
第60章 Part 5(6)

A poor,unhappy gentlewoman,a substantial citizen's wife,was (if the story be true)murdered by one of these creatures in Aldersgate Street,or that way.He was going along the street,raving mad to be sure,and singing;the people only said he was drunk,but he himself said he had the plague upon him,which it seems was true;and meeting this gentlewoman,he would kiss her.She was terribly frighted,as he was only a rude fellow,and she ran from him,but the street being very thin of people,there was nobody near enough to help her.When she saw he would overtake her,she turned and gave him a thrust so forcibly,he being but weak,and pushed him down backward.But very unhappily,she being so near,he caught hold of her and pulled her down also,and getting up first,mastered her and kissed her;and which was worst of all,when he had done,told her he had the plague,and why should not she have it as well as he?She was frighted enough before,being also young with child;but when she heard him say he had the plague,she screamed out and fell down into a swoon,or in a fit,which,though she recovered a little,yet killed her in a very few days;and I never heard whether she had the plague or no.

Another infected person came and knocked at the door of a citizen's house where they knew him very well;the servant let him in,and being told the master of the house was above,he ran up and came into the room to them as the whole family was at supper.They began to rise up,a little surprised,not knowing what the matter was;but he bid them sit still,he only came to take his leave of them.They asked him,'Why,Mr -,where are you going?''Going,'says he;'I have got the sickness,and shall die tomorrow night.''Tis easy to believe,though not to describe,the consternation they were all in.The women and the man's daughters,which were but little girls,were frighted almost to death and got up,one running out at one door and one at another,some downstairs and some upstairs,and getting together as well as they could,locked themselves into their chambers and screamed out at the window for help,as if they had been frighted out of their,wits.

The master,more composed than they,though both frighted and provoked,was going to lay hands on him and throw him downstairs,being in a passion;but then,considering a little the condition of the man and the danger of touching him,horror seized his mind,and he stood still like one astonished.The poor distempered man all this while,being as well diseased in his brain as in his body,stood still like one amazed.At length he turns round:'Ay!'says he,with all the seeming calmness imaginable,'is it so with you all?Are you all disturbed at me?Why,then I'll e'en go home and die there.'And so he goes immediately downstairs.The servant that had let him in goes down after him with a candle,but was afraid to go past him and open the door,so he stood on the stairs to see what he would do.The man went and opened the door,and went out and flung the door after him.

It was some while before the family recovered the fright,but as no ill consequence attended,they have had occasion since to speak of it (You may be sure)with great satisfaction.Though the man was gone,it was some time -nay,as I heard,some days before they recovered themselves of the hurry they were in;nor did they go up and down the house with any assurance till they had burnt a great variety of fumes and perfumes in all the rooms,and made a great many smokes of pitch,of gunpowder,and of sulphur,all separately shifted,and washed their clothes,and the like.As to the poor man,whether he lived or died I don't remember.

It is most certain that,if by the shutting up of houses the sick bad not been confined,multitudes who in the height of their fever were delirious and distracted would have been continually running up and down the streets;and even as it was a very great number did so,and offered all sorts of violence to those they met,.even just as a mad dog runs on and bites at every one he meets;nor can I doubt but that,should one of those infected,diseased creatures have bitten any man or woman while the frenzy of the distemper was upon them,they,Imean the person so wounded,would as certainly have been incurably infected as one that was sick before,and had the tokens upon him.

I heard of one infected creature who,running out of his bed in his shirt in the anguish and agony of his swellings,of which he had three upon him,got his shoes on and went to put on his coat;but the nurse resisting,and snatching the coat from him,he threw her down,ran over her,ran downstairs and into the street,directly to the Thames in his shirt;the nurse running after him,and calling to the watch to stop him;but the watchman,ftighted at the man,and afraid to touch him,let him go on;upon which he ran down to the Stillyard stairs,threw away his shirt,and plunged into the Thames,and,being a good swimmer,swam quite over the river;and the tide being coming in,as they call it (that is,running westward)he reached the land not till he came about the Falcon stairs,where landing,and finding no people there,it being in the night,he ran about the streets there,naked as he was,for a good while,when,it being by that time high water,he takes the river again,and swam back to the Stillyard,landed,ran up the streets again to his own house,knocking at the door,went up the stairs and into his bed again;and that this terrible experiment cured him of the plague,that is to say,that the violent motion of his arms and legs stretched the parts where the swellings he had upon him were,that is to say,under his arms and his groin,and caused them to ripen and break;and that the cold of the water abated the fever in his blood.

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