
第26章 出身重要但教养更重要(3)

2.4 主要人物的人生(经验教训)

2. 4 Major Characters’ Lives ( Experiences and Lessons )亨利·希金斯:希金斯的形象某种程度上依据的是真实生活中的原型,一个是着名的语音学家亨利·斯威特,在他的领域里,他至今仍被尊为伟大的人物之一。像希金斯一样,斯威特脾气急躁,举止古怪,对工作全心全意。另一个原型是罗伯特·布里奇斯,一个着名诗人和语言学者,对英国诗人约翰·弥尔顿的着作有着特殊的兴趣。希金斯也深深地受到了弥尔顿的影响。

Henry Higgins: Higgins’ portrait is based to some extent on real life models. One was the famousphonetics specialist Henry Sweet, a man still revered as one of the great figures in his field. Like Higgins,Sweet was short-tempered, eccentric, and completely devoted to his work. The other model was RobertBridges, a famous poet and student of language with a special interest in the writings of John Milton, theEnglish poet. Higgins too is deeply influenced by Milton.


Higgins’ most attractive characteristic is a certain innocence which is in contrast to his professionalskill and intellectual sophistication. He causes much trouble to the people who come into contact with him—Eliza, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Higgins—but he has no intention of hurting anybody. He is neither cruel nor mean.

He treats everyone fairly and decently according to his own standards, thus destroying the whole notion ofparticular courtesy being due to certain people. His responses to any situation are direct and immediate, andusually loud. He simply does not give much thought to people’s feelings.


Higgins likes to get his own way. When an idea seizes him, as in ActⅡ, he rides roughshod over allopposition. He tries to placate Mrs. Pearce by offering her a daughter to adopt (not asking her whether shewants one, nor asking Eliza whether she wants to be one).


Higgins is completely devoted to his work. This devotion is one of the things that help to make him sucha terror. His work is of vital significance; other things are so trivial compared to it that they are a waste of time.

Thus he will not bother with manners, social small talk, or the other amenities of civilized living. As a result,he is a trial to his mother. The repeated display of Higgins bad manners is one of the comic elements of theplay.


Personal untidiness is another of Higgins characteristics. He uses his dressing gown to wipe his handson at meals. He shoves all his food onto the same plate. Eliza herself points out in Act Ⅴ that, if it were not forColonel Pickering, she would never have known how ladies and gentlemen behave. She mentions particularlyHiggins’ habit of taking off his shoes in the dining-room.


Toward Eliza, Higgins is domineering and impatient. He becomes absorbed in her as an object involvedin a phonetics experiment. He senses that he has allowed himself to come to the brink of a truly profoundhuman relationship. He fights hard to retain for himself the pleasure and convenience of Eliza’s presencewithout making any further gift of himself to her. He does not want to change his ways or belong to anybodybut himself.


Eliza Doolittle: When we first see Eliza, she is a child of London streets, dirty, shabby, ignorant, andaccustomed to standing up for her own rights, since there is nobody else to do it for her. She does havestandards of behavior. She does not drink. She is“a good girl”, she insists, and she is convincing. We feeladmiration for the young girl who was turned out by her father and stepmother because she was big enough tolook after herself, and who has managed to stay sober and self respecting in the midst of extreme poverty.



Her ignorance has its comic side. She has never seen a bathtub. When she does, she refuses to useit because she feels it is both dangerous and indecent to take off all one’s clothes and get wet all over. Abath reveals that Eliza is attractive. A few good clothes show that she is also capable of being stylish anddistinguished. Some hard work by Higgins shows that she has a sharp ear for sound and speech. Soon shecan pronounce her native tongue better than most people. But to uncover the possibilities of Eliza’s mind isa much harder thing. In Mrs. Higgins’ drawing room, Eliza still displays the mind of a girl brought up in asqualid world of drunkenness and violence. This contrast between her refined dress and diction on the onehand, and the content of her conversation on the other is what makes the high comedy of the scene. It is alsopitiful as it reveals that Eliza’s background is still very much with her. Finally, it shows that much innerdevelopment will be necessary.


The only emotional haven she has is the life she has built with Higgins and Pickering. But as shehears the discussion of how boring the experiment has been to Higgins, that refuge fades away. She is surethat Higgins does not want her and cannot wait to be rid of her. In this, as it happens, she is wrong. But shecourageously acts on her understanding of what is going on; she leaves. The shock of leaving the WimpoleStreet house and going off on her own again changes her perspective. She is able to call upon her own dignityand self-sufficiency as she meets with Higgins. By the end of the play, Eliza has become a different personinside as well as outside. She is able to analyze her own situation. She can move beautifully through the worldof garden parties and receptions, but she does not really belong in that world. She is able to analyze the menwho are the factors in her life. She is considering the splendid and exasperating qualities of Higgins, and theunremarkable but comforting qualities of the adoring Freddy. She will never be able to cope with that difficultman completely, but she is not helpless at his hands any longer.


Colonel Pickering: Pickering is the opposite of Higgins in almost every way. The two men are alikemainly in their interest in phonetics. Pickering is courteous, while Higgins is ill-mannered. He is patientwhile Higgins is brusque. He is even-tempered, but Higgins has an explosive disposition. Pickering is kindlyin his impulses, while Higgins is sometimes mischievous and often thoughtless. Pickering personifies sanityand conventional behavior in the play. This points up Higgins’ eccentricity.


Eliza feels much gratitude toward Pickering, and properly so. He gives generous financial help. But,more important, he is a“gentleman”, that is, a person of excellent social background who has been to thebest public schools. He gives that courteous consideration by which Eliza learns about being a lady. Eliza’soutlook changes from the moment that Picking calls her“Miss Doolittle”and offers her a seat. As sheintelligently explains it later on:“The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, buthow she is treated.”


Pickering is also capable of showing a certain short-sightedness. Along with Higgins, he is distinctlyimpatient as Higgins’ mother urges them to take some thought for Eliza’s future. He is too amused by Eliza’sprogress to think about this important subject.


Alfred Doolittle: Eliza’s father Doolittle is a scoundrel. He is an exceptional scoundrel in two ways.

First he is genuinely honest about it. He makes no pretence of virtue whatever. He has no morals, he admitscheerfully. He can’t afford them. He talks Higgins out of five pounds in payment for Eliza. He feels that ifEliza has sold herself into a life of dishonor, he ought to get a small percentage of the proceeds. Higgins andPickering are scandalized at this conduct, but they are so delighted with Doolittle’s amiable eloquence thatthey end up offering him ten pounds instead of five. Second. Doolittle is a philosophical rogue. He has givensome thought to the world and his own place in it. Thus, the life he leads is the result of careful consideration.

He is, he explains, one of the Undeserving Poor. The Deserving Poor sometimes receive charity, but theUndeserving Poor never do. This is most unreasonable, for his expenses are higher than those of the DeservingPoor. He has to spend a lot on liquor, for instance. However, he has become one of the Undeserving Poorbecause he likes it, and he plans to remain one.


Doolittle expresses his views in rich, musical speech. Higgins ascribes his eloquence to the factthat his mother was Welsh. He also makes constant use of paradox and unexpected turns of thought. Thehigher Doolittle rises in the world, the unhappier he becomes. He is embittered because he has been leftfour thousand pounds a year by an American millionaire. Respectability has been thrust upon him. He is aprisoner of middle class morality. The worst of his prosperity is that he does not have the courage to refuseit. Though surrounded by lawyers, doctors, and servants eager to provide their services for a fat fee, thoughpreyed on by impecunious relatives. Doolittle cannot quite face the prospect of giving it all up, because thealternative for him is inevitably the workhouse (poorhouse) in his old age, which is fast approaching. The lasttime we see him, as he departs for his own wedding, he is a miserable man.



Mrs. Higgins: She inspires great devotion in her son. She is a handsome, elegant woman who lives a wellregulated life. She obviously has artistic interests. Her home is furnished in splendid taste. It reflects the bestand most advanced artistic thought of her own youth. The arrival of her eccentric son almost always meansa disruption in Mrs. Higgins’ orderly, pleasant existence. He upsets her house, breaks her furniture, andinsults her friends. She is consequently distressed if he arrives unexpectedly. She does not show a possessive,smothering attitude towards her son. She is clearly fond of him, but she is also pleased that their lives move onseparate path.


Mrs. Higgins is a perceptive person. She understands immediately the fascination her son feels for hisexperiment with Eliza. She recognizes the danger of the situation. However, she cannot make this clear to herson or to Pickering. She does all she can to make Eliza feel welcome when Higgins brings her to visit.


Mrs. Pearce: She is from a middle class family. She has definite and somewhat narrow ideas of whatis right and wrong. She is rigidly respectable. Her unwillingness to repeat the word“bloody”is just anindication of her rigidly decent middle class standards.



Mrs. Pearce has a strong character. She is used to Higgins coaxing ways when he wants something. Sheis unyielding when she feels that a principle is at stake. She behaves toward her employer almost as thoughshe was a governess or teacher and he was a difficult little boy. She is unfailingly courteous but quite firmas she discusses Higgins bad manners and bad language and the necessity of improving both as an exampleto Eliza. Higgins’ extravagance and Mrs. Pearce’s primness make an amusing contrast. We can sharePickering’s enjoyment of their discussion.


There is no softness about Mrs. Pearce, but she does not lack kindness either. She understands Eliza’sterror over Higgins’ wild conversation; she interprets his talk and tries to reassure her. Like Mrs. Higgins, shehas genuine concern for Eliza’s future.


Mrs. Eynsford-Hill: She is a rather conservative lady of kindly instincts who has been brought up tolead a life of aristocratic idleness. Unfortunately, she does not possess an aristocratic income.She strugglesalong on a pitiful amount of money, constantly worried over finances and concerned over the future of her twochildren.

佛莱第·因斯福德-希尔:他比他妹妹克拉拉更令人愉快。然而他几乎没有表现出有能力或有头脑的迹象。实际上,他和蔼可亲,但身无长技,让读者想起P. G. 伍德豪斯在他众多的喜剧小说中写的那些颇有特色的呆笨的年轻人。

Freddy Eynsford-Hill: He is more agreeable than his sister Clara. However, he shows little evidence ofability or brains. In fact, he is so amiably ineffectual that he may remind the reader of those idiotic young menwho later became a specialty of P. G. Wodehouse in his numerous comic novels.


Eliza is attracted to his good looks, gentlemanly behavior, and good nature. Most of all, she is touchedbecause of his complete devotion to her. Whether all this is enough to counterbalance the more colorfulattractiveness of Professor Higgins is left unsettled in the play. The final essay states that Freddy and Elizamarry.

2.5 复习讨论题

2.5 Questions for Revision and Discussion


(1)How would you appreciate the writer Shaw’s life? What family was he born of? How didhe become a well known writer all over the world? What will you learn from the writer’s life? (Or: OnGeorge Bernard Shaw’s Life)


(2)What family is Eliza born of ?How can she finally become a really independent lady? Howdo you appreciate her life?


(3)Analyze Shaw’s method of portraying Higgins. How does he make him attractive in spite ofhis weaknesses? How do you appreciate his life? What experiences and lessons has he afforded us worthyof our attention?


(4)What roles does Colonel Pickering play in the development of the play? What do you thinkof his life? What will you learn from him?


(5)How do you think of Alfred Doolittle? Do you like him? Why? What will you do if yourfather were like him?


(6)Why doesn’t Mrs. Higgins live together with her son? Doesn’t she love her son? Do you likeyour mother like Mrs. Higgins? Why?


(7)How do you think of Freddy Eynsford-Hill? What experiences and lessons has he affordedus worthy of our attention?


(8)Discuss the ending of the play. Whom will Eliza marry ? Why?


(9)To Learn How to Be a Man—Some Thoughts on Pygmalion.

  • 晚清·想象·小说


  • 姜夔集


    姜夔词,以其特有的艺术风格卓然立足于两宋词坛,并以其神契“逸品”的人格与词风见许于后世,也因为如此,后世整理其词集者便层出不穷。 四库全书提要:夔诗格高秀,为杨万里等所推,词亦精深华妙,尤善自度新腔,故音节文采,并冠一时。
  • 寻找卡拉


  • 亲情独白(读者精品)


  • 静如花开


    全书分“写古意” 、“在路上”、 “品人生”、 “寄相思”、 “忆往昔”共五辑,作者用文字记录了她这些年来的生活点滴及所思所想。
  • 游戏之刹那永恒


  • 见习记者


  • 青少年应该知道的百部世界名著


  • 冥雷元素


  • 法观经


  • 佛武双修


  • 无双城


  • 佛说花聚陀罗尼咒经


  • 浮生西游志


  • 倾城索爱

