

The result is the necessary factor in the formation of the Dweller.There would be nothing scientifically improbable in such a process.Kubalski, the great Russian physicist, pro-duced crystalline forms exhibiting every faculty that we call vital by subjecting certain combinations of chemicals to the action of highly concentrated rays of various colours.Some-thing in light and nothing else produced their pseudo-vitality.

We do not begin to know how to harness the potentialities of that magnetic vibration of the ether we call light.""Listen, Doc," said Larry earnestly, "I'll take everything you say about this lost continent, the people who used to live on it, and their caverns, for granted.But by the sword of Brian Boru, you'll never get me to fall for the idea that a bunch of moonshine can handle a big woman such as you say Throckmartin's Thora was, nor a two-fisted man such as you say Throckmartin was, nor Huldricksson's wife--and I'll bet she was one of those strapping big northern women too--you'll never get me to believe that any bunch of con-centrated moonshine could handle them and take them waltzing off along a moonbeam back to wherever it goes.

No, Doc, not on your life, even Tennessee moonshine couldn't do that--nix!""All right, O'Keefe," I answered, now very much irritated indeed."What's your theory?" And I could not resist add-ing: "Fairies?"

"Professor," he grinned, "if that Thing's a fairy it's Irish and when it sees me it'll be so glad there'll be nothing to it.

'I was lost, strayed, or stolen, Larry avick,' it'll say, 'an' Iwas so homesick for the old sod I was desp'rit,' it'll say, an'

'take me back quick before I do any more har-rm!' it'll tell me--an' that's the truth.

"Now don't get me wrong.I believe you all saw something all right.But what I think you saw was some kind of gas.

All this region is volcanic and islands and things are con-stantly poking up from the sea.It's probably gas; a volcanic emanation; something new to us and that drives you crazy --lots of kinds of gas do that.It hit the Throckmartin party on that island and they probably were all more or less de-lirious all the time; thought they saw things; talked it over and--collective hallucination--just like the Angels of Mons and other miracles of the war.Somebody sees something that looks like something else.He points it out to the man next him.'Do you see it?' asks he.'Sure I see it,' says the other.And there you are--collective hallucination.

"When your friends got it bad they most likely jumped overboard one by one.Huldricksson sails into a place where it is and it hits his wife.She grabs the child and jumps over.

Maybe the moon rays make it luminous! I've seen gas on the front under the moon that looked like a thousand whirling dervish devils.Yes, and you could see the devil's faces in it.

And if it got into your lungs nothing could ever make you think you hadn't seen real devils."For a time I was silent.

"Larry," I said at last, "whether you are right or I am right, I must go to the Nan-Matal.Will you go with me, Larry?""Goodwin," he replied, "I surely will.I'm as interested as you are.If we don't run across the Dolphin I'll stick.I'll leave word at Ponape, to tell them where I am should they come along.If they report me dead for a while there's no-body to care.So that's all right.Only old man, be reasonable.

You've thought over this so long, you're going bug, honestly you are."And again, the gladness that I might have Larry O'Keefe with me, was so great that I forgot to be angry.

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