
第33章 学习是人生的需要(6)




The Tang Priest fell into the tiger’s den and was saved by the Planet Venus. On the Double ForkedMountain Liu Boqin helped Sanzang stand up to his first ordeal after leaving Chang’an. When Liu Boqinescorted Sanzang a long way, half-way over the mountain he turned round, stood beside the path andsaid,“Venerable monk, I must ask you to take yourself on from here. I have to go back.”On hearing thisSanzang tumbled out of his saddle to say,“Please, please, take me another stage!”“You don’t seem toknow that this is called Double Boundary Mountain,”said Boqin.“The eastern part belongs to our GreatTang, but the western part is Tatar territory. The tigers and wolves on that side are not subject to my control,which is why I can’t cross the boundary. You must go on by yourself.”The monk was so alarmed to hear thisthat he waved his arms around and grabbed hold of the hunter’s clothes and sleeves, weeping and refusing tolet him go. When at last Sanzang was bowing repeatedly to the hunter to take his leave, a shout like thundercame from under the mountain:“My master’s come, my master’s come.”Sanzang stood frozen with fearat the sound of it, and Boqin had to hold him up and explained,“This mountain used to be called FiveElements Mountain, and its name was only changed to Double Boundary Mountain when our Great TangEmperor fought his western campaign to pacify the country. I once heard an old man say that in the dayswhen Wang Mang usurped the Han throne, Heaven sent down this mountain and crushed a monkey underit. It must have been him shouting; there’s nothing for you to be afraid of, venerable sir. Let’s go down andhave a look.”Sanzang had to follow him, leading his horse down the mountain. A mile or two later they sawthat there really was a monkey poking out his head out of a stone cell, and making desperate gestures with hisoutstretched hands as he shouted,“Master, why didn’t you come before? Thank goodness you’re here, thankgoodness. If you get me out of here I guarantee that you’ll reach the Western Heaven.”Boqin showed greatcourage in going up to him, pulling away the grass that was growing beside his temples and the sedge underhis chin, and asking,“What have you got to say?”“I’ve got nothing to say,”the monkey replied.“Youjust tell that monk to come over here while I ask him a question.”“What question do you want to askme?”said Sanzang.“Are you the fellow sent to the Western Heaven by the Emperor of the East to fetch theures?’asked the monkey.“Yes, I am,”Sanzang replied.“Why do you ask?”“I am the Great SageEqualling Heaven who wrecked the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago. The Lord Buddha put me underthis mountain for my criminal insubordination. Some time ago the Bodhisattva Guanyin went to the East onthe Buddha’s orders to find someone who could fetch the ures. When I asked her to save me she told methat I was to give up evil-doing, return to the Buddha’s Law, and do all I could to protect the traveler when hewent to the Western Paradise to worship Buddha and fetch the ures; she said that there’ll be somethingin it for me when that’s done. Ever since then I’ve been waiting day and night with eager anticipation foryou to come and save me, Master. I swear to protect you on your way to fetch the ures and to be yourdisciple.”Sanzang, delighted to hear this, said,“Although you now have these splendid intentions and wishto become a monk thanks to the teaching of the Bodhisattva, I’ve no axe or chisel, so how am I to get youout?”“There’s no need for axes or chisels. As long as you’re willing to save me, I can get myself out,”themonkey replied.“I’m willing to save you,”Sanzang said,“but how are you going to get out?”“On thetop of this mountain there is a detention order by the Tathagata Buddha written in letters of gold. If you climbthe mountain and tear it off, I’ll be straight out.”Accepting his suggestion, Sanzang turned round to ask LiuBoqin if he would go up the mountain with him. So Liu Boqin told his servants to lead the horse while hehelped Sanzang up the mountain. They saw a large, square rock on which was pasted a paper seal bearingthe golden words Om mani padme hum. Sanzang went up and gently tore the paper seal off. Then they wentdown the mountain to the stone cell, where they said to the monkey,“The restriction order has been tornoff, so you can come out.”The delighted monkey said,“Master, please stand well clear so that I don’t giveyou a fright when I come out.’On hearing this Liu Boqin took Sanzang and the rest of them to the east,and when they had covered some two or three miles they heard the monkey shout,“Further, further!”SoSanzang went much further until he was off the mountain. Then there was a great noise as the mountain splitopen. As they were all shaking with terror, the monkey appeared kneeling stark naked in front of Sanzang’shorse and saying,“Master, I’m out.”He bowed four times to Sanzang, then jumped up, addressed LiuBoqin with a respectful noise, and said,“Thank you, elder brother, for escorting my master, and thank youtoo for weeding the grass off my face.”He then picked up the luggage and put it on the horse’s back. Seeingthat his intentions were indeed good and that he really was now a Buddhist, Sanzang asked him what washis surname.“My surname is Sun,”replied the Monkey King.“I’ll give you a Buddhist name that I cancall you by,”said Sanzang.“There is no need to trouble yourself,”said the Monkey King,“I’ve alreadygot one: Sun Wukong—Monkey Awakened to Emptiness.”“That’s just right for our sect,”exclaimed themonk.“As you look so much like a young novice, I’ll give you another name and call you Brother Monkey. Isthat all right?”“Yes, yes, yes,”said Sun Wukong, and from then on he was also called Brother Monkey, orSun the Novice. When Boqin saw that Brother Monkey was determined to go, he returned to Sanzang, chanteda noise of respect and said,“It’s splendid that you have got so good a disciple, venerable sir. He’ll certainlymake the journey. I must now take my leave.”Sanzang bowed to him in thanks. From then on the TangPriest and his disciples Monkey, later on Pig and Friar Sand, were going to complete their journey safely, forMonkey had sworn to protect the Tang Priest on his way to fetch the ures, and with the help of Pig andFriar Sand, they could jointly beat any of monsters or demons. Although the Tang Priest would have the ninetimes nine ordeals, he would only be more scared than hurt; all kinds of monsters and demons would like toattain immortality by eating some of the flesh of the Tang Priest or by the female’s mating with him, but theywere doomed to failure. Since Monkey has become Sanzang’s disciple, the interest of plot of each episodeis not whether Sanzang is going to be eaten by any of the monsters who capture him along the way but howMonkey will rescue him this time. Monkey is the No. 1 hero in the novel while Sanzang is the Master of thecompanions on the journey to fetch the ures.


Monkey looked after the Tang Priest as they headed west. One day they came to the Eagle’s SorrowGorge in the Coiled Snake Mountain. Sanzang’s horse was swallowed by the dragon that leapt up the cliff fromthe waves in the gorge.‘We’ll never get across those thousands of mountains and rivers.”said Sanzang,while“his tears fell like rain.”“The sight of him crying was too much for Brother Monkey, who flared upand shouted,‘Stop being such an imbecile, Master’.”As readers, we can understand a mortal man, theTang Priest, does not have the nature of immortals as the immortal Monkey has. But the real Xuanzang wasnothing like the helpless idiot in the story who can scarcely take a single pace without his disciples. The realXuanzang was brave and able, coping unaided with the difficulties and dangers of his journey, then becomingso expert in Mahayana Buddhist Pure Ideation theory that he could defeat rivals in public disputations inIndia. Xuanzang, also known as the Dharma Master Sanzang, was a famous translator, too, in the history ofour country. But this Sanzang was different from that Sanzang, for this was a historical real man, who was usedas a prototype of a character while that Sanzang was the No.2 hero created by the writer who made use of theprototype of the character according to his need for the main theme of the novel Journey to the West.


Only when the Tang Priest has cast off his mortal body, i.e. only“when the womb-born flesh and bodyof blood is cast aside,”can he“become a Buddha.”As a Buddha,“Sanzang put the ures down andalso rose up to the ninth level of clouds, then went away with them through the air.”He has now possessedthe nature of immortals. Since the Tang Priest’s corpse came floating downstream, what of the Tang Priest’shas become a Buddha? It is the Tang Priest’s primal spirit that has become a Buddha! From here we can seethat one’s life is made up of physical (body) life and moral (primal spirit) life. The Tang Priest’s moral (primalspirit) life has become a Buddha, i.e. immortal—living forever. In that case, where does he live? How can weknow or how to prove?



The Tang Priest’s moral (primal spirit) life is living for ever in the hearts of the readers who read Journeyto the West all over the world. Having read Journey to the West, that we can still remember what is worthremembering about the Tang Priest can prove what are made up of the essentials of his moral life. To put itbriefly, they are as follows:

A)“Xuanzang went back to the Hongfu Monastery, where the many monks and his few personaldisciplines had already heard that he was going to fetch the ures. They came to ask if it was truethat he had vowed to go to the Western Heaven. On being told by Xuanzang that it was indeed true, hispupils said,‘Teacher, we have heard that the journey to the Western Heaven is a long one, and that thereare many tigers, leopards, fiends, and demons on the way. We are afraid that you may lose your life andnever come back.’‘I have sworn a great vow that I shall fall into Hell for eternity if I do not get the trueures,’replied Xuanzang.‘Besides, as I have been so favoured by His Majesty, I shall have to showmy loyalty to the utmost if I am to repay the country for his honour. But it will be a journey into the unknown,and there is no saying what my fate will be’.”The Tang Priest really has affection and faith, and returns thehospitality that he has received.


B)The Tang Priest has a noble goal and a grand cause in his life. He goes to the Western Heaven tofetch the ures with his whole heart and soul so as to save all living beings and bring benefit to the peopleand the country. He has risked his life, undergone the nine times nine ordeals, escaped the danger of death bya hair’s breadth and his reward has been a golden body.



C)The Tang Priest has his belief and he is a very devout Buddhist. He not only keeps his vowthat“whenever I come across a temple on my journey I shall burn incense; whenever I see a Buddha’simage I shall worship it; and whenever I pass a stupa I shall sweep it”, but also strictly observes Buddhistmonastic discipline. For instance, he never stores up private property and always has a life with just enoughfood and clothing.“The king, his queen and consorts, the crown prince and the ministers presented thecountry’s greatest treasures as well as gold, silver, silk and satin to the patriarch as tokens of their thanks.

Sanzang accepted none of these gifts but only the return of his passport and urged Monkey and the other twoto saddle the horse up and be on their way as soon as possible.”(Chapter 40) They are still living by begginga meal. Another instance,“His eyes saw no evil beauty, his ears heard no voluptuous words. To him thebrocade and the lovely face was dung, the gold, the jewels and the beauty so much dirt. The love of his lifewas contemplation; he never took a step from Buddha Land. He did not care for female charms, knowing onlyhow to nourish his true nature.”“The she-devil was full of life and unbounded desire. The venerable monkseemed almost dead, his mind fixed on meditation. One longed to press her breasts against him and entwinetheir limbs in rapturous union; the other wanted only to sit facing the wall like the monk Bodhidharma. Theshe-devil took off her clothes, displaying her smooth skin and fragrant body; the Tang Priest pulled his robestogether, covering the roughness of his hide and flesh. The she-devil said,‘I am more lovely than Xi Shiherself.’‘Long was the king of Yue buried on her account,’the monk replied.‘Do you remember thislines,’the she-devil asked,‘I’m willing to die and be buried under flowers; even as a ghost shall I liveand love?’To this the Tang Priest replied,‘My true masculinity is my great treasure; I could not lightlygive it to a bag of bones like you.’(Chapter 55)”The Tang Priest’s never touched by any temptation of sex.

Another instance again, the queen“grabbed hold of the Tang Priest and said,‘Dear emperor’s brother, Ihave offered you the wealth of my realm to become my husband. Tomorrow you are going to take the throneas monarch, and I am going to be your consort’.”But Sanzang said,“I’m afraid that when the queentakes me into her palace she will want me to perform my conjugal duties. I could not possibly lose my primalmasculinity and ruin my conduct as Buddhist monk, or let my true seed escape and destroy my status in thefaith.”Thus it can be seen that the Tang Priest loves neither the throne nor the beauty. He’s never touchedby any temptation of property, sex or power. He’s only loyal to his faith. He only cherishes his moral conduct.

He’s only infatuated with his cause.


D)In order to reach his goal in his life—fetch the true ures from the Western Heaven, the TangPriest has the courage of running the risk of his life, the unswerving determination to preserve himself, theperseverance in pushing forward despite the nine times nine ordeals. But he sometimes uses unscrupulousdivisive tactics to attain his end. For instance, he deceived the Queen of Womanland of Western Liang bymaking a plan“to slip through the net with a false marriage”. Another instance, the King of Bhiksulandsent his aide to ask the Tang Priest for his heart as the king’s adjuvant. The Tang Priest,“trembling andshaking, dragged himself to his feet, seized hold of Monkey and said imploringly,‘Good disciple, how are weto get out of this?’‘If you want to survive,’Monkey replied,‘the disciple will have to become the masterand the master the disciple. Do that and we’ll be safe.’‘Save my life,’said Sanzang,‘and I will gladlybecome your disciple or even your disciple’s disciple.’”What a shame!




E)The Tang Priest is a kind and merciful man. But he is cruel to Monkey, Squire Kou and other goodpeople while he is merciful to Lady White Bone, Red Boy, Scorpion Spirit and other monsters and demons.

He should know how to tell the good people from bandits or robbers even though he is a mortal and can’tdistinguish the true from the false monsters and demons. For instance,“When master and disciple hadbeen travelling for a long time they heard a whistle from beside the path, and six men rushed out with spears,swords, cutlasses, and strong bows.‘Where do you think you’re going, monk?’they roared.‘If you give usyour horse and luggage we’ll spare your life.’Sanzang fell from his horse, scared out of his wits and unableto utter a word.‘Let’s go, master;’Monkey said,‘I’ve wiped those bandits out.’Sanzang replied:‘Aperson who enters the religious life spares the ants when he sweeps the floor, covers the lamps to save themoth. What business did you have to slaughter the lot of them, without caring which of them were the guiltyand which were innocent? You haven’t a shred of compassion or goodness in you. This time it happened inthe wilds, where nobody will be able to trace the crime. Say someone offended you in a city and you turnedmurderous there. Say you killed and wounded people when you went berserk with that club of yours. I myselfwould be involved even though I’m quite innocent.’‘But if I hadn’t killed them, they’d have killed you,master,’protested Sun Wukong.‘I am a man of religion, and I would rather die than commit murder,”saidSanzang. (in Chapter 44) He’s really hypocritical and pedantic! Another instance, in Chapter 56,“The banditwas in no mood for argument as he raised his cudgel and started to lay about Sanzang. Sanzang who in all hislife had never told a lie, in this desperate crisis had to make one up now:‘Don’t hit me, Your Majesties. Ihave a young disciple following behind me who’ll be here soon. He has several ounces of silver that he’ll giveto you.’‘Don’t hurt the monk,’said one of the bandit chiefs.‘Tie him up.’The crowd of bandits thenfell upon him, roped him up, and suspended him high from a tree.”When Monkey rushed up and said:“Assoon as you’ve let my master down I’ll give you it all.”“When the bandits heard this, they were delighted,and they all said,‘The old monk is stingy, but this little monk is very generous. Let him down.’Now thathis life had been spared the venerable elder leapt on the horse and galloped back the way he had come,making good use of the whip and not giving Monkey another thought.”Monkey had to kill two of bandits.

The Tang Priest told Pig,“Dig a grave for them with your rake and bury them while I say the Burial Sutrafor them.”He also told Monkey with fury,“Out of my way, ape, I am going to scatter earth on the tomb,burn incense and pray.”He prayed:“I bow to you tough guys and ask you to hear my prayer. Then youencountered Sun the Novice, who killed you with his cudgel. When you reach the Underworld to lodge yourcomplaint and look for the roots of your misfortune, remember that his surname is Sun and mine is Chen: theyare different. Know who it was who wronged you, just as you would know a debtor, and do not bring a caseagainst the monk who is going to fetch the ures.”When Monkey heard this he could not help laughingas he replied,“Monster, you’ve got no finer feelings at all. It’s true that I did kill them, but it was only foryou.”It’s bitterly disappointing!

正如所有凡人一样,唐僧有其人性的各种缺点和错误。 他的人性也有善恶两面。但“僧是愚氓犹可训”,即是说,唐僧是个需要教育的人,而不是无情地被惩罚。就他一生而论,他是个积极向上的人,对取经事业非常执着。他经受住了各种考验。事实上,他不愧为西天取经团队的领队和核心。他的优缺点都如此真实地融进了他永存的精神生命之中,以便世人借鉴。

Just like all mortals, the Tang Priest has his human faults and weaknesses. He also has a human natureof both kind and evil sides. But“the monk though simple-headed is not an uneducated monk”, that is tosay, he needs to be educated instead of being punished mercilessly. As far as his life is concerned, he is anactive and upward man and is very inflexible in his cause of fetching the ures. He has withstood all trialsand tribulations. In fact, he has proved himself to be the master and the core of the companions on the journeyto the Western Heaven to fetch the ures. His strong and weak points are so truly blended into his eternalmoral life that all people in the world may make use of them for reference.

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