

"Of the adventures that befell me after this I need not now speak.I was wrecked upon the coast of Madagascar, and rescued some months afterwards by an English ship that brought me to Aden, whence I started for England, intending to prosecute my search us soon as I had made sufficient preparations.On my way Istopped in Greece, and there, for ' _i_ Omnia vincit amor _i_ ,' I met your beloved mother, and married her, and there you were born and she died.Then it was that my last illness seized me, and I returned hither to die.But still I hoped against hope, and set myself to work to learn Arabic, with the intention, should Iever get better, of returning to the coast of Africa, and solving the mystery of which the tradition has lived so many centuries in our family.But I have not got better, and, so far as I am concerned, the story is at an end.

"For you, however, my son, it is not at an end, and to you I hand on these the results, of my labor, together with the hereditary proofs of its origin.It is my intention to provide that they shall not be put into your hands until you have reached an age when you will be able to judge for yourself whether or not you will choose to investigate what, if it is true, must be the greatest mystery in the world, or to put it by as an idle fable, originating in the first place in a woman's disordered brain.

"I do not believe that it is a fable; I believe that if it can only be rediscovered there is a spot where the vital forces of the world visibly exist.Life exists; why therefore should not the means of preserving it indefinitely exist also? But I have no wish to prejudice your mind about the matter.Read and judge for yourself.If you are inclined to undertake the search, I have so provided that you will not lack for means.If, on the other hand, you are satisfied that the whole thing is a chimera, then, I adjure you, destroy the potsherd and the writings, and let a cause of troubling be removed from our race forever.Perhaps that will be wisest.The unknown is generally taken to be terrible, not as the proverb would infer, from the inherent superstition of man, but became it so often is terrible.He who would tamper with the vast and secret forces that animate the world may well fall a victim to them.And if the end were attained, if at last you emerged from the trial ever beautiful and ever young, defying time and evil, and lifted above the natural decay of flesh and intellect, who shall say that the awesome change would prove a happy one?

Choose, my son, and may the Power who rules all things, and who says 'thus far shalt thou go, and thus much shalt thou learn', direct the choice to your own happiness and the happiness of the world, which, in the event of your success, you would one day certainly rule by the pure force of accumulated experience.Farewell!"

Thus the letter, which was unsigned and undated, abruptly ended.

"What do you make of that, Uncle Holly?" said Leo, with a sort of gasp, as he replaced it on the table.

"We have been looking for a mystery, and we certainly seem to have found one.""What do I make of it? Why, that your poor dear father was off his head, of course," I answered, testily."Iguessed as much that night, twenty years ago, when he came into my room.You see he evidently hurried his own end, poor man.It is absolute balderdash.""That's it, sir!" said Job, solemnly.Job was a most matter-of-fact specimen of a matter-of-fact class.

"Well, let's see what the potsherd has to say, at any rate," said Leo, taking up the translation in his father's writing, and commencing to read:

'I, Amenartas, of the Royal House of the Pharaohs of Egypt, wife of Kallikrates (the Beautiful in Strength), a Priest of Isis whom the gods cherish and the demons obey, being about to die, to my little son Tisisthenes (the Mighty Avenger).I fled with thy father from Egypt in the days of Nectanebes, causing him through love to break the vows that he had vowed.

We fled southward, across the waters, and we wandered for twice twelve moons on the coast of Libya (Africa)that looks towards the rising sun, where by a river is a great rock carven like the head of an Ethiopian.

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