

"Bah!" they would say, shrugging their broad shoulders pityingly, "that little old fellow's a /Genoese head/!""If it is not an impertinent question, monsieur, would you have the kindness to tell me what you mean by a Genoese head?""I mean, monsieur, that he is a man upon whose life enormous sums depend, and whose good health is undoubtedly essential to the continuance of this family's income. I remember that I once heard a mesmerist, at Madame d'Espard's, undertake to prove by very specious historical deductions, that this old man, if put under the magnifying glass, would turn out to be the famous Balsamo, otherwise called Cagliostro. According to this modern alchemist, the Sicilian had escaped death, and amused himself making gold for his grandchildren.

And the Bailli of Ferette declared that he recognized in this extraordinary personage the Comte de Saint-Germain."Such nonsense as this, put forth with the assumption of superior cleverness, with the air of raillery, which in our day characterize a society devoid of faith, kept alive vague suspicions concerning the Lanty family. At last, by a strange combination of circumstances, the members of that family justified the conjectures of society by adopting a decidedly mysterious course of conduct with this old man, whose life was, in a certain sense, kept hidden from all investigations.

If he crossed the threshold of the apartment he was supposed to occupy in the Lanty mansion, his appearance always caused a great sensation in the family. One would have supposed that it was an event of the greatest importance. Only Filippo, Marianina, Madame de Lanty, and an old servant enjoyed the privilege of assisting the unknown to walk, to rise, to sit down. Each one of them kept a close watch on his slightest movements. It seemed as if he were some enchanted person upon whom the happiness, the life, or the fortune of all depended. Was it fear or affection? Society could discover no indication which enabled them to solve this problem. Concealed for months at a time in the depths of an unknown sanctuary, this familiar spirit suddenly emerged, furtively as it were, unexpectedly, and appeared in the salons like the fairies of old, who alighted from their winged dragons to disturb festivities to which they had not been invited. Only the most experienced observers could divine the anxiety, at such times, of the masters of the house, who were peculiarly skilful in concealing their feelings. But sometimes, while dancing a quadrille, the too ingenuous Marianina would cast a terrified glance at the old man, whom she watched closely from the circle of dancers. Or perhaps Filippo would leave his place and glide through the crowd to where he stood, and remain beside him, affectionate and watchful, as if the touch of man, or the faintest breath, would shatter that extraordinary creature. The countess would try to draw nearer to him without apparently intending to join him; then, assuming a manner and an expression in which servility and affection, submissiveness and tyranny, were equally noticeable, she would say two or three words, to which the old man almost always deferred; and he would disappear, led, or I might better say carried away, by her. If Madame de Lanty were not present, the Count would employ a thousand ruses to reach his side; but it always seemed as if he found difficulty in inducing him to listen, and he treated him like a spoiled child, whose mother gratifies his whims and at the same time suspects mutiny. Some prying persons having ventured to question the Comte de Lanty indiscreetly, that cold and reserved individual seemed not to understand their questions. And so, after many attempts, which the circumspection of all the members of the family rendered fruitless, no one sought to discover a secret so well guarded. Society spies, triflers, and politicians, weary of the strife, ended by ceasing to concern themselves about the mystery.

But at that moment, it may be, there were in those gorgeous salons philosophers who said to themselves, as they discussed an ice or a sherbet, or placed their empty punch glasses on a tray:

"I should not be surprised to learn that these people are knaves. That old fellow who keeps out of sight and appears only at the equinoxes or solstices, looks to me exactly like an assassin.""Or a bankrupt."

"There's very little difference. To destroy a man's fortune is worse than to kill the man himself.""I bet twenty louis, monsieur; there are forty due me.""Faith, monsieur; there are only thirty left on the cloth.""Just see what a mixed company there is! One can't play cards in peace.""Very true. But it's almost six months since we saw the Spirit. Do you think he's a living being?""Well, barely."

  • 慈悲道场忏法


  • 五代史阙文


  • 元始天王欢乐经


  • 素问识


  • 郑氏史料三编


  • 其实,很想你


  • 都市修仙丹圣


  • 白昼之月


  • 白墙


  • 职业死神搜魂记


  • 碎蓝魅瞳


  • 橄榄之恋


    寒风吹起,穿透我脸颊白皙的肌理;每当悲伤来袭,总是又一次想起你!你的笑颜让我沉迷,你的温柔依然如昔,你的话语仍萦绕在耳际——我想你,思念夜夜魂牵梦系!就像橄榄又渗出甜蜜,然而我的恋情已丢弃;人海茫茫,再追问一句——是否还能再寻觅? ——橄榄之恋在深圳幽静的孤月街上,有一家叫做“橄榄之恋”的咖啡屋,在它门前的一小块种着少许其它植物的草坪上,有一块青灰色的石碑,上面刻着这样一首诗:寒风吹起, 穿透我脸颊白皙的肌理; 每当悲伤来袭, 总是又一次想起你! 你的笑颜让我沉迷, 你的温柔依然如昔, 你的话语仍萦绕在耳际—— 我想你, 思念夜夜魂牵梦系! 就像橄榄又渗出甜蜜, 然而我的恋情已丢弃; 人海茫茫,再追问一句—— 是否还能再寻觅?——橄榄之恋PS:橄榄的故事听说过吗?有一个人得到一颗橄榄,咬了一口,哎哟涩涩的,于是一扬手远远的就扔掉了;可是过了一会儿嘴里又开始泛起甜丝丝的滋味了,他觉得好神奇哦,世界上居然有这么好吃的东西,于是赶紧回头再去找,可是再也找不到了!当然这并不预示着本书的结局,出于对美好事物的向往,作者最终会让有情人终成眷属的啦!
  • 玄天九鉴


  • 神棍进化史


  • 小花游

