
第95章 BOOK VII(22)

Then came the damosel Savage that was the Lady Linet,that rode with Sir Gareth so long,and there she did staunch Sir Gareth's wounds and Sir Gawaine's.Now what will ye do?said the damosel Savage;meseemeth that it were well done that Arthur had witting of you both,for your horses are so bruised that they may not bear.Now,fair damosel,said Sir Gawaine,I pray you ride unto my lord mine uncle,King Arthur,and tell him what adventure is to me betid here,and I suppose he will not tarry long.Then she took her mule,and lightly she came to King Arthur that was but two mile thence.And when she had told him tidings the king bade get him a palfrey.And when he was upon his back he bade the lords and ladies come after,who that would;and there was saddling and bridling of queens'horses and princes'horses,and well was him that soonest might be ready.

So when the king came thereas they were,he saw Sir Gawaine and Sir Gareth sit upon a little hill-side,and then the king avoided his horse.And when he came nigh Sir Gareth he would have spoken but he might not;and therewith he sank down in a swoon for gladness.And so they stert unto their uncle,and required him of his good grace to be of good comfort.Wit ye well the king made great joy,and many a piteous complaint he made to Sir Gareth,and ever he wept as he had been a child.With that came his mother,the Queen of Orkney,Dame Morgawse,and when she saw Sir Gareth readily in the visage she might not weep,but suddenly fell down in a swoon,and lay there a great while like as she had been dead.And then Sir Gareth recomforted his mother in such wise that she recovered and made good cheer.Then the king commanded that all manner of knights that were under his obeissance should make their lodging right there for the love of his nephews.And so it was done,and all manner of purveyance purveyed,that there lacked nothing that might be gotten of tame nor wild for gold or silver.And then by the means of the damosel Savage Sir Gawaine and Sir Gareth were healed of their wounds;and there they sojourned eight days.

Then said King Arthur unto the damosel Savage:I marvel that your sister,Dame Lionesse,cometh not here to me,and in especial that she cometh not to visit her knight,my nephew Sir Gareth,that hath had so much travail for her love.My lord,said the damosel Linet,ye must of your good grace hold her excused,for she knoweth not that my lord,Sir Gareth,is here.

Go then for her,said King Arthur,that we may be appointed what is best to be done,according to the pleasure of my nephew.Sir,said the damosel,that shall be done,and so she rode unto her sister.And as lightly as she might she made her ready;and she came on the morn with her brother Sir Gringamore,and with her forty knights.And so when she was come she had all the cheer that might be done,both of the king,and of many other kings and queens.


How Sir Gareth acknowledged that they loved each other to King Arthur,and of the appointment of their wedding.

AND among all these ladies she was named the fairest,and peerless.Then when Sir Gawaine saw her there was many a goodly look and goodly words,that all men of worship had joy to behold them.Then came King Arthur and many other kings,and Dame Guenever,and the Queen of Orkney.And there the king asked his nephew,Sir Gareth,whether he would have that lady as paramour,or to have her to his wife.My lord,wit you well that I love her above all ladies living.Now,fair lady,said King Arthur,what say ye?Most noble King,said Dame Lionesse,wit you well that my lord,Sir Gareth,is to me more liefer to have and wield as my husband,than any king or prince that is christened;and if I may not have him I promise you I will never have none.For,my lord Arthur,said Dame Lionesse,wit ye well he is my first love,and he shall be the last;and if ye will suffer him to have his will and free choice I dare say he will have me.That is truth,said Sir Gareth;an I have not you and wield not you as my wife,there shall never lady nor gentlewoman rejoice me.What,nephew,said the king,is the wind in that door?for wit ye well I would not for the stint of my crown to be causer to withdraw your hearts;and wit ye well ye cannot love so well but I shall rather increase it than distress it.And also ye shall have my love and my lordship in the uttermost wise that may lie in my power.And in the same wise said Sir Gareth's mother.

Then there was made a provision for the day of marriage;and by the king's advice it was provided that it should be at Michaelmas following,at Kink Kenadon by the seaside,for there is a plentiful country.And so it was cried in all the places through the realm.And then Sir Gareth sent his summons to all these knights and ladies that he had won in battle to-fore,that they should be at his day of marriage at Kink Kenadon by the sands.

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