
第113章 BOOK VIII(17)

I shall abide you,said La Beale Isoud.And Sir Palamides rode forth his way to that nunnery,and lightly he came again with Dame Bragwaine;but by her good will she would not have come again,because for love of the queen she stood in adventure of her life.Notwithstanding,half against her will,she went with Sir Palamides unto the queen.And when the queen saw her she was passing glad.Now,Madam,said Palamides,remember upon your promise,for I have fulfilled my promise.Sir Palamides,said the queen,I wot not what is your desire,but I will that ye wit,howbeit I promised you largely,I thought none evil,nor I warn you none evil will I do.Madam,said Sir Palamides,as at this time,ye shall not know my desire,but before my lord your husband there shall ye know that I will have my desire that ye have promised me.And therewith the queen departed,and rode home to the king,and Sir Palamides rode after her.And when Sir Palamides came before the king,he said:Sir King,I require you as ye be a righteous king,that ye will judge me the right.Tell me your cause,said the king,and ye shall have right.


How Palamides demanded Queen Isoud,and how Lambegus rode after to rescue her,and of the escape of Isoud.

SIR,said Palamides,I promised your Queen Isoud to bring again Dame Bragwaine that she had lost,upon this covenant,that she should grant me a boon that I would ask,and without grudging,outher advisement,she granted me.What say ye,my lady?said the king.It is as he saith,so God me help,said the queen;to say thee sooth I promised him his asking for love and joy that Ihad to see her.Well,Madam,said the king,and if ye were hasty to grant him what boon he would ask,I will well that ye perform your promise.Then,said Palamides,I will that ye wit that I will have your queen to lead her and govern her whereas me list.Therewith the king stood still,and bethought him of Sir Tristram,and deemed that he would rescue her.And then hastily the king answered:Take her with the adventures that shall fall of it,for as I suppose thou wilt not enjoy her no while.As for that,said Palamides,I dare right well abide the adventure.And so,to make short tale,Sir Palamides took her by the hand and said:Madam,grudge not to go with me,for I desire nothing but your own promise.As for that,said the queen,I fear not greatly to go with thee,howbeit thou hast me at advantage upon my promise,for I doubt not I shall be worshipfully rescued from thee.As for that,said Sir Palamides,be it as it be may.So Queen Isoud was set behind Palamides,and rode his way.

Anon the king sent after Sir Tristram,but in no wise he could be found,for he was in the forest a-hunting;for that was always his custom,but if he used arms,to chase and to hunt in the forests.Alas,said the king,now I am shamed for ever,that by mine own assent my lady and my queen shall be devoured.Then came forth a knight,his name was Lambegus,and he was a knight of Sir Tristram.My lord,said this knight,sith ye have trust in my lord,Sir Tristram,wit ye well for his sake I will ride after your queen and rescue her,or else I shall be beaten.

Gramercy,said the king,as I live,Sir Lambegus,I shall deserve it.And then Sir Lambegus armed him,and rode after as fast as he might.And then within a while he overtook Sir Palamides.

And then Sir Palamides left the queen.What art thou,said Palamides,art thou Tristram?Nay,he said,I am his servant,and my name is Sir Lambegus.That me repenteth,said Palamides.

I had liefer thou hadst been Sir Tristram.I believe you well,said Lambegus,but when thou meetest with Sir Tristram thou shalt have thy hands full.And then they hurtled together and all to-brast their spears,and then they pulled out their swords,and hewed on helms and hauberks.At the last Sir Palamides gave Sir Lambegus such a wound that he fell down like a dead knight to the earth.

Then he looked after La Beale Isoud,and then she was gone he nist where.Wit ye well Sir Palamides was never so heavy.So the queen ran into the forest,and there she found a well,and therein she had thought to have drowned herself.And as good fortune would,there came a knight to her that had a castle thereby,his name was Sir Adtherp.And when he found the queen in that mischief he rescued her,and brought her to his castle.

And when he wist what she was he armed him,and took his horse,and said he would be avenged upon Palamides;and so he rode on till he met with him,and there Sir Palamides wounded him sore,and by force he made him to tell him the cause why he did battle with him,and how he had led the queen unto his castle.Now bring me there,said Palamides,or thou shalt die of my hands.

Sir,said Sir Adtherp,I am so wounded I may not follow,but ride you this way and it shall bring you into my castle,and there within is the queen.Then Sir Palamides rode still till he came to the castle.And at a window La Beale Isoud saw Sir Palamides;then she made the gates to be shut strongly.And when he saw he might not come within the castle,he put off his bridle and his saddle,and put his horse to pasture,and set himself down at the gate like a man that was out of his wit that recked not of himself.


How Sir Tristram rode after Palamides,and how he found him and fought with him,and by the means of Isoud the battle ceased.

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