
第18章 出生是人生的起点(10)


Jia Yuanchun: Jia Yuanchun was born in the purple. Her father is Jia Zheng and her mother is LadyWang. She’s the eldest girl among her sisters in the Jia family and born on New Year’s Day. That’s why she’snamed Yuanchun, and so the others have“chun”in their names too. The Lady Dowager (nee Shi)is soattached to these grand-daughters that she makes them study in the Rong Mansion near her, and it’s heardgood reports of them all. Yuanchun was chosen to be a Lady-Clerk in the palace of the heir apparent becauseof her goodness, filial piety and talents.


Jia Yuanchun was promoted to Chief Secretary of the Phoenix Palace with the title of Worthy andVirtuous Consort soon after Qin Keqing’s death. The son of Heaven acceded to Jia Zheng’s request. TheImperial Consort would be permitted to visit her parents for the Feast of Lanterns on the fifteenth of the firstmonth the following year. The Imperial Consort, before she entered the Palace, had been brought up fromchildhood by the Lady Dowager. And after Baoyu was born, as Yuanchun was his elder sister and Baoyuyounger brother, bearing in mind that their mother had given birth to him late in life, she loved him morethan her other brothers and lavished all her care on him. They both stayed with their grandmother and wereinseparable. Even before Baoyu started school, when he was hardly four years old, she taught him to reciteseveral texts and to recognize several thousand characters. She was more like a mother to him than an eldersister. After she entered the palace she often wrote letters home reminding her parents to educate him well,for unless strictly disciplined he would not amount to much, but if treated too sternly he might also givethem cause for anxiety. Her loving concern for him had never ceased. On the fifteenth of the first month theImperial Consort visited her family, showed her affection and enjoyed a reunion with her dear ones. When JiaZheng informed Yuanchun,“All the inions on the pavilions and lodges in the Garden were composedby Baoyu,”she exclaimed with delight,“So he’s making progress!”As a young man without official rankBaoyu dared not presume. The Imperial Consort sent for him at once and a young eunuch ushered Baoyu in topay homage according to Palace etiquette. His sister called him to her and took his hand. Drawing him closeto her bosom, she stroked his neck and commented with a smile,“How you have grown!”But even as shespoke her tears fell like rain. Yuanchun told Baoyu to lead the way. Accompanied by all the rest she walkedinto the Garden, which she named the Grand View Garden, and said with a smile:“I have never had a readywit or any skill in versifying, as all of you know, but tonight I had to try my hand at a verse in honor of thesepleasure grounds. Some day when I have more time, I promise to write a Deion of Grand View Gardenand a panegyric called The Family Reunion to commemorate this occasion. Now I want each of you to writean inion and a poem to go with it. Do your best, and don’t feel restricted by my lame attempt. It was sucha delightful surprise to me to find that Baoyu can compose inions and poems. Although Baoyu’s coupletscomposed earlier are charming, I want him now in my presence to write verse poems in five-characterlines on each of these places. That will repay the efforts I made to teach him when he was a little boy.”TheImperial Consort looked at her sisters and Baoyu’s attempts in turn, delighted with their verses and poems.

No sooner had they finished their poems than a stage performance began. It was nearly three in the morningby the time all had expressed their thanks, and the eunuch in charge announced that it was time to leave.

Although Yuanchun could hardly bear to leave, she could not disobey the Imperial regulations and had noalternative but to re-enter her palanquin which carried her away.


According to Chapter 95 of Gao E’s sequel, Yuanchun, highly favored by the sagacious sovereign sinceher installation as Imperial Concubine in Phoenix Palace, had grown too plump to exert herself—the leastfatigue made her liable to apoplexy. One day, on her way back from waiting on the Emperor at a feast, shehad caught a chill which had brought on her former trouble. And this time it was serious: phlegm blockedher wind-pipe, her limbs were numb and cold. This was reported to the Emperor, and Imperial physicianswere summoned. However, she was unable to take any medicine, nor could they clear up the congestion. Intheir anxiety the Palace officials asked permission to prepare for her death, which was why the Lady Dowagerhad been sent for. As the Beginning of Spring fell on the eighteenth of the twelfth lunar month that year, andYuanchun had died on the nineteenth, it was already the first solar month of the next year and so her age wasreckoned a forty-three. Because Yuanchun had borne no son, her posthumous title was Virtuous and NobleImperial Concubine.






But based on Cao Xueqin’s text, Jia Yuanchun did not die of phlegm blocking her wind-pipe but diedof that“she must depart from this Great Dream of life when Rhinoceros and Tiger meet”. In Chapter 5 ofA Dream of Red Mansions, in First Register of Twelve Beauties of Jinling, next comes a painting of a bowfrom which is suspended a citron. With the verdict:

For twenty years she arbitratesWhere pomegranates blaze by palace gates.

How can the late spring equal the spring’s start?

When Rhinoceros and Tiger meet,From this Great Dream of life she must depart.

Besides, the Fourth Song: The Transience of Life of A Dream of Red Mansions is also aboutYuanchun’s life:

The Transience of LifeAt the height of honour and splendourDeath comes for her;Open-eyed, she has to leave everything behindAnd her gentle soul passes away.

So far her home beyond the distant mountainsThat in a dream she finds and tells her parents:

“Your child has gone now to the the Yellow Spring;You must find a retreat before it is too late.”

Both the verdict and song indicate that Jia Yuanchun“must depart from this Great Dream of life whenRhinoceros and Tiger meet”. Furthermore, she’s“open-eyed”—died with everlasting regret and“has toleave everything behind.”Meanwhile, she died miserably,“her gentle soul passes away.”Moreover, shedied in a strange land—“so far her home beyond the distant mountains”, consequently, she has becomesuch a solitary soul with no one to depend upon“that in a dream she finds and tells her parents”.



It’s well known that“rhinoceroses”and“tigers”are two sorts of large and ferocious animals.

Whenever they meet, they fight against each other very ferociously and cruelly. Here the writer has borrowedthe rhinoceros and tigers to indicate the two political forces fighting both with open and secret means. InChapter 40, the writer has also borrowed the“sun”and“moon”used in the drinking game“The sun andmoon on earth and heaven shine”to indicate the“Emperor”and“discrowned prince”. In Chapter 22, toindicate Yuanchun’s death the writer has again borrowed the riddle written by her:

Monsters I can affright and put to flight;A roll of silk my form; my thunderous crashStrikes dread into the hearts of all,Yet when they look around I’ve turned to ash.

In the text of the first eighty chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions there are many indications aboutYuanchun’s death. By summing up all the indications and using a comprehensive analysis of them it’s notdifficult to draw a conclusion: It took Yuanchun 20 years to make sure of Qin Keqing’s real origin. Shedisclosed Keqing’s secret to the Emperor to show her loyalty and begged the Emperor to pardon her parentsto show her filial piety. Thus the Emperor thinks she has the qualities of both loyalty and filial piety. As aresult she’s promoted to Chief Secretary of the Phoenix Palace with the title of Worthy and Virtuous Consortand she’s permitted to visit her parents for the Feast of Lanterns on the fifteenth of the first month. At thesame time she’s pregnant and highly favoured by the sagacious sovereign. It’s really“where pomegranatesblaze by palace gates”. But“At the height of honour and splendour Death comes for her”. Yuanchun diedmiserably“so far her home beyond the distant mountains”in the cruel fight of two opponent political forces,at the age of a little more than twenty.


Jia Yingchun: Yingchun is the daughter of Jia She and one of his concubines. She lost her mother whenshe was a child. She also lacks love from her father and brother. She is somewhat plump and of mediumheight. Her cheeks are the texture of newly ripened lichees, her nose as sleek as goose fat. Gentle anddemure, she looks very approachable. She’s nicknamed Dumbbell. She won’t let out a peep even if she’spricked with a needle.


Yingchun is soft and spineless. She is so weak that none of the servants are afraid of her. Now Zhu’swife and her mother-in-law, because Yingchun’s so sweet-tempered and she’s her nanny, smuggled out hertrinkets so that she could gamble and then cooked up a false account to blackmail Yingchun into getting heroff. Zhu’ wife took advantage of Yingchun’s good temper to round on her maids and had a big row with thesetwo maids in the bedroom. But Yingchun couldn’t control her. Unable to stop their dispute, Yingchun pickedup Retribution for Good and Evil and started reading it. When Ping’er asked her,“What’s your opinion,miss? A little business like this is easy to handle, but she’s your nanny’s daughter-in-law after all”,“Whyask me?”she replied.“There’s nothing I can do. They brought this on themselves. I can’t get them off butI shan’t blame them either. If they bring back the tiara I’ll take it; if not I won’t demand it. If the mistressesask about it and I’m able to cover up for them, they’ll be in luck; if I can’t, there’s no more I can do. I can’t lieto the mistresses for their sake—I have to tell the truth. If you say I’m too soft and can’t make up my mind,while you have a good plan to please all parties without annoying the mistresses, just go ahead with it—I don’tneed to know it.”This answer amused them all. Daiyu chuckled,“This is really a case of‘descanting uponreligion while tigers and wolves gather at one’s gate.’What would happen to this household if you were aman and had to keep it in order?”“Many men are the same, so why laugh at me?”answered Yingchun.


Jia She had promised Yingchun to a family named Sun from Datong Prefecture, one of whose ancestors,a military officer, had been taken as a pupil by the Jias; thus both families could be considered as friends oflong standing. The only Sun now in the capital was a police commissioner named Sun Shaozu, not yet thirty. Abig man with a powerful physique, he was a good archer and horseman and well versed in the ways of society.

His family was rich, and he was now waiting for some better appointment when some vacancy should occur inthe Ministry of War. As he was not yet married and the Suns were old friends, and as moreover his appearanceand estate were suitable, She approved of him and had chosen him to be his son- in-law. When he reportedthis to the Lady Dowager, she was not too pleased. However, she felt that if she raised objections he mightnot listen, and that young people’s marriages were decreed by Heaven; besides, as this was Yingchun’s ownfather’s decision, why should she be officious? So she just said,“I see,”with no further comment. Jia Zheng,however, had a deep aversion to the Suns, for although their families had long been connected this was simplybecause Sun’s grandfather, wanting to make use of the Jias’ influence to settle some private troubles, hadformally acknowledged them as his teachers. They were not a family of well-known literati. Hence Jia Zhengadvised against the match once or twice, but desisted when Jia She paid no attention. Yingchun’s marriageto Sun Shaozu was arranged by go-betweens according to the wishes of her parents. After her marriageYingchun returned home and described her wretchedness, shedding tears in Lady Wang’s room.“SunShaozu cares for nothing but women, gambling and drinking,”she sobbed.“He’s had affairs with practicallyall our maids and young servants’ wives. When I remonstrated mildly two or three times, he cursed me forbeing jealous, saying I must have been steeped in vinegar. He also says he put five thousand taels in Father’ssafe-keeping and he shouldn’t have spent it. He’s come here several times to ask for it back, and when hefails to get it he points at me and scolds,‘Don’t put on those ladified airs with me! Your old man has spentfive thousand taels of mine; so he’s sold you to me. If you don’t behave yourself, I’ll beat you up and sendyou to sleep with the servants. When your grandfather was alive, seeing how rich and influential our familywas, he went to great trouble to get connected with us. Actually, I belong to your father’s generation. It was amistake my marrying you because that’s made me step down one generation as if I were the one chasing afterpower and profit.’”She wept as she spoke, and Lady Wang and all the girls shed tears too. Lady Wang saidsoothingly,“Well, child, this is fate.“I can’t believe I was fated to suffer like this,”sobbed Yingchun.“Ilost my mother when I was a child, and was lucky to have a few peaceful years here with you, auntie. But nowsee what’s become of me!”Lady Wang, trying to console her, asked where she would like to stay.“Beingsnatched away so suddenly from my cousins, I dream of them all the time,”Yingchun replied.“I long formy old rooms too. If I can spend a few more days in my old quarters in the Garden, then I shall die content.

Who knows if I’ll ever have such a chance again.”After three days she had to go to stay with Lady Xing, withwhom she spent only a couple of days. Then Sun Shaozu sent to fetch her back and, though Yingchun dreadedreturning, for fear of her cruel husband she had to hold back her grief and take her leave.


One day, one of the serving- women who had accompanied Yingchun to the Sun family came tosay,“My young lady’s dying! The day before yesterday they had a row and she cried all night long. Yesterdayshe was choking, her throat blocked up with phlegm, yet they wouldn’t get a doctor. Today she’s worse!”Butthe Lady Dowager lying there quietly had overheard them too, and lamented,“Of my three grand-daughters,one died after enjoying great good fortune; the third has married so far from home that I shan’t be able tosee her again; Yingchun had a hard time but I thought she might pull through, never dreaming she’d die soyoung! What is there for an old woman like me to live for?”Just as the serving-woman reached Lady Xing’sapartments, word came that Yingchun was dead. Alas, that this girl fair as a flower or the moon should behounded to death by the Sun family after little more than a year of marriage! As the old lady was at death’sdoor the others could not leave her, but had to let the Sun family arrange the funeral in perfunctory fashion.

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