

"Ah, Bertrade, my Bertrade," he cried, "what is this thing that I have done ! Forgive me, and let the greatness and the purity of my love for you plead in extenuation of my act."She looked up into his face in surprise, and then placing her strong white hands upon his shoulders, she whispered:

"See, Roger, I am not angry.It is not wrong that we love; tell me it is not, Roger.""You must not say that you love me, Bertrade.I am a coward, a craven poltroon; but, God, how I love you.""But," said the girl, "I do love -- "

"Stop," he cried, "not yet, not yet.Do not say it till I come again.You know nothing of me, you do not know even who I be; but when next I come, Ipromise that ye shall know as much of me as I myself know, and then, Bertrade, my Bertrade, if you can then say, 'I love you' no power on earth, or in heaven above, or hell below shall keep you from being mine !""I will wait, Roger, for I believe in you and trust you.I do not understand, but I know that you must have some good reason, though it all seems very strange to me.If I, a De Montfort, am willing to acknowledge my love for any man, there can be no reason why I should not do so, unless," and she started at the sudden thought, wide-eyed and paling, "unless there be another woman, a -- a -- wife ?""There is no other woman, Bertrade," said Norman of Torn."I have no wife;nor within the limits of my memory have my lips ever before touched the lips of another, for I do not remember my mother."She sighed a happy little sigh of relief, and laughing lightly, said:

"It is some old woman's bugaboo that you are haling out of a dark corner of your imagination to frighten yourself with.I do not fear, since I know that you must be all good.There be no line of vice or deception upon your face and you are very brave.So brave and noble a man, Roger, has a heart of pure gold.""Don't," he said, bitterly."I cannot endure it.Wait until I come again and then, oh my flower of all England, if you have it in your heart to speak as you are speaking now, the sun of my happiness will be at zenith.

Then, but not before, shall I speak to the Earl, thy father.Farewell, Bertrade, in a few days I return.""If you would speak to the Earl on such a subject, you insolent young puppy, you may save your breath," thundered an angry voice, and Simon de Montfort strode, scowling, into the room.

The girl paled, but not from fear of her father, for the fighting blood of the De Montforts was as strong in her as in her sire.She faced him with as brave and resolute a face as did the young man, who turned slowly, fixing De Montfort with level gaze.

"I heard enough of your words as I was passing through the corridor,"continued the latter, "to readily guess what had gone before.So it is for this that you have wormed your sneaking way into my home ? And thought you that Simon de Montfort would throw his daughter at the head of the first passing rogue ? Who be ye, but a nameless rascal ? For aught we know, some low born lackey.Get ye hence, and be only thankful that I do not aid you with the toe of my boot where it would do the most good.""Stop !" cried the girl."Stop, father, hast forgot that but for Roger de Conde ye might have seen your daughter a corpse ere now, or, worse, herself befouled and dishonored ?""I do not forget," replied the Earl, "and.it is because I remember that my sword remains in its scabbard.The fellow has been amply repaid by the friendship of De Montfort, but now this act of perfidy has wiped clean the score.An' you would go in peace, sirrah, go quickly, ere I lose my temper.""There has been some misunderstanding on your part, My Lord," spoke Norman of Torn, quietly and without apparent anger or excitement."Your daughter has not told me that she loves me, nor did I contemplate asking you for her hand.When next I come, first shall I see her and if she will have me, My Lord, I shall come to you to tell you that I shall wed her.Norm -- Roger de Conde asks permission of no man to do what he would do."Simon de Montfort was fairly bursting with rage but he managed to control himself to say,"My daughter weds whom I select, and even now I have practically closed negotiations for her betrothal to Prince Philip, nephew of King Louis of France.And as for you, sir, I would as lief see her the wife of the Outlaw of Torn.He, at least, has wealth and power, and a name that be known outside his own armor.But enough of this; get you gone, nor let me see your face again within the walls of Leicester's castle.""You are right, My Lord, it were foolish and idle for us to be quarreling with words," said the outlaw."Farewell, My Lady.I shall return as Ipromised, and your word shall be law." And with a profound bow to De Montfort, Norman of Torn left the apartment, and in a few minutes was riding through the courtyard of the castle toward the main portals.

As he passed beneath a window in the castle wall, a voice called to him from above, and drawing in his horse, he looked up into the eyes of Bertrade de Montfort.

"Take this, Roger de Conde," she whispered, dropping a tiny parcel to him, "and wear it ever, for my sake.We may never meet again, for the Earl my father, is a mighty man, not easily turned from his decisions; therefore Ishall say to you, Roger de Conde, what you forbid my saying.I love you, and be ye prince or scullion, you may have me, if you can find the means to take me.""Wait, my lady, until I return, then shall you decide, and if ye be of the same mind as today, never fear but that I shall take ye.Again, farewell."And with a brave smile that hid a sad heart, Norman of Torn passed out of the castle yard.

When he undid the parcel which Bertrade had tossed to him, he found that it contained a beautifully wrought ring set with a single opal.

The Outlaw of Torn raised the little circlet to his lips, and then slipped it upon the third finger of his left hand.

  • 台游日记


  • 遵闻录


  • 名山诗话


  • 老子说五厨经


  • 太乙火府奏告祈禳仪


  • 凤倾天下之素手乾坤


  • 当空瓶子有了梦想


  • 福妻驾到


  • 请问你喜欢我么


  • 游魔传


  • 武侠修炼指南


  • 狼人月暮


  • 龙帝尊


  • 无敌野蛮人


  • Ulysses

