

In my diary of our third day in Honolulu, I find this:

I am probably the most sensitive man in Hawaii to-night--especially about sitting down in the presence of my betters.I have ridden fifteen or twenty miles on horse-back since 5 P.M.and to tell the honest truth, Ihave a delicacy about sitting down at all.

An excursion to Diamond Head and the King's Coacoanut Grove was planned to-day--time, 4:30 P.M.--the party to consist of half a dozen gentlemen and three ladies.They all started at the appointed hour except myself.

I was at the Government prison, (with Captain Fish and another whaleship-skipper, Captain Phillips,) and got so interested in its examination that I did not notice how quickly the time was passing.Somebody remarked that it was twenty minutes past five o'clock, and that woke me up.It was a fortunate circumstance that Captain Phillips was along with his "turn out," as he calls a top-buggy that Captain Cook brought here in 1778, and a horse that was here when Captain Cook came.Captain Phillips takes a just pride in his driving and in the speed of his horse, and to his passion for displaying them I owe it that we were only sixteen minutes coming from the prison to the American Hotel--a distance which has been estimated to be over half a mile.But it took some fearful driving.The Captain's whip came down fast, and the blows started so much dust out of the horse's hide that during the last half of the journey we rode through an impenetrable fog, and ran by a pocket compass in the hands of Captain Fish, a whaler of twenty-six years experience, who sat there through the perilous voyage as self-possessed as if he had been on the euchre-deck of his own ship, and calmly said, "Port your helm--port," from time to time, and "Hold her a little free--steady--so--so," and "Luff--hard down to starboard!" and never once lost his presence of mind or betrayed the least anxiety by voice or manner.When we came to anchor at last, and Captain Phillips looked at his watch and said, "Sixteen minutes--I told you it was in her! that's over three miles an hour!" I could see he felt entitled to a compliment, and so I said I had never seen lightning go like that horse.And I never had.

The landlord of the American said the party had been gone nearly an hour, but that he could give me my choice of several horses that could overtake them.I said, never mind--I preferred a safe horse to a fast one--Iwould like to have an excessively gentle horse--a horse with no spirit whatever--a lame one, if he had such a thing.Inside of five minutes Iwas mounted, and perfectly satisfied with my outfit.I had no time to label him "This is a horse," and so if the public took him for a sheep Icannot help it.I was satisfied, and that was the main thing.I could see that he had as many fine points as any man's horse, and so I hung my hat on one of them, behind the saddle, and swabbed the perspiration from my face and started.I named him after this island, "Oahu" (pronounced O-waw-hee).The first gate he came to he started in; I had neither whip nor spur, and so I simply argued the case with him.He resisted argument, but ultimately yielded to insult and abuse.He backed out of that gate and steered for another one on the other side of the street.

I triumphed by my former process.Within the next six hundred yards he crossed the street fourteen times and attempted thirteen gates, and in the meantime the tropical sun was beating down and threatening to cave the top of my head in, and I was literally dripping with perspiration.

He abandoned the gate business after that and went along peaceably enough, but absorbed in meditation.I noticed this latter circumstance, and it soon began to fill me with apprehension.I said to my self, this creature is planning some new outrage, some fresh deviltry or other--no horse ever thought over a subject so profoundly as this one is doing just for nothing.The more this thing preyed upon my mind the more uneasy Ibecame, until the suspense became almost unbearable and I dismounted to see if there was anything wild in his eye--for I had heard that the eye of this noblest of our domestic animals is very expressive.

I cannot describe what a load of anxiety was lifted from my mind when Ifound that he was only asleep.I woke him up and started him into a faster walk, and then the villainy of his nature came out again.He tried to climb over a stone wall, five or six feet high.I saw that Imust apply force to this horse, and that I might as well begin first as last.I plucked a stout switch from a tamarind tree, and the moment he saw it, he surrendered.He broke into a convulsive sort of a canter, which had three short steps in it and one long one, and reminded me alternately of the clattering shake of the great earthquake, and the sweeping plunging of the Ajax in a storm.

And now there can be no fitter occasion than the present to pronounce a left-handed blessing upon the man who invented the American saddle.

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