,“wont to take ... delight in the tragedians of the city”. But more than that, wesee him become in turn an actor, director, playwright and dramatic theorist. He instructs the players in theircraft, writes scenes for them and tells them how to play them. It is Hamlet the playwright who finally forcesClaudius to reveal his guilt. Hamlet plans and carries out his revenge quite ruthlessly, pretending he is madin order to achieve his ends. But his cruelty to Ophelia and his unfeeling response to the death of Poloniuscan, perhaps, be excused if he was mad. His behaviour is often odd and uncontrolled, and he even apologiesto Laertes for being“punished, With sore distraction”, blaming“his madness”.“His madness is poorHamlet’s enemy.”He seems to have violent swings of mood. He is brave in battle, honest and forthright. Hehas fallen into a triple snare set by his uncle, King Claudius, and died a sad but stirring death at the age ofthirty or so.



Gertrude: Hamlet’s mother Gertrude is not an evil woman but she is rather fickle. She grieves for only ashort time after her husband’s death, and her speedy remarriage upsets Hamlet very much. She seems to havedestroyed his faith in the fidelity of woman. She is easily led and rather selfish, but she shows affection forOphelia, and love for her son—even if she does not understand him.“The queen his mother, Lives almost byhis looks”, observes Claudius. Gertrude’s dying words are a cry to her son.



Claudius: Hamlet’s uncle killed his own brother—Hamlet’s father because he wanted to be King, andto marry his brother’s wife. He is an evil man who is prepared to murder Hamlet in order to keep his throne.

But like most of Shakespeare’s villains, he is not totally wicked; he does feel remorse and guilt for what he hasdone. He tries to pray for forgiveness but knows that it is useless. He feels sympathy for the mad Ophelia buthis human qualities are outweighed by his evil ones. He is the person who is the cause of the play’s tragedy.


Polonius: Polonius is Lord Chamberlain, both a fawning courtier and a very responsible member ofthe King’s household. He is the father of Laertes and Ophelia. He is an old man and loves talking to anyonewho is willing to listen to him. Although he talks too much, as many old people do, some of his words arewise. For example, he says to his son who is going to France:“Give thy thoughts on tongue, / Nor anyunproportion’d thought his act. / Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar; / The friends thou hast, and theiradoption tried, / Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; / But do not dull thy palm with entertainment /Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade. Beware / Of entrance to a quarrel, but, begin in, / Bear’t that th’dopposed may aware of thee. / Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice; / Take each man’s censure, butreserve thy judgment. / Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, / But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; /For the apparel oft proclaims the man, / And they in France of the best rank and station / Are most select andgenerous, chief in that. / Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; / For loan oft loses both itself and friend, / Andborrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. / This above all: to thine own self be true, / And it must follow, as thenight the day, / Thou canst not then be false to any man.”But Hamlet regards him as an old fool, for Poloniusoften spies on him. No wonder he says when he discovers he’s mis-killed Polonius:“Thou wretched,rash, intruding fool, farewell! I took thee for thy better; take thy fortune; Thou find’st to be too busy is somedanger.”


Ophelia: Hamlet’s sweetheart Ophelia is a beautiful, kind and gentle girl. She is also a dutiful, filialand loving daughter, who is willing to follow her father’s advice. When, however, she meets Hamlet there isno doubt that she loves him deeply. When Hamlet rejects her love, she cries out in despair at the change inhim, pitying herself as well as him. Ophelia’s madness is caused by Hamlet’s rejection, and by the death ofher father. She becomes a pathetic creature who wears fresh flowers and sings mad songs about the loss of aloved one. She simply cannot endure the suffering that has befallen her. She finally died a tragic death in thestream.

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