
第47章 THE VOYAGE(35)

Here the Portuguese maintain a kind of garrison,if we may allow it that name.It consists of malefactors,who are banished hither for a term,for divers small offenses--a policy which they may have copied from the Egyptians,as we may read in Diodorus Siculus.That wise people,to prevent the corruption of good manners by evil communication,built a town on the Red Sea,whither they transported a great number of their criminals,having first set an indelible mark on them,to prevent their returning and mixing with the sober part of their citizens.

These rocks lie about fifteen leagues northwest of Cape Roxent,or,as it is commonly called,the Rock of Lisbon,which we passed early the next morning.The wind,indeed,would have carried us thither sooner;but the captain was not in a hurry,as he was to lose nothing by his delay.

Tuesday.--This is a very high mountain,situated on the northern side of the mouth of the river Tajo,which,rising about Madrid,in Spain,and soon becoming navigable for small craft,empties itself,after a long course,into the sea,about four leagues below Lisbon.

On the summit of the rock stands a hermitage,which is now in the possession of an Englishman,who was formerly master of a vessel trading to Lisbon;and,having changed his religion and his manners,the latter of which,at least,were none of the best,betook himself to this place,in order to do penance for his sins.He is now very old,and hath inhabited this hermitage for a great number of years,during which he hath received some countenance from the royal family,and particularly from the present queen dowager,whose piety refuses no trouble or expense by which she may make a proselyte,being used to say that the saving one soul would repay all the endeavors of her life.Here we waited for the tide,and had the pleasure of surveying the face of the country,the soil of which,at this season,exactly resembles an old brick-kiln,or a field where the green sward is pared up and set a-burning,or rather a smoking,in little heaps to manure the land.This sight will,perhaps,of all others,make an Englishman proud of,and pleased with,his own country,which in verdure excels,I believe,every other country.Another deficiency here is the want of large trees,nothing above a shrub being here to be discovered in the circumference of many miles.

At this place we took a pilot on board,who,being the first Portuguese we spoke to,gave us an instance of that religious observance which is paid by all nations to their laws;for,whereas it is here a capital offense to assist any person in going on shore from a foreign vessel before it hath been examined,and every person in it viewed by the magistrates of health,as they are called,this worthy pilot,for a very small reward,rowed the Portuguese priest to shore at this place,beyond which he did not dare to advance,and in venturing whither he had given sufficient testimony of love for his native country.

We did not enter the Tajo till noon,when,after passing several old castles and other buildings which had greatly the aspect of ruins,we came to the castle of Bellisle,where we had a full prospect of Lisbon,and were,indeed,within three miles of it.

Here we were saluted with a gun,which was a signal to pass no farther till we had complied with certain ceremonies which the laws of this country require to be observed by all ships which arrive in this port.We were obliged then to cast anchor,and expect the arrival of the officers of the customs,without whose passport no ship must proceed farther than this place.

Here likewise we received a visit from one of those magistrates of health before mentioned.He refused to come on board the ship till every person in her had been drawn up on deck and personally viewed by him.This occasioned some delay on my part,as it was not the work of a minute to lift me from the cabin to the deck.

The captain thought my particular case might have been excused from this ceremony,and that it would be abundantly sufficient if the magistrate,who was obliged afterwards to visit the cabin,surveyed me there.But this did not satisfy the magistrate's strict regard to his duty.When he was told of my lameness,he called out,with a voice of authority,"Let him be brought up,"and his orders were presently complied with.He was,indeed,a person of great dignity,as well as of the most exact fidelity in the discharge of his trust.Both which are the more admirable as his salary is less than thirty pounds English per annum.

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