
第19章 出生是人生的起点(11)


Jiao Da: Jiao Da went out with Jia Rong’s great-grandfather on three or four expeditions when he wasyoung, and saved his master’s life by carrying him off a battlefield heaped with corpses. He went hungryhimself but stole food for his master; and after two days without water, when he got half a bowl he gave it to hismaster and drank horse urine himself. Because of these services, he was treated with special considerationin the great-grandfather’s time and nobody likes to interfere with him now. But since growing old he has noregard for appearances. He does nothing but drink and when he’s drunk he abuses everyone.



One day, Jiao Da was fairly letting himself go. Roaring drunk, he lashed out at the head steward LaiErh’s injustice, calling him a cowardly bully.“You give all the soft jobs to others, but when it comes to seeingsomeone home late at night in the dark you send me. Black-hearted son of a turtle! A fine steward you are! Ican lift my leg up higher than your head. Twenty years ago I’d nothing but contempt for this household, not tomention you bastards, you crew of turtle-eggs.”He was cursing away full blast as Jia Rong saw Xifeng in hercarriage out, and ignored all the servants’ shouts to him to be quiet. Jia Rong could hardly let this pass. Heswore at Jiao Da and told men to tie him up.“We’ll ask him tomorrow, when he’s sobered up, what he meansby this disgraceful behaviour,”he blustered. Jiao Da had a low opinion, of course, of Jia Rong. He bore downon him bellowing still more angrily:“Don’t try to lord it over Jiao Da, young Brother Rong! Not to speak ofthe likes of you, not even your dad or grand-dad dare stand up to Jiao Da. If not for me, and me alone, you’dhave no official posts, fancy titles or riches. It was your great-granddad who built up this estate, and ninetimes I snatched him back from the jaws of death. Now instead of showing yourselves properly grateful, youtry to lord it over me. Shut up, and I’ll overlook it. Say one word more, and I’ll bury a white blade in you andpull it out red!”Some servants overpowered Jiao Da and dragged him off towards the stables, for this timehe had really gone too far. Then he let loose a flood of abuse in which even Jia Zhen was included.“Let mego to the Ancestral Temple and weep for my old master,”he fumed.“Little did he expect to beget suchdegenerates, a houseful of rutting dogs and bitches in heat, day in and day out scratching in the ashes(a slangterm for adultery between a man and his daughter-in-law) and carrying on with younger brothers-in-law.

Don’t think you can fool me. I only tried to hide the broken arm in your sleeve.”These obscenities frightenedthe servants half out of their wits. Hurriedly trussing him up, they stuffed his mouth with mud and horse-dung. Xifeng told Jia Rong:“Pack him off to some distant farm and have done with it.”“He’s nothing but asource of trouble. If this came to the ears of our relatives and friends, how they’d laugh at the lack of rules andorder here.”Jia Rong promised. What comes to Jiao Da, everybody knows. No matter how loyal he’s been tothe Jias, he’s only an old servant after all. Let alone his loyalty to his old master who’s been dead many years,how could he understand? It’s no wonder that his loyalty has finally turned into a tragedy.


Xiangling: Xiangling was born of a local official family. Her father is a gentleman named Zhen Fei,whose courtesy name is Shiyin. Her mother, nee Feng, is a worthy virtuous woman with a strong sense ofpropriety and right. Although neither very rich nor noble, their family is highly regarded in that locality.

Xiangling’s original name is Zhen Yinglian, the homophone for“What a pity”.She is the most unfortunategirl of the Second Register of Twelve Beauties of JinLing. She is also the representative of those girls andmaids who are oppressed, bullied and humiliated in the Grand View Garden. She is the microcosm of allunfortunate feudal women.


When Xiangling was five, her father told their servant Huo Qi to take her out to see the fireworks andornamental lanterns. Towards midnight Huo Qi set the little girl down on a doorstep while he stepped roundthe corner to urinate. When he came back she had gone. He made a frantic search for her all night. And atdawn, not daring to face his master without her, he ran away to another district. Xiangling was kidnappedby this type of kidnappers who make a point of stealing small girls and bring them up somewhere out of theway until they’re twelve or thirteen, then take them elsewhere to sell according to their looks. She’s now agood-looking girl of twelve or thirteen. She’s been beaten so much she’s afraid to talk; she just insists that theseller is her father, selling her to clear his debts. It so happened that the son of one of the minor local gentryFeng Yuan ran into the kidnapper and no sooner set eyes on this girl than he fell for her and made up hismind to buy her for his concubine. He paid down his silver and swore to have no more to do with men and totake no other wife. That was why he insisted on her coming to him three days later. But this world is full ofdisappointments: the very next day she was sold to the Xues. Any other family wouldn’t have been so bad; butthis young Xue, otherwise known as the Stupid Tyrant, is the most vicious ruffian alive, who throws moneyabout like dirt. As a result, both Xue and Feng refused to take back their money—both wanted the girl. Thenyoung Xue ordered his men to beat young Feng into a pulp and dragged the poor girl off by force more deadthan alive.


When Xiangling was bought, it was to serve the old lady; that’s why Miss Baochai gave her the nameXiangling. Later, since she started waiting on Xue Pan, She’s become his little concubine. When Xue Panwould marry Xia Jingui, she was really glad instead of fighting for their husband’s favours, for she imaginedhis new wife would protect her and share her responsibilities, enabling her to lead a quieter life. And havingheard that this young lady was talented as well as beautiful, she assumed she must be refined and gentle too.

She was therefore ten times more eager even than Xue Pan for her arrival. When Baoyu said:“I’m ratherworried for you”, she solemnly answered:“What a thing to say! We’ve always treated each other withrespect, but now you’re suddenly talking like this—the idea! No wonder everyone says it’s no good beingtoo familiar with you.”Xue Pan’s marriage kept her busy every day. Finally the day came when the bridearrived, and she began waiting hand and foot on her new mistress.





Now this Miss Xia was spoilt by her widowed mother. In appearance pretty as a flower, at heart shewas a termagant. She had as high an opinion of herself as if she were a goddess, and treated others like dirt.

The presence of such a charming and talented concubine as Xingling had filled her with the same resolveas the First Emperor of Song when he decided to wipe out the Prince of Southern Tang, demanding,“Howcan I let another sleep alongside my bed?”Now Xue Pan was a living example of the saying“To covet theland of Shu after getting the region of Long.”After marrying Jingui, he was struck by her maid Baochan’scharms. He often flirted with her when asking her to fetch him tea or water. Baochan knew what he wanted,but dared not encourage him until she knew how her mistress felt about it. Jingui was well aware of what washappening.“It’s Xiangling I want to trap, but I can’t find any pretext,”she reflected.“As he’s keen onBaochan now, I may as well let him have her and he’s bound to lose interest in Xiangling. Then I can settleher hash. Since Baochan is my maid, she’ll be easy to handle later.”Then, at bedtime, Jingui deliberatelyurged her husband to sleep elsewhere.“I don’t want to see you eating your heart out,”she said.“Ifyou want something, tell me,”she continued.“Acting on the sly is no good.”Emboldened by wine,Xue Pan knelt on the quilt and nuzzled her.“Good sister, just give me Baochan and I’ll do whatever yousay!”“What senseless talk!”she retorted.“If you’ve taken a fancy to someone, say so outright, and wecan make her your concubine to avoid any hint of scandal. Why should I care?”Xue Pan was so delightedwith this assurance that he thanked her most profusely. After lunch the next day, Jingui deliberately went outto clear the coast for both Xue Pan and Baochan. When Jingui reckoned that they would be locked together,she called for a young maid and said:“Go and tell Xiangling to fetch my handkerchief from my room andtake it to me.”Xiangling, upset by all Jingui’s recent unkindness to her, had been trying in every way toplacate her; so on hearing this she hurried to her mistress’s room. All unwittingly she burst in just as the two ofthem were setting to work. Flushing crimson up to her ears, she promptly fled. Baochan, however, had a sharptongue and a strong sense of self-importance. Xiangling’s sudden intrusion made her wish the earth wouldswallow her up. At once she pushed Xue Pan away and rushed out of the room. Xue Pan’s frustration, owingto Xiangling, naturally turned his excitement into savage hatred for her. He ran out and spat at her.“Youdamn bitch!”he swore.“Why come barging in here now?”He loosed off more abuse at Xiangling. Afterdinner that evening, befuddled with wine, he happened to scald his feet because the bath water was ratherhot. Blaming this on Xiangling he ran out, stark naked as he was, to kick and beat her. By now Jingui had toldBaochan in confidence to spend the night with Xue Pan in Xiangling’s room and become his concubine. Sheordered Xiangling to sleep with her. Xiangling had no choice but to carry her bedding over. And when Jinguiordered her to sleep on the floor, again she had to comply. But no sooner had she lain down than Jingui calledfor tea, then presently told her to massage her legs, rousing her seven or eight times altogether, so that therewas no sleep for Xiangling that night. Then one day, from Jingui’s pillow-case there fell out a paper effigyinscribed with the date of her birth and her horoscope. Five needles had been thrust through it: one throughthe heart and one through each of the limbs.“Anyway, if I’m done to death what does it matter?”Jinguisaid.“Wouldn’t you love to marry a better wife? I know very well that the three of you all want me out of theway!”Goaded by these taunts, Xue Pan grabbed hold of a doorbar and rushed to find Xiangling. Withoutgiving her a chance to speak he started beating her, insisting that she was the one who had worked thiswitchcraft. As Xiangling protested her innocence Aunt Xue came running over to stop her son.“How canyou beat her without first investigating?”she scolded.“I know you: off with the old love and on with thenew! I shall send for a broker at once and sell her off to set your mind at rest.”She told Xiangling,“Getyour things together. Come on!”She then ordered the servants,“Fetch a broker at once. We’ll sell herfor whatever she’ll fetch, to rid ourselves of this pest, this thorn in the flesh. Only then can we have anypeace.”This very moment, Baochai smilingly said:“Our family only buys maids, never sells any. Youranger’s making you talk foolishly, mother. If my brother and sister-in-law dislike her, why not keep her towait on me? I need another maid.”Xiangling had already run up to Aunt Xue and tearfully begged her not todrive her away but to let her wait on Miss Baochai. So finally Aunt Xue relented. After that, Xiangling movedinto Baochai’s quarters and had no more to do with the young couple; still, she could not help bewailing herfate to the moon and sighing before the lamp. Though she had lived with Xue Pan for several years, becauseof irregular menses she had never conceived a child. Now anger and grief further undermined her health,and these upsets aggravated her anaemia. She fell into a consumption and lost her appetite. Then one day, forsome reason, Jingui came and asked to have Xiangling to keep her company. The poor girl dared not disobey,bad as her health was, she went there. Jingui wanted to poison Xiangling. But she didn’t know that Baochanhad changed the bowls around and consequently she poisoned herself. Truly,“heaven is just, and each reapsas he has sown.”Xiangling has eventually married into the Xue family. But she is dying now in childbirthleaving behind her a son to carry on the Xues’ line. What a pity!

Sweet is she as the lotus in flower,Yet none so sorely oppressed;After the growth of a lonely tree in two soilsHer sweet soul will be dispatched to its final rest.


Xue Pan: Young Xue’s name is Pan, his courtesy name Wenqi, and since the age of five or six hehad shown himself extravagant in his habits and insolent in his speech. At school he merely learned a fewcharacters, spending all his time on cockfights, riding or pleasure trips. Although a Court Purveyor, he knewnothing of business or worldly affairs but prevailed on his grandfather’s old connections to find him a well-paid sinecure in the Board of Revenue and left all business to his agents and old family servants. He came ofa scholarly Jinling family, but having lost his father while still a child he was thoroughly spoiled by his motheras the only son and heir, with the result that he grew up good for nothing. For they were millionaires, inreceipt of an income from the State Treasury as Purveyors for the Imperial Household. His widowed mother,née Wang, is the younger sister of Wang Ziteng, Commander-in-Chief of the Metropolitan Garrison, andthe sister of Lady Wang, wife of Jia Zheng of the Rong Mansion. Xue Pan had long heard of the splendours ofthe capital, now had three pretexts for a visit to it: First, to escort his sister there for the selection; secondly,to see his relatives; and thirdly, to clear his accounts and decide on further outlay. His real reason, of course,was to see the sights of the great metropolis. He had long since packed his luggage and valuables andprepared local specialities of every kind as gifts for relatives and friends. An auspicious day for departurehad just been chosen when he met the kidnapper who was selling Yinglian and, struck by her good looks,promptly purchased her. When Feng Yuan demanded her back, Xue Pan relying on his powerful positionordered his bullies to beat the young man to death. Then entrusting the family affairs to some clansmen andold servants, he left with his mother and sister. To him a murder charge was just a trifle which could easily besettled with some filthy lucre. After less than a month Xue Pan stayed with his mother and sister in the RongMansion, he found himself on familiar terms with half the Jia sons and nephews, and all the rich young men offashion among them enjoyed his company. One day they would meet to drink, the next to look at flowers, andsoon they included him in gambling parties or visits to the courtesans’ quarters, with the result that Xue Panrapidly became even ten times worse than before.








At the party held by Feng Ziying,“Listen,”put in Baoyu.“If you drink so fast, you’ll soon be drunkand we shan’t have any fun. Suppose I empty a goblet first and we play a new game of forfeits? Anyonewho doesn’t do as I say will have to drain ten goblets in succession and leave the table to wait on theothers.”When they all agreed to this, he picked up a goblet and drained it.“Now,”he said,“you must allmake four lines about a girl’s sorrow, her worry, her joy and her delight, explaining the reason for each. Thenyou must drink a cup of wine, sing a new popular song, and recite either a line from an old poem or couplet, ora saying from The Four Books or the Five Classics connected with some object on the table.”Before he hadfinished Xue Pan was on his feet protesting.“I’m not doing that. Count me out. You just want to make funof me.”Yun-erh stood up to push him back on to his seat.“What are you afraid of?”she teased.“Don’tyou drink every day? Aren’t you even up to me? I’m going to join in. If you do all right, well and good; if not,it won’t kill you to drink a few cups. Or would you rather refuse and have to drink ten goblets and wait on therest of us?”All clapped their approval and Xue Pan had to subside. Baoyu began:“The girl’s sorrow: Youthis passing but she remains single. /“The girl’s worry: Her husband leaves home to make his fortune./“Thegirl’s joy: Her good looks in the mirror in the morning. /“The girl’s delight: Swinging in a light springgown.”All cried“Good!”except Xue Pan, who shook his head.“No good,”he growled.“He ought topay a forfeit,”“Why?”asked the others.“Because I didn’t understand a word.”Yun-erh gave him apinch.“Be quiet and think out your lines. If you don’t, you’ll be the one to pay a forfeit.”She accompaniedBaoyu on the pipa as he sang: Like drops of blood fall endless tears of longing, / By painted pavilion growwillows and flowers untold... It was now Xue Pan’s turn.“All right,”he said.“Here goes. The girl’ssorrow...”He cleared his throat twice and persevered;“The girl’s sorrow: She marries a queer.”A roar oflaughter went up. His eyes bulging again he proceeded,“The girl’s worry...”A big gorilla springs out ofher boudoir.”Roaring with laughter they cried,“Make him pay the forfeit. The last could just pass but thisis impossible.”However, before they could fill the goblet Baoyu put in,“As long as he rhymes it, that’sgood enough.”“If the man in charge passes it,”blustered Xue Pan,“why should you lot kick up such afuss?”“The next two lines are more difficult,”said Yun-erh.“Suppose I do them for you?”“Nonsense.

You think I’ve nothing better coming? Listen.“The girl’s joy: Rising late after her wedding night.”“Howpoetic he’s growing!”they exclaimed. The girl’s delight: A good fuck.”All turned away crying,“For shame!

Hurry up with your song.”Then he sang: A mosquito buzzes, hum-hum.“What sort of song do you callthis?”they demanded. He went on: Two flies drone, buzz-buzz.“That’s enough. Shut up!”they cried.“Allright, if you don’t want it. That’s a new song called Hum-hum. If you can’t be bothered to listen and want meto stop, you must let me off the drinking.”“We’ll let you off. You’re just holding up other people.”



  • 经年的时光


  • 唐宋八大家(第二卷)


    韩柳三苏王曾欧阳是唐宋时期八大散文作家的合称,即唐代的韩愈、柳宗元和宋代的苏轼、苏洵、苏辙 (苏轼,苏洵,苏辙父子三人称为三苏)、欧阳修、王安石、曾巩。明初将韩愈、柳宗元、苏轼、苏洵、苏辙、 欧阳修、王安石、曾巩八个作家的散文作品编选在一起刊行的《八先生文集》,后唐顺之在《文编》一书中也选录了这八个唐宋作家的作品。明朝中叶古文家茅坤在前基础上加以整理和编选,取名《八大家文钞》,共160卷。“唐宋八大家”从此得名。给予后人深远的影响。
  • 自己的酒盅


  • 一个冒雪锯木的清晨


  • 慕容雪村文集经典套装(全集)


  • 继魂决


  • 遇灵异录


  • 腹黑校草溺宠呆萌丫头


  • 妖虎初生


  • 福妻驾到


  • 脉因证治


  • 异世之界之奇幻传奇


  • 武神重生之霸气恩仇录


  • 非典型英雄


  • 不过年少

