
第176章 BOOK X(28)

Then the haut prince and Sir Launcelot said they saw never two knights fight better than they did;but ever the strange knight doubled his strokes,and put Palomides aback;therewithal the haut prince cried:Ho:and then they went to lodging.And when they were unarmed they knew it was the noble knight Sir Lamorak.When Sir Launcelot knew that it was Sir Lamorak he made much of him,for above all earthly men he loved him best except Sir Tristram.Then Queen Guenever commended him,and so did all other good knights make much of him,except Sir Gawaine's brethren.Then Queen Guenever said unto Sir Launcelot:Sir,I require you that an ye joust any more,that ye joust with none of the blood of my lord Arthur.So he promised he would not as at that time.


Of the fourth day,and of many great feats of arms.

HERE beginneth the fourth day.Then came into the field the King with the Hundred Knights,and all they of Northgalis,and the Duke Chaleins of Clarance,and King Marsil of Pomitain,and there came Safere,Palomides'

brother,and there he told him tidings of his mother.

And his name was called the Earl,and so he appealed him afore King Arthur:For he made war upon our father and mother,and there I slew him in plain battle.

So they went into the field,and the damosel with them;and there came to encounter again them Sir Bleoberis de Ganis,and Sir Ector de Maris.Sir Palomides encountered with Sir Bleoberis,and either smote other down.And in the same wise did Sir Safere and Sir Ector,and the two couples did battle on foot.Then came in Sir Lamorak,and he encountered with the King with the Hundred Knights,and smote him quite over his horse's tail.And in the same wise he served the King of Northgalis,and also he smote down King Marsil.And so or ever he stint he smote down with his spear and with his sword thirty knights.When Duke Chaleins saw Lamorak do so great prowess he would not meddle with him for shame;and then he charged all his knights in pain of death that none of you touch him;for it were shame to all good knights an that knight were shamed.

Then the two kings gathered them together,and all they set upon Sir Lamorak;and he failed them not,but rushed here and there,smiting on the right hand and on the left,and raced off many helms,so that the haut prince and Queen Guenever said they saw never knight do such deeds of arms on horseback.Alas,said Launcelot to King Bagdemagus,I will arm me and help Sir Lamorak.And I will ride with you,said King Bagdemagus.

And when they two were horsed they came to Sir Lamorak that stood among thirty knights;and well was him that might reach him a buffet,and ever he smote again mightily.Then came there into the press Sir Launcelot,and he threw down Sir Mador de la Porte.

And with the truncheon of that spear he threw down many knights.And King Bagdemagus smote on the left hand and on the right hand marvellously well.And then the three kings fled aback.Therewithal then Sir Galahalt let blow to lodging,and all the heralds gave Sir Lamorak the prize.And all this while fought Palomides,Sir Bleoberis,Sir Safere,Sir Ector on foot;never were there four knights evener matched.And then they were departed,and had unto their lodging,and unarmed them,and so they went to the great feast.

But when Sir Lamorak was come into the court Queen Guenever took him in her arms and said:Sir,well have ye done this day.Then came the haut prince,and he made of him great joy,and so did Dinadan,for he wept for joy;but the joy that Sir Launcelot made of Sir Lamorak there might no man tell.Then they went unto rest,and on the morn the haut prince let blow unto the field.


Of the Fifth day,and how Sir Lamorak behaved him.

HERE beginneth the fifth day.So it befell that Sir Palomides came in the morntide,and proffered to joust thereas King Arthur was in a castle there besides Surluse;and there encountered with him a worshipful duke,and there Sir Palomides smote him over his horse's croup.And this duke was uncle unto King Arthur.Then Sir Elise's son rode unto Palomides,and Palomides served Elise in the same wise.When Sir Uwaine saw this he was wroth.

Then he took his horse and encountered with Sir Palomides,and Palomides smote him so hard that he went to the earth,horse and man.And for to make a short tale,he smote down three brethren of Sir Gawaine,that is for to say Mordred,Gaheris,and Agravaine.O Jesu,said Arthur,this is a great despite of a Saracen that he shall smite down my blood.And therewithal King Arthur was wood wroth,and thought to have made him ready to joust.

That espied Sir Lamorak,that Arthur and his blood were discomfit;and anon he was ready,and asked Palomides if he would any more joust.Why should I not?

said Palomides.Then they hurtled together,and brake their spears,and all to-shivered them,that all the castle rang of their dints.Then either gat a greater spear in his hand,and they came so fiercely together;but Sir Palomides'spear all to-brast and Sir Lamorak's did hold.

Therewithal Sir Palomides lost his stirrups and lay upright on his horse's back.And then Sir Palomides returned again and took his damosel,and Sir Safere returned his way.

So,when he was departed,King Arthur came to Sir Lamorak and thanked him of his goodness,and prayed him to tell him his name.Sir,said Lamorak,wit thou well,I owe you my service,but as at this time I will not abide here,for I see of mine enemies many about me.

Alas,said Arthur,now wot I well it is Sir Lamorak de Galis.O Lamorak,abide with me,and by my crown I shall never fail thee:and not so hardy in Gawaine's head,nor none of his brethren,to do thee any wrong.

Sir,said Sir Lamorak,wrong have they done me,and to you both.That is truth,said the king,for they slew their own mother and my sister,the which me sore grieveth:it had been much fairer and better that ye had wedded her,for ye are a king's son as well as they.

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