
第34章 学习是人生的需要(7)


“禽有禽言,兽有兽语”。众猴来到一股瀑布飞泉前,拍手称扬道:“好水!好水!原来此处远通山脚之下,直接大海之波。”又道:“那一个有本事的,钻进去寻个源头出来不伤身体者,我等即拜他为王。”连呼三声,忽见丛杂中跳出一个石猴,应声高叫道:“我进去! 我进去!”他瞑目蹲身,将身一纵,径跳入瀑布泉中,忽睁眼抬头观看,那里边却无水无波,明明朗朗的一架桥梁。他向周围仔细观看多时,跳出水外,打了两个呵呵道:“大造化!大造化!”众猴把他围住问道:“里面怎么样?水有多深?”石猴道:“没水!没水!原来是一座铁板桥。桥那边是一座天造地设的家当。”众猴道:“怎见得是个家当?”石猴笑道:



Monkey (Sun Wukong): On the Eastern Continent of Superior Body, there is a country called Aolai.

This country is next to an ocean, and in the middle of the ocean is a famous island called the Mountain ofFlowers and Fruits. There was once a magic stone on the top of this mountain. There were no trees aroundit to give shade, but magic fungus and orchids clung to its sides. Ever since Creation began it had beenreceiving the truth of Heaven, the beauty of Earth, the essence of the Sun and the splendour of the Moon;and as it had been influenced by them for so long it had miraculous powers. It developed a magic womb,which burst open one day to produce a stone egg about the size of a ball. When the wind blew on this eggit turned into a stone monkey, complete with the five senses and four limbs. When the stone monkey hadlearnt to crawl and walk, he bowed to each the four quarters. On this mountain the monkey was soon ableto run and jump, feed from plants and trees, drink from brooks and springs, pick mountain flowers and lookfor fruit. As the saying so rightly goes,“There is no calendar in the mountains, and when winter’s over youdon’t know the time of year.”There is also an old saying,“Binds have bird language, and animals haveanimal talk.”When the monkeys came to a waterfall cascaded from a spring, they clapped their hands andexplained with delight,“What lovely water. It must go all the way to the bottom of the mountain and jointhe waves of the sea.”Then one monkey made a suggestion:“If anyone is clever enough to go through thefall, find the source, and come out in one piece, let’s make him our king.”When this challenge had beenshouted three times, the stone monkey leapt out from the crowd and answered at the top of his voice,“I’ll go,I’ll go.”He shut his eyes, crouched, and sprang, leaping straight into the waterfall. When he opened his eyesand raised his head to look round, he saw neither water nor waves. A bridge stood in front of him, as largeas life. He took a long, careful look round the bridge, and leapt back through the waterfall.“We’re in luck,we’re in luck,”he said with a chuckle. All the other monkeys crowded round him asking.“What’s it likein there? How deep is the water?”“There’s no water, none at all,”replied the stone monkey.“There’san iron bridge, and on the other side of the bridge there’s a house that must have been made by Heaven andEarth.”“How ever could you see a house there?”the other monkeys asked. The stone monkey chuckledagain.“The water here comes under the bridge and through the rocks, and it hides the gateway to the bridgefrom view. There are flowers and trees by the bridge, and a stone house too. Inside the house are stone rooms,a stone stove, stone bowls, stone plates, stone beds, and even stone benches. In the middle of it all is a tabletwhich says‘Happy Land of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, Cave Heaven of the Water Curtain’. It’s justthe place for us to settle down in—there’s room there for thousands. Let’s all move in, then we won’t have toput up with any more nonsense from heaven.”The other monkeys were all so delighted to hear this that theysaid,“You go first and take us with you.”The stone monkey shut his eyes, crouched, and leapt in again,shouting,“Follow me in.”After the monkeys all jumped through, the stone monkey sat himself in the mainseat and said,“Gentlemen,‘A man who breaks his word is worthless.’Just now you said that if anyonewas clever enough to come in here and get out again in one piece, you’d make him king. Well, then. I’ve comein and gone out, and gone out and come in. I’ve found you gentlemen a cave heaven where you can sleep inpeace and all settle down to live in bliss. Why haven’t you made me king?”On hearing this all the monkeysbowed and prostrated themselves, not daring to disobey. They lined up in groups in order of age and paid theirhomage as at court, all acclaiming him as the“Great King of a Thousand Years”. The stone monkey thentook the throne, made the word“stone”taboo, and called himself Handsome Monkey King.





One day the Handsome Monkey King suddenly felt depressed during a banquet with his monkeyhost, and he started to weep. The startled monkeys crowded round, bowed to him and asked,“What’s thematter, Your Majesty?”“Although I’m happy now,”the Monkey King replied,“I’m worried about thefuture. Today, we don’t have to submit to the laws and regulations of human kings, and we don’t live in terrorof the power of birds and beasts. But the time will come when we are old and weak, and the underworld iscontrolled by the King of Hell. When the time comes for us to die, we won’t be able to go on living among theBlessed, and our lives will have been in vain.”All the monkeys covered their faces and wept as everyoneof them thought about death. Suddenly a gibbon jumped out from their ranks and shrieked in a piercingvoice,“Now of the Five Creatures, there are only three that do not come under the jurisdiction of the Kingof Hell. They are the Buddhas, the Immortals and the Sages. They are free from the Wheel of Reincarnation.

They are not born and they do not die. They are as eternal as Heaven and Earth, as the mountains and therivers.”“Where do they live?”the Monkey King asked,“Only in the human world,”the ape replied,“inancient caves on magic mountains.”The Monkey King was delighted to hear this.“I shall leave you alltomorrow,”he said,“and go down the mountain. If I have to, I’ll roam the corners of the oceans and go tothe edge of the sky to find these three kinds of beings and discover the secret of eternal youth that will keepus out of the clutches of the King of Hell for ever.”The next morning the Handsome Monkey King got upearly and ordered,“Children, tear down some old pines and make me a raft. Find a bamboo pole to puntwith and load it up with fruit. I’m going.”He went aboard the raft all by himself, pushed off with all hismight, and floated off towards the waves of the ocean. He intended to sail with the wind and cross over tothe Southern Jampu Continent. Testing the depth of the water with this pole he found that it was shallow, sohe abandoned the raft and jumped ashore. He saw humans by the coast, fishing, hunting geese, gatheringclams, and extracting salt. He went up to them, learning human behavior and human speech, teachinghimself to take human form and to wear clothes and boots. Whether he was eating his breakfast or going tobed at night he was always asking about Buddhas, Immortals and Sages, and seeking the secret of eternalyouth. Although he asked about the way of the Immortals, the Monkey King was unable to meet one. Hespent eight or nine years in the Southern Jampu Continent, going through its great walls and visiting its littlecounties. When he found that he had reached the Great Western Ocean he thought that there must be Sagesand Immortals on the other side of it, so he made himself another raft like the last one, and floated across theWestern Ocean until he came to the Western Continent of Cattle-gift. He went ashore and made extensiveand lengthy enquiries until one day he came upon a high and beautiful mountain. By asking a woodcutter, theMonkey King was told,“This mountain is the Spirit Tower Heart Mountain, and in it there is the Cave of theSetting Moon and the Three Stars. In that cave lives an Immortal called the Patriarch Subhuti. As soon as theMonkey King saw the Patriarch Subhuti he bowed low and knocked his head on the ground before him manytimes, saying,“Master, master, your disciple pays his deepest respects. He sailed across seas and oceans,crossed frontiers and wandered through many countries for over ten years before he arrived here.”ThePatriarch said,“We can give you the Dharma-name‘Sun Wukong’. Will that do?”“Marvellous,marvellous,”said the smiling Monkey King.“From now on my name will be Sun Wukong.”The Patriarchthen ordered the others to take Sun Wukong out through the double doors and teach him how to sprinkle andsweep the floor, answer orders, and deport himself properly. When Sun Wukong was outside the doors hebowed to all his spiritual elder brothers and laid out his bed on the verandah. The next morning and everyfollowing day Wukong studied language and deportment under his spiritual elder brothers, expounded theures, discussed the Way, practiced calligraphy, and burnt incense. When he had any spare time hewould sweep the grounds, dig the vegetable patch, grow flowers, tend trees, look for kindling, light the fire,carry water, and fetch soy. Everything he needed was provided. Thus six or seven years slipped by in the cavewithout his noticing them. One day the Patriarch asked Wukong:“What sort of Way do you want to learnfrom me?”“How about the Way of Magic Arts?”“How about the Way of Sects?”“How about the Wayof Silence?”“How about the Way of Action then?”Wukong replied every question by asking“Can doingthings like that make me live for ever?”Every time the Patriarch answered“No”and Wukong said“No,shan’t learn that.”That night, Wukong went quietly to the Patriarch’s bed and knelt in front of it. Whenthe Patriarch woke up, Wukong said,“Master, I hope that in your great mercy you will teach me the Wayof Immortality. If you do, I’ll always be grateful to you.”“You are predestined,”the Patriarch said,“soI shall be happy to tell you. Since you understood my cryptic message, come over here and listen carefullywhile I teach you the miraculous Way of Immortality”. Wukong studied diligently and trained hard, havinglearnt the seventy-two earthly transformations so that he could avoid the three disasters of thunderbolt,hidden fire and monster wind and live as long as Heaven and Earth. He could conceal himself and vanish,make spells and end them. He could reach the sky and find his way into the earth, travel under the sun ormoon without leaving a shadow, or go through metal or stone freely. He could not be drowned by water orburned by fire. Wukong practiced and trained day and night, having learned the“Somersault Cloud”. Withone somersault he could go 108,000 li (i.e. sixty thousand miles) and enjoy the delights of immortality. He wasdriven back to where he had come from because of his showing off his transformation in front of people. Hehas been away from home for twenty years.



Sun Wukong put away his cloud and headed straight to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit,shouting“Children, I’m back.”Monkeys in their thousands and tens of thousands all crowded round theMonkey King, kowtowed and said,“Your Majesty, we’ve been desperate for you to come back. A demon hasbeen mistreating us terribly. He’s occupied our Water Curtain Cave, and we’ve been fighting for our liveswith him. Recently he’s been stealing our things and carrying off many of our youngsters. We’ve had to stayawake all night to guard our families. Thank goodness you’ve come back! Another year without you, YourMajesty, and every one of us would be under his control, cave and all.”Wukong was furious,“Who is thisdemon? I’ll go and give him what’s coming to him.”The monkey host kowtowed again and said,“YourMajesty, the wretch calls himself the Demon King of Confusion. He lives in the Cave in the Belly of the Waterthat nourishes the Five Elements on the Mountain from which the Three Worlds spring.”The Monkey Kingjumped up into the air and somersaulted straightly to the Mountain and found the Cave in the Belly of theWater. He triumphantly returned home, bringing a large sword he had captured when he killed the DemonKing of Confusion. He also took home all the monkeys the Demon King had carried off from their WaterCurtain Cave. In order to defend their mountain and give them long-term security, Sun Wukong used themagic for dividing up his body and removed the weapons such as bows, crossbows, forks, spears, etc. fromthe arsenal and military stores in a city of Aolai Country to his Water Curtain Cave to arm his monkeys. SunWukong begged the as-you-will cold-banded cudgel: weight 13,500 pounds from Ao Guang, the Old DragonKing of the Eastern Sea. At the same time Wukong got a pair of lotus-root cloud-walking shoes presented byAo Shun, the Dragon King of the Northern Sea, a suit of golden chain mail presented by Ao Run, the DragonKing of the Western Sea, a phoenix-winged purple gold helmet presented by Ao Qin, the Dragon King of theSouthern Sea. One day, the Monkey King instructed his four Stalwart Generals to arrange a feast for his sixsworn brothers. They drank themselves blotto. In his sleep the Monkey King saw two men approach him witha piece of paper in their hands on which was written“Sun Wukong”. Without allowing any explanationsthey tied up his soul and dragged it staggering along till they reached a city wall. There was an iron plateon the wall on which was inscribed WORLD OF DARKNESS in large letters. In a flash of realization theMonkey King said,“The World of Darkness is where King Yama lives. Why have I come here?’“Yourlife in the world above is due to end now,”his escorts said,“and we were ordered to fetch you.”To thisthe Monkey King replied,“I have gone beyond the Three Worlds, and I am no longer subject to the FiveElements. I don’t come under King Yama’s jurisdiction. How dare you grab me, you idiots?”But the fetchersof the dead just went on tugging at him, determined to drag him inside. The Monkey King lost his temper,pulled his treasure out of his ear, and gave it a shake. It became as thick as a rice bowl. It only took a slightmovement of his arm to smash the two fetchers of the dead to pulp. He untied his bonds, loosed his hands, andcharged into the city whirling his cudgel, so terrifying the ox-headed and horse-faced devils that they fledin all directions for cover. Stricken by panic, the Ten Kings who sit in the ten palaces, hurriedly straightenedtheir clothing and went out to look. The Monkey King asked them,“Why did you send men to bring mehere?”“We wouldn’t dare do such a thing.”Replied the Ten Kings,“The messagers must have madea mistake.”“What are your posts?”the Monkey King asked again. To this the ten kings replied,“Weare the ten kings. Please don’t be angry, lofty Immortal. Many people in the world share the same name, soperhaps the fetchers of the dead went to the wrong place.”“Go and get the Register of Life and Deathfor me to see.”demanded Wukong. The Ten Kings then ordered the presiding judge to fetch the register.

Wukong looked through the register himself. Under“Soul No. 1350”was the name of Sun Wukong, theHeaven-born stone monkey, who was destined to live to the age of 342 and die a good death.“I won’t writedown any number of years,”said Sun Wukong.“I’ll just erase my name and be done with it. Bring me abrush.”The judge hastily handed him a brush and thick, black ink. Wukong took the register, crossed outall the names in the monkey section, and threw it on the floor with the words,“The account’s closed. That’san end of it. We won’t come under your control any longer.”Then he cudgeled his way out of the Worldof Darkness. The Ten Kings dared not go near him, and they all went to the Azure Cloud Palace to bow inhomage to the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and discussed the report they would sent up to Heaven.

  • 注目:一位文艺记者的职场遇见


    本书分两部分:一是“注目”,作者以记者的身份,采访了国内最知名的作家、文化名人等共二十几位,其中有冯唐、张嘉佳、海岩、几米、九把刀,安妮宝贝 ,梁晓声, 朱天衣,吴念真等,听他们讲述自己如何走上写作的道路、成名前的艰苦岁月、他们对现代文化的理解、对当前文学市场的现状分析及文学发展前景预测等等。第二部分“回望”记录了作者一些人生感悟的随笔和对周华健、李宗盛等明星的采访。
  • 书香国税


  • 萤火集


  • 宋词三百首全解


  • 含有多种维生素的思考


  • 经络全书


  • 铁幕德意志


  • 江山画美人


  • 怪物周


  • 欢喜冤家:校草同桌大坏蛋


  • 末世狼血


  • 凌天大武皇


  • 邪皇的弃后


  • 灵魂色调


  • 爆笑小萌妃:腹黑殿下请走开

