

There will be no necessity for me to make a note of these particulars, for there, before my eyes, beneath my feet, all around me, I have the plan sketched with all the living reality of truth." After making the tour of the garden a second time, the count re-entered his carriage, while Bertuccio, who perceived the thoughtful expression of his master's features, took his seat beside the driver without uttering a word.The carriage proceeded rapidly towards Paris.

That same evening, upon reaching his abode in the Champs Elysees, the Count of Monte Cristo went over the whole building with the air of one long acquainted with each nook or corner.Nor, although preceding the party, did he once mistake one door for another, or commit the smallest error when choosing any particular corridor or staircase to conduct him to a place or suite of rooms he desired to visit.Ali was his principal attendant during this nocturnal survey.Having given various orders to Bertuccio relative to the improvements and alterations he desired to make in the house, the Count, drawing out his watch, said to the attentive Nubian, "It is half-past eleven o'clock; Haidee will soon he here.Have the French attendants been summoned to await her coming?" Ali extended his hands towards the apartments destined for the fair Greek, which were so effectually concealed by means of a tapestried entrance, that it would have puzzled the most curious to have divined their existence.Ali, having pointed to the apartments, held up three fingers of his right hand, and then, placing it beneath his head, shut his eyes, and feigned to sleep."Iunderstand," said Monte Cristo, well acquainted with Ali's pantomime; "you mean to tell me that three female attendants await their new mistress in her sleeping-chamber." Ali, with considerable animation, made a sign in the affirmative.

"Madame will be tired to-night," continued Monte Cristo, "and will, no doubt, wish to rest.Desire the French attendants not to weary her with questions, but merely to pay their respectful duty and retire.You will also see that the Greek servants hold no communication with those of this country." He bowed.Just at that moment voices were heard hailing the concierge.The gate opened, a carriage rolled down the avenue, and stopped at the steps.The count hastily descended, presented himself at the already opened carriage door, and held out his hand to a young woman, completely enveloped in a green silk mantle heavily embroidered with gold.She raised the hand extended towards her to her lips, and kissed it with a mixture of love and respect.Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse.The young woman spoke with an expression of deep tenderness, while the count replied with an air of gentle gravity.Preceded by Ali, who carried a rose-colored flambeau in his hand, the new-comer, who was no other than the lovely Greek who had been Monte Cristo's companion in Italy, was conducted to her apartments, while the count retired to the pavilion reserved for himself.In another hour every light in the house was extinguished, and it might have been thought that all its inmates slept.

  • 妃常喜事


  • 明月为何向黑夜


  • 少年你好


  • 锦都妖侠志


  • 无双嫡女:道士还俗计划


  • 白色眷恋


  • 福妻驾到


  • 王源之守护


  • exo之十二王子的天使


  • 异界行——光与暗之歌

