
第47章 SCENE I. The Forest.(2)

AMADINE. My Mucedorus! hath he set me free? MUCEDORUS. Mucedorus he hath set thee free. AMADINE. And lived so long unknown to Amadine!

MUCEDORUS. Aye that's a question where of you may not be resolved. You know that I am banisht from the court; I know likewise each passage is best, So that we cannot long escape unknown: Therefore my will is this, that we return Right through the thickets to the wild man's cave, And there a while live on his provision, Until the search and narrow watch be past. This is my counsel, and I think it best.

AMADINE. I think the very same. MUCEDORUS. Come, let's begone.

[Enter the Clown who searches and falls over the wild man and so carry him away.]

MOUSE. Nay, soft, sir; are you here? a bots on you! I was like to be hanged for not finding you. We would borrow a certain stray king's daughter of you: a wench, a wench, sir, we would have.

MUCEDORUS. A wench of me! I'll make thee eat my sword.

MOUSE. Oh Lord! nay, and you are so lusty, I'll call a cooling card for you. Ho, master, master, come away quickly.

[Enter Segasto.]

SEGASTO. What's the matter?

MOUSE. Look, master, Amadine & the shepherd: oh, brave! SEGASTO. What, minion, have I found you out?

MOUSE. Nay, that's a lie, I found her out myself.

SEGASTO. Thou gadding huswife, What cause hadst thou to gad abroad, When as thou knowest our wedding day so nigh?

AMADINE. Not so, Segasto, no such thing in hand; Shew your assurance, then I'll answer you.

SEGASTO. Thy father's promise my assurance is. AMADINE. But what he promist he hath not performed. SEGASTO. It rests in thee for to perform the same. AMADINE. Not I.

SEGASTO. And why?

AMADINE. So is my will, and therefore even so. MOUSE. Master, with a nonie, nonie, no! SEGASTO. Aye, wicked villain, art thou here?

MUCEDORUS. What needs these words? we weigh them not. SEGASTO. We weigh them not, proud shepherd! I scorn thy company. MOUSE. We'll not have a corner of thy company.

MUCEDORUS. I scorn not thee, nor yet the least of thine. MOUSE. That's a lie, a would have killed me with his pugsnando. SEGASTO. This stoutness, Amadine, contents me not. AMADINE. Then seek an other that may you better please.

MUCEDORUS. Well, Amadine, it only rests in thee Without delay to make thy choice of three: There stands Segasto, here a shepherd stands, There stands the third; now make thy choice.

MOUSE. A Lord at the least I am.

AMADINE. My choice is made, for I will none but thee. SEGASTO. A worthy mate, no doubt, for such a wife.

MUCEDORUS. And, Amadine, why wilt thou none but me? I cannot keep thee as thy father did; I have no lands for to maintain thy state. Moreover, if thou mean to be my wife, Commonly this must be thy use: To bed at midnight, up at four, Drudge all day and trudge from place to place, Whereby our daily vittel for to win; And last of all, which is the worst of all, No princess then but plain a shepherd's wife.

MOUSE. Then, god ge you go morrow, goody shepherd!

AMADINE. It shall not need; if Amadine do live, Thou shalt be crowned king of Arragon.

MOUSE. Oh, master, laugh! when he's King, then I'll be a queen.

MUCEDORUS. Then know that which ne'er tofore was known: I am no shepherd, no Arragonian I, But born of Royal blood--my father's of Valentia King, my mother queen--who for Thy secret sake took this hard task in hand.

AMADINE. Ah how i joy my fortune is so good.

SEGASTO. Well now i see, Segasto shall not speed; But, Mucedorus, I as much do joy, To see thee here within our Court of Arragon, As if a kingdom had befain me. This time I with my heart surrender it to thee.

[He giveth her unto him.]

And loose what right to Amadine I have.

MOUSE. What a barn's door, and born where my father Was cunstable! a bots on thee, how dost thee?

MUCEDORUS. Thanks, Segasto; but yet you leveled at the crown. MOUSE. Master, bear this and bear all.

SEGASTO. Why so, sir?

MOUSE. He says you take a goose by the crown.

SEGASTO. Go to, sir: away, post you to the king, Whose heart is fraught with careful doubts, Glad him up and tell him these good news, And we will follow as fast as we may.

MOUSE. I go, master; I run, master. [Exeunt.]

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