

There once lived a poor tailor, who had a son called Aladdin,a careless, idle boy who would do nothing but play all day long inthe streets with little idle boys like himself.This so grieved thefather that he died; yet, in spite of his mother's tears and prayers,Aladdin did not mend his ways.One day, when he was playing in thestreets as usual, a stranger asked him his age, and if he was notthe son of Mustapha the tailor."I am, sir," replied Aladdin;"but he died a long while ago."On this the stranger, who wasa famous African magician, fell on his neck and kissed him saying:

"I am your uncle, and knew you from your likeness to my brother.

Go to your mother and tell her I am coming."Aladdin ran homeand told his mother of his newly found uncle."Indeed, child," shesaid, "your father had a brother, but I always thought he was dead."However, she prepared supper, and bade Aladdin seek his uncle,who came laden with wine and fruit.He fell down and kissed theplace where Mustapha used to sit, bidding Aladdin's mother not tobe surprised at not having seen him before, as he had been fortyyears out of the country.He then turned to Aladdin, and askedhim his trade, at which the boy hung his head, while his motherburst into tears.On learning that Aladdin was idle and wouldlearn no trade, he offered to take a shop for him and stock it withmerchandise.Next day he bought Aladdin a fine suit of clothes andtook him all over the city, showing him the sights, and brought him homeat nightfall to his mother, who was overjoyed to see her son so fine.

Next day the magician led Aladdin into some beautiful gardens along way outside the city gates.They sat down by a fountain andthe magician pulled a cake from his girdle, which he dividedbetween them.Then they journeyed onwards till they almost reachedthe mountains.Aladdin was so tired that he begged to go back,but the magician beguiled him with pleasant stories and lead himon in spite of himself.At last they came to two mountainsdivided by a narrow valley."We will go no farther," saidhis uncle."I will show you something wonderful; only do yougather up sticks while I kindle a fire."When it was lit themagician threw on it a powder he had about him, at the same timesaying some magical words.The earth trembled a little in frontof them, disclosing a square flat stone with a brass ring in themiddle to raise it by.Aladdin tried to run away, but themagician caught him and gave him a blow that knocked him down.

"What have I done, uncle?" he said piteously; whereupon themagician said more kindly:"Fear nothing, but obey me.Beneaththis stone lies a treasure which is to be yours, and no one elsemay touch it, so you must do exactly as I tell you."At the wordtreasure Aladdin forgot his fears, and grasped the ring as he wastold, saying the names of his father and grandfather.The stonecame up quite easily, and some steps appeared."Go down," saidthe magician; "at the foot of those steps you will find an opendoor leading into three large halls.Tuck up your gown and gothrough them without touching anything, or you will die instantly.

These halls lead into a garden of fine fruit trees.Walk on tillyou come to niche in a terrace where stands a lighted lamp.Pourout the oil it contains, and bring it me."He drew a ring fromhis finger and gave it to Aladdin, bidding him prosper.

Aladdin found everything as the magician had said, gathered somefruit off the trees, and, having got the lamp, arrived at themouth of the cave.The magician cried out in a great hurry:

"Make haste and give me the lamp."This Aladdin refused to do untilhe was out of the cave.The magician flew into a terrible passion,and throwing some more powder on to the fire, he said something,and the stone rolled back into its place.

The man left the country, which plainly showed that he was nouncle of Aladdin's but a cunning magician, who had read in hismagic books of a wonderful lamp, which would make him the mostpowerful man in the world.Though he alone knew where to find it,he could only receive it from the hand of another.He had pickedout the foolish Aladdin for this purpose, intending to get thelamp and kill him afterwards.

For two days Aladdin remained in the dark, crying and lamenting.

At last he clasped his hands in prayer, and in so doing rubbedthe ring, which the magician had forgotten to take from him.

Immediately an enormous and frightful genie rose out of the earth,saying:"What wouldst thou with me?I am the Slave of the Ring,and will obey thee in all things."Aladdin fearlessly replied,"Deliver me from this place!" whereupon the earth opened, and hefound himself outside.As soon as his eyes could bear the lighthe went home, but fainted on the threshold.When he came tohimself he told his mother what had passed, and showed her thelamp and the fruits he had gathered in the garden, which were inreality precious stones.He then asked for some food."Alas!

child," she said, "I have nothing in the house, but I have spun alittle cotton and will go sell it."Aladdin bade her keep hercotton, for he would sell the lamp instead.As it was very dirty,she began to rub it, that it might fetch a higher price.

Instantly a hideous genie appeared, and asked what she would have.

She fainted away, but Aladdin, snatching the lamp, said boldly:

  • 西游记补


  • 送朴处士归新罗


  • Four Poems

    Four Poems

  • 佛说贫穷老公经之二


  • 啸亭续录


  • 重生之穹沫


  • 神鬼剑士后传


  • 谁言独拒霜


  • 泪女孩


  • 福妻驾到


  • 老公太霸道


  • 孔子集语


  • 废材太逆天魔女逆袭记


  • 网游之牛的不行


  • 公元四二九九

