
第25章 出身重要但教养更重要(2)

2.2 作者人生

2.2 The Writer’s Life



First of all, let’s enjoy the writer’s life. George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland, on July 26,1856. Shaw’s family was part of the Protestant minority in Ireland, not the Roman Catholic majority. The IrishProtestant minority has always tended to regard itself as aristocratic and superior. Shaw’s parents certainlyfelt this way. They were proud of their distant relationship to an Irish nobleman. In reality, however, they led ashabby, disorganized family life. The father was a grain merchant, and his business was always in difficulties;he was good-natured but ineffectual. He found life easier when he kept himself in a state of alcoholicconfusion. Shaw’s mother became an embittered woman who despised her husband and neglected her threechildren. She was much interested in music; so occupied was she with training her voice and arrangingmusical scores that she could not spare much time for running her household. George Bernard Shaw andhis two sisters were neglected as children. When he was a grown man he recalled vividly how he had spentmany childhood days in the kitchen, being looked after by a miserably paid servant girl, and how his mealshad almost always consisted of badly stewed beef and stale strong tea. But under the influence of his mother,he knew many opera scores almost by heart while still a boy. He could sing a number of passages from greatoperas note for note. His voice was good enough and well trained enough to make him an excellent publicspeaker in later life. At the same time he learned enough about music in his boyhood to give him a foundationfor writing about it; he became a music critic when he was in his thirties — some feel the best one that everlived.


In his boyhood, Shaw received a little Latin instruction from an uncle who was a good teacher. ButShaw’s main education came from his own independent learning in picture galleries and museums, and fromattendance at concerts, operas and Shakespeare’s plays whenever he got the chance. When he was fifteen,he left school forever, and became an office boy in a Dublin real estate office. Here, among other things, hehad the ugly job of collecting rents in slum tenements — an experience he remembered and put to use in hisplays.


At nineteen, Shaw moved to London. There he lived with his mother, who had left his father and wasmaking her living by teaching singing. During his early years in London, Bernard Shaw determined to becomea writer by devoting much time to self-education. He went about it in a practical way: he learned to write bywriting. Between 1879 and 1883 he wrote five pages every day, eventually completing five books in this way.

Unfortunately, the books were novels, for which Shaw had little talent. Only one of them has ever gained anypopularity. That is Cashel Byron’s Profession, a wildly comic story about a prize fighter. The others werepretty terrible. During these years Shaw knew about economic hardship from personal experience. His sleeveswere so threadbare that he had to trim them with scissors; his hat was so worn that he was afraid to touch it forfear that it would fall apart.


In Great Britain the injustices of industrial society in the nineteenth century, such as the labor of smallchildren in factories and mines, the payment of wages too low for anyone to live on, the absence of sanitationand decent housing, made a deep impression on Shaw. Also, there was a depression in the eighteen eighties,so that Shaw saw plenty of cold, hungry people in London. In September, 1882, Shaw attended a lecturegiven by the economist Henry George from the United States and was convinced that the inequalities of theeconomic system could be corrected by land reform. In 1884, Shaw read and was impressed by Karl Marx.

He joined the Fabian Society this year. The organization was determined not to make noble declarations abouteconomic reform but to do something about it. This could be accomplished by getting to work on speechesand pamphlets that would convince others and lead to new laws. Shaw worked for many years with this smallband of serious intellectuals. The Fabian Society played an important role in the founding of the Labor Party,one of today’s two major political parties in the United Kingdom.


In 1888, Shaw began this brilliant career as a music critic. In 1895, he became drama critic on theLondon Saturday Review. His witty, intelligent, powerfully expressed reviews were of such excellence that itis still a pleasure to read them. And in the meantime Shaw became interested in the plays of the NorwegianHenrik Ibsen through his friend William Archer, a well-known critic, reading some Ibsen’s play aloud tohim. Ibsen was causing a revolution in the theater by using plays to discuss and advocate new social ideas.

This meant that the theater was becoming a place where the audience could find stimulation for their minds,whereas before Ibsen there was nothing more to attract intelligent people to the average play than there is in ahistorical movie epic of our own day. Soon Shaw was writing his own plays under Ibsen’s influence. The firstone Widower’s Houses was performed in 1892. This was about a subject Shaw was acquainted with at firsthand—slum landlords. From then on Shaw began to embody his ideas in comedy. By 1897 he had writtenArms and the Man, the Devil’s Disciple, and Candida. He was a rich and famous playwright. In 1898 hegave up his job as drama critic so that he could devote all his time to writing plays. Caesar and Cleopatrawas written in that year. Also in 1898 he married Charlotte Payne-Townshend, with whom he enjoyed acongenial companionship until her death forty-five years later. By 1915, Shaw was famous the world over.

His only tragedy Saint Joan was written in 1923 when Shaw was sixty-seven. He won the Nobel Prize forliterature in 1925. On a world tour, Shaw visited China in 1932 and was warmly welcomed by Chinese peoplerepresented by Lu Xun, Cai Yuanpei and Song Qingling, etc. in Shanghai.


Shaw was a vegetarian. When he was in his forties, his health became poor for a while, and doctors toldhim it was absolutely necessary to begin eating meat. Shaw refused. He could not bring himself to eat the fleshof slaughtered fellow creatures. He wrote at the time that, if he did die, his funeral procession would consist ofoxen, sheep, poultry, and even fish, all mourning the man who would rather die than eat them. But Shaw wasa diligent and productive writer. In his eighties and nineties he was still producing interesting plays.


George Bernard Shaw died in England on November 2, 1950. He lived for ninety four years and wrotemore than fifty plays. He is usually considered to be the greatest writer of plays in the English language sinceShakespeare. He also wrote many volumes of literary criticism, art criticism and music criticism as well asnumerous essays on social and political problems. An example of such an essay is the one called the Crimeof Imprisonment.

2.3 作品欣赏

2.3 Appreciations of the play



Shaw takes the title of his play from a well-known Greek myth. There are two versions of it. In onePygmalion is a king who falls in love with a beautiful statue. He prays to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, for awife as beautiful as the statue. Aphrodite brings the statue to life. Pygmalion marries her. In the other versionof the story, Pygmalion is a sculptor. He makes the beautiful statue himself. He falls in love with his owncreation and prays that life may be granted to it. The gods give him his wish. The statue becomes a living girlnamed Galatea, and Pygmalion marries her. Shaw uses the latter version. In the play, Professor Higgins isPygmalion. Eliza Doolittle is the beautiful girl he recreates. It is Higgins who transforms Eliza from a lowly,dirty flower seller into a noble, pretty lady in fine clothes and jewels. But he does not marry her at all. It is justbecause Shaw writes a conventional, familiar type of play that his unconventional treatment of the story is sostimulating. To make use of a familiar appealing story like this is characteristic of Shaw’s dramatic method.

He assures our sympathetic attention by telling us a story that we like to hear, but he then uses our acceptanceto further his own ends by adding material that challenges our comfortable ideas.


Thus we begin with an enjoyable, conventional story. We find that in it is concealed a devastating attackon polite society; Eliza changes her social status by changing her vowels and consonants. However, to becomea human being, Shaw says, is far harder than to become a duchess. Eliza does not accomplish this until theend of the play. Shaw also, presents us with a searching analysis of human relations far less soothing thanthe simple conclusion:“They lived happily ever after.”Finally, in the person of Alfred Doolittle, we areconfronted with difficult questions about poverty and morals. In summary, we may say that Shaw incorporatesthe fairy tale of Cinderella into his play. As we respond to its timeless appeal, we find that Shaw uses it as amethod of presenting challenging ideas as well.


Shaw wrote comedies almost exclusively. His method of comedy is to take familiar ideas and situations,to present them with a fresh and startling viewpoint, and to give new insight into humanity by doing this. Forinstance, Pygmalion tells a familiar story of the Cinderella type. We should expect a“happy ending”withHiggins marrying the transformed Eliza. But Shaw with startling intellectual clarity, does not have themmarry. What Shaw wants to tell us is that Cinderella is changed in more than externals. She has a soul moreresponsive and sympathetic than Higgins.


Shaw brings out human foolishness and inconsistency with a bubbling gaiety which is one of his mostnoticeable qualities. He never ceases to be amused at human behavior, still more at human thought. We maysurely conclude that Shaw delights in the innumerable absurd human types, that he loves life and enjoysliving it. His writing could not have such vivacity and gusto if this were not so.


Shaw’s plays make enjoyable reading because the author supplies not only the dialogue but muchconnecting material. There are full deions of the characters, vivid deions of the scenes, andnumerous comments by Shaw which are often very entertaining. Shaw was the first playwright to do this.

He felt that the ideas in his plays should be spread as widely as possible. Therefore he wanted to cultivate areading public as well as a theater going public. With this in mind, he made his plays as attractive to read ashe could.


Shaw knows just what will“go”when a play is performed — what dialogue and action will help it tomove swiftly and keep the attention of the audience. One of the reasons why Shaw is able to do this is that hewrote many of his plays for special actors. When he wrote a play, he had the actor in mind as he worked. Thiskept Shaw’s thoughts closely attached to the staging of the play. Caesar and Cleopatra, for example, waswritten for Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, a famous nineteenth-century actor. What was true of actors wasalso true of actresses — truer, since Shaw had a habit of falling in love with actresses and writing plays forthem as a sign of his affection. (Actresses also had a habit of falling in love with him.) Pygmalion was Shaw’sgift to Mrs. Patrick Campbell. The correspondence Shaw exchanged with the woman constitutes one of themost famous sets of love letters in the world. Their wit makes it far more than conventional love letters.


Shaw’s literary style does not call attention to itself by such devices as elaborate vocabulary or highlyrhythmical sentences. The only special quality of the writing is that it mirrors the special quality of Shaw’smind, that is, it is exceptionally clear, lively, and intellectually powerful. It is obviously the result of Shaw’sconcentration on what he has to say. Language that is fancy or tricky for its own sake is of no interest to him.

Students who are reading Shaw’s plays are very often studying writing in the same English class. They couldnot do better than to take his straight forward, vigorous prose as a model. The modern poet W.H. Audencompares Shaw’s writing to the music of Rossini (the great Italian composer of comic opera). Shaw has, hesays, the same tunefulness, humor, vivacity and clarity in his words as the master composer has in his music.


To summarize, Pygmalion is a delightfully amusing, well-constructed comedy. It tells the story of thecreation of an independent human being. While reading the play, we can not help expressing admiration forthe immense vividness of Shaw’s portraits and the liveliness and wit of the conversation.

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