

"Our law allows M.d'Espard to dispose of his income without accounting for it, or suffering him to be accused of its misapplication.A Commission in Lunacy can only be granted when a man's actions are devoid of reason; but in this case, the remittances made to you have a reason based on the most sacred and most honorable motives.Hence you may keep it all without remorse, and leave the world to misinterpret a noble action.In Paris, the highest virtue is the object of the foulest calumny.It is, unfortunately, the present condition of society that makes the Marquis' actions sublime.For the honor of my country, I would that such deeds were regarded as a matter of course; but, as things are, I am forced by comparison to look upon M.d'Espard as a man to whom a crown should be awarded, rather than that he should be threatened with a Commission in Lunacy.

"In the course of a long professional career, I have seen and heard nothing that has touched me more deeply than that I have just seen and heard.But it is not extraordinary that virtue should wear its noblest aspect when it is practised by men of the highest class.

"Having heard me express myself in this way, I hope, Monsieur le Marquis, that you feel certain of my silence, and that you will not for a moment be uneasy as to the decision pronounced in the case--if it comes before the Court.""There, now! Well said," cried Madame Jeanrenaud."That is something like a judge! Look here, my dear sir, I would hug you if I were not so ugly; you speak like a book."The Marquis held out his hand to Popinot, who gently pressed it with a look full of sympathetic comprehension at this great man in private life, and the Marquis responded with a pleasant smile.These two natures, both so large and full--one commonplace but divinely kind, the other lofty and sublime--had fallen into unison gently, without a jar, without a flash of passion, as though two pure lights had been merged into one.The father of a whole district felt himself worthy to grasp the hand of this man who was doubly noble, and the Marquis felt in the depths of his soul an instinct that told him that the judge's hand was one of those from which the treasures of inexhaustible beneficence perennially flow.

"Monsieur le Marquis," added Popinot, with a bow, "I am happy to be able to tell you that, from the first words of this inquiry, Iregarded my clerk as quite unnecessary."

He went close to M.d'Espard, led him into the window-bay, and said:

"It is time that you should return home, monsieur.I believe that Madame la Marquise has acted in this matter under an influence which you ought at once to counteract."Popinot withdrew.He looked back several times as he crossed the courtyard, touched by the recollection of the scene.It was one of those which take root in the memory to blossom again in certain hours when the soul seeks consolation.

"Those rooms would just suit me," said he to himself as he reached home."If M.d'Espard leaves them, I will take up his lease."The next day, at about ten in the morning, Popinot, who had written out his report the previous evening, made his way to the Palais de Justice, intending to have prompt and righteous justice done.As he went to the robing-room to put on his gown and bands, the usher told him that the President of his Court begged him to attend in his private room, where he was waiting for him.Popinot forthwith obeyed.

  • The Secret Sharer

    The Secret Sharer

  • 紫竹林颛愚衡和尚语录


  • 东林本末


  • 晋真人语录


  • 诚求集


  • 北大学子美文·博雅之思


    本书是《清华学子美文丛书》中的一本,共收录40余位作者的近50篇作品。作品以刚柔的审美意识,以细腻优美的笔调,抒发了相思之委婉,情意之缠绵,失意之感悟,理智之潜流等多维多味的心之情结,情理深处蕴含着温馨之感,给人以情的启迪和美的陶冶。 书中作品内容丰富,形式多样,全方位理性的展示了当代高等学府学子的高层次的情感阅历和深层次的人生感悟。
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  • 爱情别想逃——冷公主的奇葩复仇记


  • 有没有神


  • 超越百年的人生智慧:周有光自述


    本书是当代著名学者、语言学家、“汉语拼音之父”周有光先生的自述文集。包括“百岁口述传记”、 “记忆的碎片”、“ 回顾语言学界往事”、“ 我和语文现代化”等几部分,自述性质的序言、后记、谈话等也都一一辑录,酌情编入。本书系周有光先生自述文章在海内外的第一次系统结集。
  • exo之浅夏微凉忆情殇


  • 我穿越到了生死狙击


  • 大争之势


  • 天定良缘:樱花绽放时


  • 盗墓笔记续写之十年之约

