
第112章 BOOK VIII(16)

That is your shame,said the King with the Hundred Knights;hath he not slain your father and your mother?As for that,said Sir Galahad,I may not wite him greatly,for my father had him in prison,and enforced him to do battle with him;and my father had such a custom that was a shameful custom,that what knight came there to ask harbour his lady must needs die but if she were fairer than my mother;and if my father overcame that knight he must needs die.This was a shameful custom and usage,a knight for his harbour-asking to have such harbourage.And for this custom I would never draw about him.So God me help,said the King,this was a shameful custom.Truly,said Sir Galahad,so seemed me;and meseemed it had been great pity that this knight should have been slain,for I dare say he is the noblest man that beareth life,but if it were Sir Launcelot du Lake.Now,fair knight,said Sir Galahad,I require thee tell me thy name,and of whence thou art,and whither thou wilt.Sir,he said,my name is Sir Tristram de Liones,and from King Mark of Cornwall I was sent on message unto King Anguish of Ireland,for to fetch his daughter to be his wife,and here she is ready to go with me into Cornwall,and her name is La Beale Isoud.And,Sir Tristram,said Sir Galahad,the haut prince,well be ye found in these marches,and so ye will promise me to go unto Sir Launcelot du Lake,and accompany with him,ye shall go where ye will,and your fair lady with you;and I shall promise you never in all my days shall such customs be used in this castle as have been used.

Sir,said Sir Tristram,now I let you wit,so God me help,Iweened ye had been Sir Launcelot du Lake when I saw you first,and therefore I dread you the more;and sir,I promise you,said Sir Tristram,as soon as I may I will see Sir Launcelot and infellowship me with him;for of all the knights of the world Imost desire his fellowship.


How Sir Launcelot met with Sir Carados bearing away Sir Gawaine,and of the rescue of Sir Gawaine.

AND then Sir Tristram took his leave when he saw his time,and took the sea.And in the meanwhile word came unto Sir Launcelot and to Sir Tristram that Sir Carados,the mighty king,that was made like a giant,fought with Sir Gawaine,and gave him such strokes that he swooned in his saddle,and after that he took him by the collar and pulled him out of his saddle,and fast bound him to the saddle-bow,and so rode his way with him toward his castle.And as he rode,by fortune Sir Launcelot met with Sir Carados,and anon he knew Sir Gawaine that lay bound after him.

Ah,said Sir Launcelot unto Sir Gawaine,how stands it with you?

Never so hard,said Sir Gawaine,unless that ye help me,for so God me help,without ye rescue me I know no knight that may,but outher you or Sir Tristram.Wherefore Sir Launcelot was heavy of Sir Gawaine's words.And then Sir Launcelot bade Sir Carados:

Lay down that knight and fight with me.Thou art but a fool,said Sir Carados,for I will serve you in the same wise.As for that,said Sir Launcelot,spare me not,for I warn thee I will not spare thee.And then he bound Sir Gawaine hand and foot,and so threw him to the ground.And then he gat his spear of his squire,and departed from Sir Launcelot to fetch his course.And so either met with other,and brake their spears to their hands;and then they pulled out swords,and hurtled together on horseback more than an hour.And at the last Sir Launcelot smote Sir Carados such a buffet upon the helm that it pierced his brain-pan.So then Sir Launcelot took Sir Carados by the collar and pulled him under his horse's feet,and then he alighted and pulled off his helm and struck off his head.And then Sir Launcelot unbound Sir Gawaine.So this same tale was told to Sir Galahad and to Sir Tristram:--here may ye hear the nobleness that followeth Sir Launcelot.Alas,said Sir Tristram,an I had not this message in hand with this fair lady,truly Iwould never stint or I had found Sir Launcelot.Then Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud went to the sea and came into Cornwall,and there all the barons met them.


Of the wedding of King Mark to La Beale Isoud,and of Bragwaine her maid,and of Palamides.

AND anon they were richly wedded with great noblesse.But ever,as the French book saith,Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud loved ever together.Then was there great jousts and great tourneying,and many lords and ladies were at that feast,and Sir Tristram was most praised of all other.Thus dured the feast long,and after the feast was done,within a little while after,by the assent of two ladies that were with Queen Isoud,they ordained for hate and envy for to destroy Dame Bragwaine,that was maiden and lady unto La Beale Isoud;and she was sent into the forest for to fetch herbs,and there she was met,and bound feet and hand to a tree,and so she was bounden three days.And by fortune,Sir Palamides found Dame Bragwaine,and there he delivered her from the death,and brought her to a nunnery there beside,for to be recovered.When Isoud the queen missed her maiden,wit ye well she was right heavy as ever was any queen,for of all earthly women she loved her best:the cause was for she came with her out of her country.And so upon a day Queen Isoud walked into the forest to put away her thoughts,and there she went herself unto a well and made great moan.And suddenly there came Palamides to her,and had heard all her complaint,and said:Madam Isoud,an ye will grant me my boon,I shall bring to you Dame Bragwaine safe and sound.And the queen was so glad of his proffer that suddenly unadvised she granted all his asking.Well,Madam,said Palamides,I trust to your promise,and if ye will abide here half an hour I shall bring her to you.

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