
第67章 BOOK VI(6)

Now,see I well,said Sir Launcelot,that such a man I might be,I might have peace,and such a man I might be,that there should be war mortal betwixt us.And now,sir knight,at thy request Iwill that thou wit and know that I am Launcelot du Lake,King Ban's son of Benwick,and very knight of the Table Round.And now I defy thee,and do thy best.Ah,said Turquine,Launcelot,thou art unto me most welcome that ever was knight,for we shall never depart till the one of us be dead.Then they hurtled together as two wild bulls rushing and lashing with their shields and swords,that sometime they fell both over their noses.Thus they fought still two hours and more,and never would have rest,and Sir Turquine gave Sir Launcelot many wounds that all the ground thereas they fought was all bespeckled with blood.


How Sir Turquine was slain,and how Sir Launcelot bade Sir Gaheris deliver all the prisoners.

THEN at the last Sir Turquine waxed faint,and gave somewhat aback,and bare his shield low for weariness.That espied Sir Launcelot,and leapt upon him fiercely and gat him by the beaver of his helmet,and plucked him down on his knees,and anon he raced off his helm,and smote his neck in sunder.And when Sir Launcelot had done this,he yode unto the damosel and said,Damosel,I am ready to go with you where ye will have me,but Ihave no horse.Fair sir,said she,take this wounded knight's horse and send him into this manor,and command him to deliver all the prisoners.So Sir Launcelot went unto Gaheris,and prayed him not to be aggrieved for to lend him his horse.Nay,fair lord,said Gaheris,I will that ye take my horse at your own commandment,for ye have both saved me and my horse,and this day I say ye are the best knight in the world,for ye have slain this day in my sight the mightiest man and the best knight except you that ever I saw,and,fair sir,said Gaheris,I pray you tell me your name.Sir,my name is Sir Launcelot du Lake,that ought to help you of right for King Arthur's sake,and in especial for my lord Sir Gawaine's sake,your own dear brother;and when that ye come within yonder manor,I am sure ye shall find there many knights of the Round Table,for I have seen many of their shields that I know on yonder tree.There is Kay's shield,and Sir Brandel's shield,and Sir Marhaus'shield,and Sir Galind's shield,and Sir Brian de Listnois'shield,and Sir Aliduke's shield,with many more that I am not now advised of,and also my two brethren's shields,Sir Ector de Maris and Sir Lionel;wherefore I pray you greet them all from me,and say that I bid them take such stuff there as they find,and that in any wise my brethren go unto the court and abide me there till that I come,for by the feast of Pentecost I cast me to be there,for as at this time I must ride with this damosel for to save my promise.

And so he departed from Gaheris,and Gaheris yede in to the manor,and there he found a yeoman porter keeping there many keys.Anon withal Sir Gaheris threw the porter unto the ground and took the keys from him,and hastily he opened the prison door,and there he let out all the prisoners,and every man loosed other of their bonds.And when they saw Sir Gaheris,all they thanked him,for they weened that he was wounded.Not so,said Gaheris,it was Launcelot that slew him worshipfully with his own hands.I saw it with mine own eyes.And he greeteth you all well,and prayeth you to haste you to the court;and as unto Sir Lionel and Ector de Maris he prayeth you to abide him at the court.That shall we not do,says his brethren,we will find him an we may live.So shall I,said Sir Kay,find him or I come at the court,as I am true knight.

Then all those knights sought the house thereas the armour was,and then they armed them,and every knight found his own horse,and all that ever longed unto him.And when this was done,there came a forester with four horses laden with fat venison.Anon,Sir Kay said,Here is good meat for us for one meal,for we had not many a day no good repast.And so that venison was roasted,baken,and sodden,and so after supper some abode there all night,but Sir Lionel and Ector de Maris and Sir Kay rode after Sir Launcelot to find him if they might.


How Sir Launcelot rode with a damosel and slew a knight that distressed all ladies and also a villain that kept a bridge.

NOW turn we unto Sir Launcelot,that rode with the damosel in a fair highway.Sir,said the damosel,here by this way haunteth a knight that distressed all ladies and gentlewomen,and at the least he robbeth them or lieth by them.What,said Sir Launcelot,is he a thief and a knight and a ravisher of women?he doth shame unto the order of knighthood,and contrary unto his oath;it is pity that he liveth.But,fair damosel,ye shall ride on afore,yourself,and I will keep myself in covert,and if that he trouble you or distress you I shall be your rescue and learn him to be ruled as a knight.

So the maid rode on by the way a soft ambling pace,and within a while came out that knight on horseback out of the wood,and his page with him,and there he put the damosel from her horse,and then she cried.With that came Launcelot as fast as he might till he came to that knight,saying,O thou false knight and traitor unto knighthood,who did learn thee to distress ladies and gentlewomen?When the knight saw Sir Launcelot thus rebuking him he answered not,but drew his sword and rode unto Sir Launcelot,and Sir Launcelot threw his spear from him,and drew out his sword,and struck him such a buffet on the helmet that he clave his head and neck unto the throat.Now hast thou thy payment that long thou hast deserved!That is truth,said the damosel,for like as Sir Turquine watched to destroy knights,so did this knight attend to destroy and distress ladies,damosels,and gentlewomen,and his name was Sir Peris de Forest Savage.

Now,damosel,said Sir Launcelot,will ye any more service of me?

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