She fixed her eyes on him, and there was something in their character that reminded him of large polished buttons- buttons that might have fixed the elastic loops of some tense receptacle: he seemed to see the reflection of surrounding objects on the pupil.The expression of a button is not usually deemed human, but there was something in Miss Stackpole's gaze that made him, as a very modest man, feel vaguely embarrassed- less inviolate, more dishonoured, than he liked.This sensation, it must be added, after he had spent a day or two in her company, sensibly diminished, though it never wholly lapsed."I don't suppose that you're going to undertake to persuade me that you're an American," she said.
"To please you I'll be an Englishman, I'll be a Turk!""Well, if you can change about that way you're very welcome," Miss Stackpole returned.
"I'm sure you understand everything and that differences of nationality are no barrier to you," Ralph went on.
Miss Stackpole gazed at him still."Do you mean the foreign languages?""The languages are nothing.I mean the spirit- the genius.""I'm not sure that I understand you," said the correspondent of the Interviewer; "but I expect I shall before I leave.""He's what's called a cosmopolite," Isabel suggested.
"That means he's a little of everything and not much of any.Imust say I think patriotism is like charity- it begins at home.""Ah, but where does home begin, Miss Stackpole?" Ralph enquired.
"I don't know where it begins, but I know where it ends.It ended a long time before I got here.""Don't you like it over here?" asked Mr.Touchett with his aged, innocent voice.
"Well, sir, I haven't quite made up my mind what ground I shall take.I feel a good deal cramped.I felt it on the journey from Liverpool to London.""Perhaps you were in a crowded carriage," Ralph suggested.
"Yes, but it was crowded with friends- a party of Americans whose acquaintance I had made upon the steamer; a lovely group from Little Rock, Arkansas.In spite of that I felt cramped- I felt something pressing upon me; I couldn't tell what it was.I felt at the very commencement as if I were not going to accord with the atmosphere.But I suppose I shall make my own atmosphere.That's the true way- then you can breathe.Your surroundings seem very attractive.""Ah, we too are a lovely group!" said Ralph."Wait a little and you'll see.
Miss Stackpole showed every disposition to wait and evidently was prepared to make a considerable stay at Gardencourt.She occupied herself in the mornings with literary labour; but in spite of this Isabel spent many hours with her friend, who, once her daily task performed, deprecated, in fact defied, isolation.Isabel speedily found occasion to desire her to desist from celebrating the charms of their common sojourn in print, having discovered, on the second morning of Miss Stackpole's visit, that she was engaged on a letter to the Interviewer, of which the title, in her exquisitely neat and legible hand (exactly that of the copybooks which our heroine remembered at school) was "Americans and Tudors- Glimpses of Gardencourt." Miss Stackpole, with the best conscience in the world, offered to read her letter to Isabel, who immediately put in her protest.
"I don't think you ought to do that.I don't think you ought to describe the place."Henrietta gazed at her as usual."Why, it's just what the people want, and it's a lovely place.""It's too lovely to be put in the newspapers, and it's not what my uncle wants.""Don't you believe that!" cried Henrietta."They're always delighted afterwards.""My uncle won't be delighted- nor my cousin either.They'll consider it a breach of hospitality."Miss Stackpole showed no sense of confusion; she simply wiped her pen, very neatly, upon an elegant little implement which she kept for the purpose, and put away her manuscript."Of course if you don't approve I won't do it; but I sacrifice a beautiful subject.""There are plenty of other subjects, there are subjects all round you.We'll take some drives; I'll show you some charming scenery.""Scenery's not my department; I always need a human interest.You know I'm deeply human, Isabel; I always was," Miss Stackpole rejoined.
"I was going to bring in your cousin- the alienated American.
There's a great demand just now for the alienated American, and your cousin's a beautiful specimen.I should have handled him severely.""He would have died of it!" Isabel exclaimed."Not of the severity, but of the publicity.""Well, I should have liked to kill him a little.And I should have delighted to do your uncle, who seems to me a much nobler type- the American faithful still.He's a grand old man; I don't see how he can object to my paying him honour."Isabel looked at her companion in much wonderment; it struck her as strange that a nature in which she found so much to esteem should break down so in spots."My poor Henrietta," she said, "you've no sense of privacy."Henrietta coloured deeply, and for a moment her brilliant eyes were suffused, while Isabel found her more than ever inconsequent.
"You do me great injustice," said Miss Stackpole with dignity."I've never written a word about myself!""I'm very sure of that; but it seems to me one should be modest for others also!""Ah, that's very good!" cried Henrietta, seizing her pen again.