Another put me straight to shame,Lack-a-day!
And as I had been prominent, All scowl'd upon me as I went, I found not one content.
I placed my trust in war and fight,Hurrah!
We gain'd full many a triumph bright,Hurrah!
Into the foeman's land we cross'd, We put our friends to equal cost, And there a leg I lost.
My trust is placed in nothing now,Hurrah!
At my command the world must bow,Hurrah!
And as we've ended feast and strain, The cup we'll to the bottom drain;No dregs must there remain!
NOUGHT more accursed in war I knowThan getting off scot-free;Inured to danger, on we goIn constant victory;We first unpack, then pack again,With only this reward, That when we're marching, we complain,And when in camp, are bor'd.
The time for billeting comes next,--The peasant curses it;
Each nobleman is sorely vex'd,'Tis hated by the cit.
Be civil, bad though be thy food,The clowns politely treat;If to our hosts we're ever rude,Jail-bread we're forced to eat.
And when the cannons growl around,And small arms rattle clear, And trumpet, trot, and drum resound,We merry all appear;And as it in the fight may chance,We yield, then charge amain, And now retire, and now advance,And yet a cross ne'er gain.
At length there comes a musket-ball,And hits the leg, please Heaven;And then our troubles vanish all,For to the town we're driven, (Well cover'd by the victor's force,)Where we in wrath first came,--The women, frightened then, of course,Are loving now and tame.
Cellar and heart are open'd wide,The cook's allow'd no rest;While beds with softest down suppliedAre by our members press'd.
The nimble lads upon us wait,No sleep the hostess takes Her shift is torn in pieces straight,--What wondrous lint it makes!
If one has tended carefullyThe hero's wounded limb, Her neighbour cannot rest, for sheHas also tended him.
A third arrives in equal haste,At length they all are there, And in the middle he is placedOf the whole band so fair!
On good authority the kingHears how we love the fight, And bids them cross and ribbon bring,Our coat and breast to dight.
Say if a better fate can e'erA son of Mars pursue!
'Midst tears at length we go from there,Beloved and honour'd too.
MANY a guest I'd see to-day,Met to taste my dishes!
Food in plenty is prepar'd,Birds, and game, and fishes.
Invitations all have had,All proposed attending.
Johnny, go and look around!
Are they hither wending?
Pretty girls I hope to see,Dear and guileless misses, Ignorant how sweet it isGiving tender kisses.
Invitations all have had,All proposed attending.
Johnny, go and look around!
Are they hither wending?
Women also I expect,Loving tow'rd their spouses, Whose rude grumbling in their breastsGreater love but rouses.
Invitations they've had too,All proposed attending!
Johnny, go and look around!
Are they hither wending?
I've too ask'd young gentlemen,Who are far from haughty, And whose purses are well-stock'd,Well-behaved, not haughty.
These especially I ask'd,All proposed attending.
Johnny, go and look around!
Are they hither wending?
Men I summon'd with respect,Who their own wives treasure;Who in ogling other FairNever take a pleasure.
To my greetings they replied,All proposed attending.
Johnny, go and look around!
Are they hither wending?
Then to make our joy complete,Poets I invited, Who love other's songs far moreThan what they've indited.
All acceded to my wish,All proposed attending.
Johnny, go and look around!
Are they hither wending?
Not a single one appears,None seem this way posting.
All the soup boils fast away,Joints are over-roasting.
Ah, I fear that we have beenRather too unbending!
Johnny, tell me what you think!
None are hither wending.
Johnny, run and quickly bringOther guests to me now!
Each arriving as he is--That's the plan, I see now.
In the town at once 'tis known,Every one's commending.
Johnny, open all the doors:
All are hither wending!
LET no cares now hover o'er usLet the wine unsparing run!
Wilt thou swell our merry chorus?
Hast thou all thy duty done?
Two young folks--the thing is curious--Loved each other; yesterday Both quite mild, to-day quite furious,Next day, quite the deuce to pay!
If her neck she there was stooping,He must here needs pull his hair.
I revived their spirits drooping,And they're now a happy pair.
Surely we for wine may languish!
Let the bumper then go round!
For all sighs and groans of anguishThou to-day in joy hast drown'd.
Why, young orphan, all this wailing?
"Would to heaven that I were dead!
For my guardian's craft prevailingSoon will make me beg my bread."Knowing well the rascal genus,Into court I dragg'd the knave;Fair the judges were between us,And the maiden's wealth did save.
Surely we for wine may languish!
Let the bumper then go round!
For all sighs and groans of anguishThou to-day in joy hast drown'd.
To a little fellow, quiet,Unpretending and subdued, Has a big clown, running riot,Been to-day extremely rude.
I bethought me of my duty,And my courage swell'd apace, So I spoil'd the rascal's beauty,Slashing him across the face.
Surely we for wine may languish!
Let the bumper then go round!
For all sighs and groans of anguishThou to-day in joy hast drown'd.
Brief must be my explanation,For I really have done nought.
Free from trouble and vexation,I a landlord's business bought.
There I've done, with all due ardour,All that duty order'd me;Each one ask'd me for the larder,And there was no scarcity.
Surely we for wine may languish!
Let the bumper then go round!
For all sighs and groans of anguishThou to-day in joy hast drown'd.
Each should thus make proclamationOf what he did well to-day!
That's the match whose conflagrationShould inflame our tuneful lay.
Let it be our precept everTo admit no waverer here!
For to act the good endeavour,None but rascals meek appear.
Surely we for wine may languish!
Let the bumper then go round!