

The Dappled Grays.

The baron, followed by the count, traversed a long series of apartments, in which the prevailing characteristics were heavy magnificence and the gaudiness of ostentatious wealth, until he reached the boudoir of Madame Danglars -- a small octagonal-shaped room, hung with pink satin, covered with white Indian muslin.The chairs were of ancient workmanship and materials; over the doors were painted sketches of shepherds and shepherdesses, after the style and manner of Boucher; and at each side pretty medallions in crayons, harmonizing well with the furnishings of this charming apartment, the only one throughout the great mansion in which any distinctive taste prevailed.The truth was, it had been entirely overlooked in the plan arranged and followed out by M.Danglars and his architect, who had been selected to aid the baron in the great work of improvement solely because he was the most fashionable and celebrated decorator of the day.The decorations of the boudoir had then been left entirely to Madame Danglars and Lucien Debray.M.

Danglars, however, while possessing a great admiration for the antique, as it was understood during the time of the Directory, entertained the most sovereign contempt for the simple elegance of his wife's favorite sitting-room, where, by the way, he was never permitted to intrude, unless, indeed, he excused his own appearance by ushering in some more agreeable visitor than himself; and even then he had rather the air and manner of a person who was himself introduced, than that of being the presenter of another, his reception being cordial or frigid, in proportion as the person who accompanied him chanced to please or displease the baroness.

Madame Danglars (who, although past the first bloom of youth, was still strikingly handsome) was now seated at the piano, a most elaborate piece of cabinet and inlaid work, while Lucien Debray, standing before a small work-table, was turning over the pages of an album.Lucien had found time, preparatory to the count's arrival, to relate many particulars respecting him to Madame Danglars.It will be remembered that Monte Cristo had made a lively impression on the minds of all the party assembled at the breakfast given by Albert de Morcerf; and although Debray was not in the habit of yielding to such feelings, he had never been able to shake off the powerful influence excited in his mind by the impressive look and manner of the count, consequently the description given by Lucien to the baroness bore the highly-colored tinge of his own heated imagination.Already excited by the wonderful stories related of the count by De Morcerf, it is no wonder that Madame Danglars eagerly listened to, and fully credited, all the additional circumstances detailed by Debray.This posing at the piano and over the album was only a little ruse adopted by way of precaution.A most gracious welcome and unusual smile were bestowed on M.Danglars; the count, in return for his gentlemanly bow, received a formal though graceful courtesy, while Lucien exchanged with the count a sort of distant recognition, and with Danglars a free and easy nod.

"Baroness," said Danglars, "give me leave to present to you the Count of Monte Cristo, who has been most warmly recommended to me by my correspondents at Rome.I need but mention one fact to make all the ladies in Paris court his notice, and that is, that he has come to take up his abode in Paris for a year, during which brief period he proposes to spend six millions of money.That means balls, dinners, and lawn parties without end, in all of which I trust the count will remember us, as he may depend upon it we shall him, in our own humble entertainments." In spite of the gross flattery and coarseness of this address, Madame Danglars could not forbear gazing with considerable interest on a man capable of expending six millions in twelve months, and who had selected Paris for the scene of his princely extravagance."And when did you arrive here?" inquired she.

"Yesterday morning, madame."

"Coming, as usual, I presume, from the extreme end of the globe? Pardon me -- at least, such I have heard is your custom.""Nay, madame.This time I have merely come from Cadiz.""You have selected a most unfavorable moment for your first visit.Paris is a horrible place in summer.Balls, parties, and fetes are over; the Italian opera is in London; the French opera everywhere except in Paris.As for the Theatre Francais, you know, of course, that it is nowhere.The only amusements left us are the indifferent races at the Champ de Mars and Satory.Do you propose entering any horses at either of these races, count?""I shall do whatever they do at Paris, madame, if I have the good fortune to find some one who will initiate me into the prevalent ideas of amusement.""Are you fond of horses, count?"

"I have passed a considerable part of my life in the East, madame, and you are doubtless aware that the Orientals value only two things -- the fine breeding of their horses and the beauty of their women.""Nay, count," said the baroness, "it would have been somewhat more gallant to have placed the ladies first.""You see, madame, how rightly I spoke when I said I required a preceptor to guide me in all my sayings and doings here."At this instant the favorite attendant of Madame Danglars entered the boudoir; approaching her mistress, she spoke some words in an undertone.Madame Danglars turned very pale, then exclaimed, -- "I cannot believe it; the thing is impossible.""I assure you, madame," replied the woman, "it is as I have said." Turning impatiently towards her husband, Madame Danglars demanded, "Is this true?""Is what true, madame?" inquired Danglars, visibly agitated.

"What my maid tells me."

"But what does she tell you?"

  • 你好消防员


  • 公子邪


  • 倾城狂妃


  • 等你到杜若花开


  • 西域歌


  • TFBOYS之米色夏微凉


  • 全能硬盘


  • 宠佞天下


  • 秉天


  • 水灵我心中的歌

