

"Because," said the old man, "the natural repugnance to the commission of such a crime prevented you from thinking of it; and so it ever is because in simple and allowable things our natural instincts keep us from deviating from the strict line of duty.The tiger, whose nature teaches him to delight in shedding blood, needs but the sense of smell to show him when his prey is within his reach, and by following this instinct he is enabled to measure the leap necessary to permit him to spring on his victim; but man, on the contrary, loathes the idea of blood -- it is not alone that the laws of social life inspire him with a shrinking dread of taking life; his natural construction and physiological formation" --Dantes was confused and silent at this explanation of the thoughts which had unconsciously been working in his mind, or rather soul; for there are two distinct sorts of ideas, those that proceed from the head and those that emanate from the heart.

"Since my imprisonment," said Faria, "I have thought over all the most celebrated cases of escape on record.They have rarely been successful.Those that have been crowned with full success have been long meditated upon, and carefully arranged; such, for instance, as the escape of the Duc de Beaufort from the Chateau de Vincennes, that of the Abbe Dubuquoi from For l'Eveque; of Latude from the Bastille.

Then there are those for which chance sometimes affords opportunity, and those are the best of all.Let us, therefore, wait patiently for some favorable moment, and when it presents itself, profit by it.""Ah," said Dantes, "you might well endure the tedious delay;you were constantly employed in the task you set yourself, and when weary with toil, you had your hopes to refresh and encourage you.""I assure you," replied the old man, "I did not turn to that source for recreation or support.""What did you do then?"

"I wrote or studied."

"Were you then permitted the use of pens, ink, and paper?""Oh, no," answered the abbe; "I had none but what I made for myself.""You made paper, pens and ink?"


Dantes gazed with admiration, but he had some difficulty in believing.Faria saw this.

"When you pay me a visit in my cell, my young friend," said he, "I will show you an entire work, the fruits of the thoughts and reflections of my whole life; many of them meditated over in the shades of the Coloseum at Rome, at the foot of St.Mark's column at Venice, and on the borders of the Arno at Florence, little imagining at the time that they would be arranged in order within the walls of the Chateau d'If.The work I speak of is called `A Treatise on the Possibility of a General Monarchy in Italy,' and will make one large quarto volume.""And on what have you written all this?"

"On two of my shirts.I invented a preparation that makes linen as smooth and as easy to write on as parchment.""You are, then, a chemist?"

  • 当代科技伦理的焦点问题


  • 修大陆


  • 滴血红莲


  • 宇宙最强运动员系统


  • 我的王子同桌


  • 亲爱的骑士


  • 争仙道


  • 御铠师


  • 恋爱甜心糖【完结】


    【原创作者社团『未央』出品】读者群:87258582[无名原创作者之家]【人气女作者评选】凌 http://***.***/yuanchuang/r/?135610老天爷是在玩我吗?让我遇上三个华丽丽的帅男,但却非要我经历一些平常在小说里没有的囧事,可是我凌素素怎么可能就这样被打败,有什么招尽管出,我接着呢!唯美的油桐花林传说:学校后山的油桐花林,每到盛开的季节都不会落下花瓣来,除非当一对命定的恋人在油桐花林中心的那一棵油桐花树下相遇,就会得到爱神的祝福——漫天的油桐花```他?他?他?到底谁会是我的王子?听听我的心,选择不会是很艰难的事情```但幸福,难道真的那么容易得到吗?```
  • 仙侠奇缘之莫忘初心

