
第123章 BOOK IX(3)

And in the meanwhile the damosel said to Sir Mordred:I ween my foolish knight be either slain or taken prisoner:then were they ware where he came riding.And when he was come unto them he told all how he had sped and escaped in despite of them all:And some of the best of them will tell no tales.Thou liest falsely,said the damosel,that dare I make good,but as a fool and a dastard to all knighthood they have let thee pass.That may ye prove,said La Cote Male Taile.With that she sent a courier of hers,that rode alway with her,for to know the truth of this deed;and so he rode thither lightly,and asked how and in what manner that La Cote Male Taile was escaped out of the castle.

Then all the knights cursed him,and said that he was a fiend and no man:For he hath slain here twelve of our best knights,and we weened unto this day that it had been too much for Sir Launcelot du Lake or for Sir Tristram de Liones.And in despite of us all he is departed from us and maugre our heads.

With this answer the courier departed and came to Maledisant his lady,and told her all how Sir La Cote Male Taile had sped at the Castle Orgulous.Then she smote down her head,and said little.

By my head,said Sir Mordred to the damosel,ye are greatly to blame so to rebuke him,for I warn you plainly he is a good knight,and I doubt not but he shall prove a noble knight;but as yet he may not yet sit sure on horseback,for he that shall be a good horseman it must come of usage and exercise.But when he cometh to the strokes of his sword he is then noble and mighty,and that saw Sir Bleoberis and Sir Palomides,for wit ye well they are wily men of arms,and anon they know when they see a young knight by his riding,how they are sure to give him a fall from his horse or a great buffet.But for the most part they will not light on foot with young knights,for they are wight and strongly armed.For in likewise Sir Launcelot du Lake,when he was first made knight,he was often put to the worse upon horseback,but ever upon foot he recovered his renown,and slew and defoiled many knights of the Round Table.And therefore the rebukes that Sir Launcelot did unto many knights causeth them that be men of prowess to beware;for often I have seen the old proved knights rebuked and slain by them that were but young beginners.Thus they rode sure talking by the way together.


How Sir Launcelot came to the court and heard of La Cote Male Taile,and how he followed after him,and how La Cote Male Taile was prisoner.

HERE leave we off a while of this tale,and speak we of Sir Launcelot du Lake,that when he was come to the court of King Arthur,then heard he tell of the young knight La Cote Male Taile,how he slew the lion,and how he took upon him the adventure of the black shield,the which was named at that time the hardiest adventure of the world.So God me save,said Sir Launcelot unto many of his fellows,it was shame to all the noble knights to suffer such a young knight to take such adventure upon him for his destruction;for I will that ye wit,said Sir Launcelot,that that damosel Maledisant hath borne that shield many a day for to seek the most proved knights,and that was she that Breuse Saunce Pite took that shield from her,and after Tristram de Liones rescued that shield from him and gave it to the damosel again,a little afore that time that Sir Tristram fought with my nephew Sir Blamore de Ganis,for a quarrel that was betwixt the King of Ireland and him.Then many knights were sorry that Sir La Cote Male Taile was gone forth to that adventure.Truly,said Sir Launcelot,I cast me to ride after him.And within seven days Sir Launcelot overtook La Cote Male Taile,and then he saluted him and the damosel Maledisant.And when Sir Mordred saw Sir Launcelot,then he left their fellowship;and so Sir Launcelot rode with them all a day,and ever that damosel rebuked La Cote Male Taile;and then Sir Launcelot answered for him,then she left off,and rebuked Sir Launcelot.

So this meantime Sir Tristram sent by a damosel a letter unto Sir Launcelot,excusing him of the wedding of Isoud la Blanche Mains;and said in the letter,as he was a true knight he had never ado fleshly with Isoud la Blanche Mains;and passing courteously and gentily Sir Tristram wrote unto Sir Launcelot,ever beseeching him to be his good friend and unto La Beale Isoud of Cornwall,and that Sir Launcelot would excuse him if that ever he saw her.

And within short time by the grace of God,said Sir Tristram,that he would speak with La Beale Isoud,and with him right hastily.Then Sir Launcelot departed from the damosel and from Sir La Cote Male Taile,for to oversee that letter,and to write another letter unto Sir Tristram de Liones.

And in the meanwhile La Cote Male Taile rode with the damosel until they came to a castle that hight Pendragon;and there were six knights stood afore him,and one of them proffered to joust with La Cote Male Taile.And there La Cote Male Taile smote him over his horse's croup.And then the five knights set upon him all at once with their spears,and there they smote La Cote Male Taile down,horse and man.And then they alighted suddenly,and set their hands upon him all at once,and took him prisoner,and so led him unto the castle and kept him as prisoner.

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