

But--suppose this man were not my father, not even the Marquis de Sallenauve, as he asserts himself to be; suppose, like that unfortunate Lucien de Rubempre, whose history has made so much noise, I were caught in the toils of a serpent like that false abbe Don Carlos Herrera, and had made myself liable to the same awful awakening.You may say to me that you see no such likelihood; that Carlos Herrera had an object in fascinating Lucien and making him his double; but that I, an older man with solid principles and no love of luxury, who have lived a life of thought and toil, should fear such influence, is nonsense.

So be it.But why should the man who recognizes me as his son conceal the very country in which he lives, and the name by which he is known in that equally nameless Northern land which it is intimated that he governs? Why make such sacrifices for my benefit and show so little confidence? And see the mystery with which Jacques Bricheteau has surrounded my life! Do you think that that long-winded explanation of his explained it?

All this, my dear friend, rolling in my head and clashing with that half-million already paid to me, has given substance to a strange idea, at which you may perhaps laugh, but which, nevertheless, is not without precedent in criminal annals.

I told you just now that this thought invaded me as it were suddenly;it came like an instinct upon me.Assuredly, if I had had the faintest inkling of it last evening, I would have cut off my right hand sooner than sign that deed by which I have henceforth bound my fate to that of an unknown man whose past and future may be as gloomy as a canto of Dante's Hell, and who may drag me down with him into utter darkness.

In short, this idea--round which I am making you circle because Icannot bring myself to let you enter it--here it is, in all its crudity; I am afraid of being, without my knowledge, the agent, the tool of those associations of false coiners who are known in criminal records to concoct schemes as complicated and mysterious as the one Iam now involved in, in order to put into circulation the money they coin.In all such cases you will find great coming and going of accomplices; cheques drawn from a distance on the bankers in great commercial centres like Paris, Stockholm, Rotterdam.Often one hears of poor dupes compromised.In short, do you not see in the mysterious ways of this Bricheteau something like an imitation, a reflection of the manoeuvres to which these criminal workers are forced to have recourse, arranging them with a talent and a richness of imagination to which a novelist can scarcely attain?

One thing is certain: there is about me a thick unwholesome atmosphere, in which I feel that air is lacking and I cannot breathe.

However, assure me, if you can, persuade me, I ask no better, that this is all an empty dream.But in any case I am determined to have a full explanation with these two men to-morrow, and to obtain, although so late, more light than they have yet doled out to me....

  • 英雄联盟之乱世纵横


  • 空城吹寒


  • 小杉


  • 泽程


  • 清朝那些事儿


    本书以时间为序,全方位地对清朝各个年代的政治、军事、制度、文化、艺术乃至礼仪、饮食文化等,作了全面详尽的解析,以正史为第一手材料,以小说的文本方式,详尽讲述了一个个短小却血脉清晰的故事。通过一个个小故事,又分门别类地堆积起每个君王时代的逸闻秘史,系统、完整,塑成了一个个君王清晰立体的帝王生涯轮廓。局部文本貌似戏说,却有铁的史实为依据、 “靠山”。一个逝去时代的缤纷史实,无论宏大抑或卑琐,全都穿越时间的大幕而来,清晰逼真地呈现在读者的视域中。深刻而不失生活况味,轻松又携带着史料的真实面具。于是,阅读在对冷漠森严的历史书卷想像中展开,却在极尽享受的故事体验的尽兴中结束——读本的价值无须赘述!
  • 重生系统:我的少女时代


  • 惹火萌妃:殿下,我很乖


  • 穿越了另一个世界


  • 谁的新娘礼服


  • 斩华之战记

