

Whole days have I passed in these Titanic efforts, considering my labor well repaid if, by night-time I had contrived to carry away a square inch of this hard-bound cement, changed by ages into a substance unyielding as the stones themselves; then to conceal the mass of earth and rubbish I dug up, I was compelled to break through a staircase, and throw the fruits of my labor into the hollow part of it; but the well is now so completely choked up, that I scarcely think it would be possible to add another handful of dust without leading to discovery.Consider also that I fully believed I had accomplished the end and aim of my undertaking, for which I had so exactly husbanded my strength as to make it just hold out to the termination of my enterprise; and now, at the moment when I reckoned upon success, my hopes are forever dashed from me.No, I repeat again, that nothing shall induce me to renew attempts evidently at variance with the Almighty's pleasure."Dantes held down his head, that the other might not see how joy at the thought of having a companion outweighed the sympathy he felt for the failure of the abbe's plans.

The abbe sank upon Edmond's bed.while Edmond himself remained standing.Escape had never once occurred to him.

There are, indeed, some things which appear so impossible that the mind does not dwell on them for an instant.To undermine the ground for fifty feet -- to devote three years to a labor which, if successful, would conduct you to a precipice overhanging the sea -- to plunge into the waves from the height of fifty, sixty, perhaps a hundred feet, at the risk of being dashed to pieces against the rocks, should you have been fortunate enough to have escaped the fire of the sentinels; and even, supposing all these perils past, then to have to swim for your life a distance of at least three miles ere you could reach the shore -- were difficulties so startling and formidable that Dantes had never even dreamed of such a scheme, resigning himself rather to death.But the sight of an old man clinging to life with so desperate a courage, gave a fresh turn to his ideas, and inspired him with new courage.Another, older and less strong than he, had attempted what he had not had sufficient resolution to undertake, and had failed only because of an error in calculation.This same person, with almost incredible patience and perseverance, had contrived to provide himself with tools requisite for so unparalleled an attempt.Another had done all this; why, then, was it impossible to Dantes? Faria had dug his way through fifty feet, Dantes would dig a hundred; Faria, at the age of fifty, had devoted three years to the task; he, who was but half as old, would sacrifice six; Faria, a priest and savant, had not shrunk from the idea of risking his life by trying to swim a distance of three miles to one of the islands -- Daume, Rattonneau, or Lemaire; should a hardy sailer, an experienced diver, like himself, shrink from a similar task; should he, who had so often for mere amusement's sake plunged to the bottom of the sea to fetch up the bright coral branch, hesitate to entertain the same project? He could do it in an hour, and how many times had he, for pure pastime, continued in the water for more than twice as long! At once Dantes resolved to follow the brave example of his energetic companion, and to remember that what has once been done may be done again.

After continuing some time in profound meditation, the young man suddenly exclaimed, "I have found what you were in search of!"Faria started: "Have you, indeed?" cried he, raising his head with quick anxiety; "pray, let me know what it is you have discovered?""The corridor through which you have bored your way from the cell you occupy here, extends in the same direction as the outer gallery, does it not?""It does."

"And is not above fifteen feet from it?"

"About that."

"Well, then, I will tell you what we must do.We must pierce through the corridor by forming a side opening about the middle, as it were the top part of a cross.This time you will lay your plans more accurately; we shall get out into the gallery you have described; kill the sentinel who guards it, and make our escape.All we require to insure success is courage, and that you possess, and strength, which I am not deficient in; as for patience, you have abundantly proved yours -- you shall now see me prove mine.""One instant, my dear friend," replied the abbe; "it is clear you do not understand the nature of the courage with which I am endowed, and what use I intend making of my strength.As for patience, I consider that I have abundantly exercised that in beginning every morning the task of the night before, and every night renewing the task of the day.

But then, young man (and I pray of you to give me your full attention), then I thought I could not be doing anything displeasing to the Almighty in trying to set an innocent being at liberty -- one who had committed no offence, and merited not condemnation.""And have your notions changed?" asked Dantes with much surprise; "do you think yourself more guilty in making the attempt since you have encountered me?""No; neither do I wish to incur guilt.Hitherto I have fancied myself merely waging war against circumstances, not men.I have thought it no sin to bore through a wall, or destroy a staircase; but I cannot so easily persuade myself to pierce a heart or take away a life." A slight movement of surprise escaped Dantes.

"Is it possible," said he, "that where your liberty is at stake you can allow any such scruple to deter you from obtaining it?""Tell me," replied Faria, "what has hindered you from knocking down your jailer with a piece of wood torn from your bedstead, dressing yourself in his clothes, and endeavoring to escape?""Simply the fact that the idea never occurred to me,"answered Dantes.

  • 菩萨生地经


  • 上清金书玉字上经


  • 佛说见正经


  • 天玉经


  • 乐府余论


  • 我爱的少年叫易烊千玺i


  • 相识一瞬,相爱一生


  • 重生车神


  • 耳食录


  • 诸天神祭


  • 梦想三国


  • 五道天伦


  • 妖怪横行的年代


  • 君兰山


  • 鹿TAO勋的绝佳恋人

