
第96章 BOOK VII(23)

And then Dame Lionesse,and the damosel Linet with Sir Gringamore,rode to their castle;and a goodly and a rich ring she gave to Sir Gareth,and he gave her another.And King Arthur gave her a rich pair of beads of gold;and so she departed;and King Arthur and his fellowship rode toward Kink Kenadon,and Sir Gareth brought his lady on the way,and so came to the king again and rode with him.Lord!the great cheer that Sir Launcelot made of Sir Gareth and he of him,for there was never no knight that Sir Gareth loved so well as he did Sir Launcelot;and ever for the most part he would be in Sir Launcelot's company;for after Sir Gareth had espied Sir Gawaine's conditions,he withdrew himself from his brother,Sir Gawaine's,fellowship,for he was vengeable,and where he hated he would be avenged with murder,and that hated Sir Gareth.


Of the Great Royalty,and what officers were made at the feast of the wedding,and of the jousts at the feast.

SO it drew fast to Michaelmas;and thither came Dame Lionesse,the lady of the Castle Perilous,and her sister,Dame Linet,with Sir Gringamore,her brother,with them for he had the conduct of these ladies.And there they were lodged at the device of King Arthur.And upon Michaelmas Day the Bishop of Canterbury made the wedding betwixt Sir Gareth and the Lady Lionesse with great solemnity.And King Arthur made Gaheris to wed the Damosel Savage,that was Dame Linet;and King Arthur made Sir Agravaine to wed Dame Lionesse's niece,a fair lady,her name was Dame Laurel.

And so when this solemnization was done,then came in the Green Knight,Sir Pertolepe,with thirty knights,and there he did homage and fealty to Sir Gareth,and these knights to hold of him for evermore.Also Sir Pertolepe said:I pray you that at this feast I may be your chamberlain.With a good will,said Sir Gareth sith it liketh you to take so simple an office.Then came in the Red Knight,with three score knights with him,and did to Sir Gareth homage and fealty,and all those knights to hold of him for evermore.And then this Sir Perimones prayed Sir Gareth to grant him to be his chief butler at that high feast.I will well,said Sir Gareth,that ye have this office,and it were better.Then came in Sir Persant of Inde,with an hundred knights with him,and there he did homage and fealty,and all his knights should do him service,and hold their lands of him for ever;and there he prayed Sir Gareth to make him his sewer-chief at the feast.I will well,said Sir Gareth,that ye have it and it were better.Then came the Duke de la Rowse with an hundred knights with him,and there he did homage and fealty to Sir Gareth,and so to hold their lands of him for ever.And he required Sir Gareth that he might serve him of the wine that day of that feast.I will well,said Sir Gareth,and it were better.

Then came in the Red Knight of the Red Launds,that was Sir Ironside,and he brought with him three hundred knights,and there he did homage and fealty,and all these knights to hold their lands of him for ever.And then he asked Sir Gareth to be his carver.I will well,said Sir Gareth,an it please you.

Then came into the court thirty ladies,and all they seemed widows,and those thirty ladies brought with them many fair gentlewomen.And all they kneeled down at once unto King Arthur and unto Sir Gareth,and there all those ladies told the king how Sir Gareth delivered them from the dolorous tower,and slew the Brown Knight without Pity:And therefore we,and our heirs for evermore,will do homage unto Sir Gareth of Orkney.So then the kings and queens,princes and earls,barons and many bold knights,went unto meat;and well may ye wit there were all manner of meat plenteously,all manner revels and games,with all manner of minstrelsy that was used in those days.Also there was great jousts three days.But the king would not suffer Sir Gareth to joust,because of his new bride;for,as the French book saith,that Dame Lionesse desired of the king that none that were wedded should joust at that feast.

So the first day there jousted Sir Lamorak de Galis,for he overthrew thirty knights,and did passing marvellously deeds of arms;and then King Arthur made Sir Persant and his two brethren Knights of the Round Table to their lives'end,and gave them great lands.Also the second day there jousted Tristram best,and he overthrew forty knights,and did there marvellous deeds of arms.And there King Arthur made Ironside,that was the Red Knight of the Red Launds,a Knight of the Table Round to his life's end,and gave him great lands.The third day there jousted Sir Launcelot du Lake,and he overthrew fifty knights,and did many marvellous deeds of arms,that all men wondered on him.And there King Arthur made the Duke de la Rowse a Knight of the Round Table to his life's end,and gave him great lands to spend.But when these jousts were done,Sir Lamorak and Sir Tristram departed suddenly,and would not be known,for the which King Arthur and all the court were sore displeased.And so they held the court forty days with great solemnity.And this Sir Gareth was a noble knight,and a well-ruled,and fair-languaged.

Thus endeth this tale of Sir Gareth of Orkney that wedded Dame Lionesse of the Castle Perilous.

And also Sir Gaheris wedded her sister,Dame Linet,that was called the Damosel Sabage.And Sir Agrabaine wedded Dame Laurel,a fair lady and great,and mighty lands with great riches gave with them King Arthur,that royally they might live till their lives'end.

Here followeth the viii.book,the which is the first book of Sir Tristram de Liones,and who was his father and his mother,and how he was born and fostered,and how he was made knight.

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