


Mark Twain received his first college degree when he was made Master of Arts by Yale, in June, 1888.Editor of the Courant, Charles H.

Clarke, was selected to notify him of his new title.Clarke was an old friend to whom Clemens could write familiarly.

To Charles H.Clarke, in Hartford:

ELMIRA, July 2, '88.

MY DEAR CHARLES,--Thanks for your thanks, and for your initiation intentions.I shall be ready for you.I feel mighty proud of that degree; in fact, I could squeeze the truth a little closer and say vain of it.And why shouldn't I be? --I am the only literary animal of my particular subspecies who has ever been given a degree by any College in any age of the world, as far as I know.

Sincerely Yours S.L.Clemens M.A.

Reply: Charles H.Clarke to S.L Clemens:

MY DEAR FRIEND, You are "the only literary animal of your particular subspecies" in existence and you've no cause for humility in the fact.

Yale has done herself at least as much credit as she has done you, and "Don't you forget it."C.H.C.

With the exception of his brief return to the river in 1882.Mark Twain had been twenty-seven years away from pilots and piloting.

Nevertheless, he always kept a tender place in his heart for the old times and for old river comrades.Major "Jack" Downing had been a Mississippi pilot of early days, but had long since retired from the river to a comfortable life ashore, in an Ohio town.Clemens had not heard from him for years when a letter came which invited the following answer.

To Major "Jack" Downing, in Middleport Ohio:

ELMIRA, N.Y.[no month] 1888.

DEAR MAJOR,-- And has it come to this that the dead rise up and speak?

For I supposed that you were dead, it has been so long since I heard your name.

And how young you've grown! I was a mere boy when I knew you on the river, where you had been piloting for 35 years, and now you are only a year and a half older than I am! I mean to go to Hot Springs myself and get 30 or 40 years knocked off my age.It's manifestly the place that Ponce de Leon was striking for, but the poor fellow lost the trail.

Possibly I may see you, for I shall be in St.Louis a day or two in November.I propose to go down the river and "note the changes" once more before I make the long crossing, and perhaps you can come there.

Will you? I want to see all the boys that are left alive.

And so Grant Marsh, too, is flourishing yet? A mighty good fellow, and smart too.When we were taking that wood flat down to the Chambers, which was aground, I soon saw that I was a perfect lubber at piloting such a thing.I saw that I could never hit the Chambers with it, so Iresigned in Marsh's favor, and he accomplished the task to my admiration.

We should all have gone to the mischief if I had remained in authority.

I always had good judgement, more judgement than talent, in fact.

No; the nom de plume did not originate in that way.Capt.Sellers used the signature, "Mark Twain," himself, when he used to write up the antiquities in the way of river reminiscences for the New Orleans Picayune.He hated me for burlesquing them in an article in the True Delta; so four years later when he died, I robbed the corpse--that is Iconfiscated the nom de plume.I have published this vital fact 3,000times now.But no matter, it is good practice; it is about the only fact that I can tell the same way every time.Very glad, indeed, to hear from you Major, and shall be gladder still to see you in November.

Truly yours, S.L.CLEMENS.

He did not make the journey down the river planned for that year.

He had always hoped to make another steamboat trip with Bixby, but one thing and another interfered and he did not go again.

Authors were always sending their books to Mark Twain to read, and no busy man was ever more kindly disposed toward such offerings, more generously considerate of the senders.Louis Pendleton was a young unknown writer in 1888, but Clemens took time to read his story carefully, and to write to him about it a letter that cost precious time, thought, and effort.It must have rejoiced the young man's heart to receive a letter like that, from one whom all young authors held supreme.

To Louis Pendleton, in Georgia:

ELMIRA, N.Y., Aug.4, '88.

MY DEAR SIR,--I found your letter an hour ago among some others which had lain forgotten a couple of weeks, and I at once stole time enough to read Ariadne.Stole is the right word, for the summer "Vacation" is the only chance I get for work; so, no minute subtracted from work is borrowed, it is stolen.But this time I do not repent.As a rule, people don't send me books which I can thank them for, and so I say nothing--which looks uncourteous.But I thank you.Ariadne is a beautiful and satisfying story; and true, too--which is the best part of a story; or indeed of any other thing.Even liars have to admit that, if they are intelligent liars; I mean in their private [the word conscientious written but erased] intervals.(I struck that word out because a man's private thought can never be a lie; what he thinks, is to him the truth, always;what he speaks--but these be platitudes.)

If you want me to pick some flaws--very well--but I do it unwillingly.

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