

Thou thyself--verily! even thou couldst well become an ass through superabundance of wisdom.

Doth not the true sage willingly walk on the crookedest paths? The evidence teacheth it, O Zarathustra,--THINE OWN evidence!"--"And thou thyself, finally," said Zarathustra, and turned towards the ugliest man, who still lay on the ground stretching up his arm to the ass (for he gave it wine to drink). "Say, thou nondescript, what hast thou been about!

Thou seemest to me transformed, thine eyes glow, the mantle of the sublime covereth thine ugliness: WHAT didst thou do?

Is it then true what they say, that thou hast again awakened him? And why?

Was he not for good reasons killed and made away with?

Thou thyself seemest to me awakened: what didst thou do? why didst THOUturn round? Why didst THOU get converted? Speak, thou nondescript!""O Zarathustra," answered the ugliest man, "thou art a rogue!

Whether HE yet liveth, or again liveth, or is thoroughly dead--which of us both knoweth that best? I ask thee.

One thing however do I know,--from thyself did I learn it once, OZarathustra: he who wanteth to kill most thoroughly, LAUGHETH.

'Not by wrath but by laughter doth one kill'--thus spakest thou once, OZarathustra, thou hidden one, thou destroyer without wrath, thou dangerous saint,--thou art a rogue!"2.

Then, however, did it come to pass that Zarathustra, astonished at such merely roguish answers, jumped back to the door of his cave, and turning towards all his guests, cried out with a strong voice:

"O ye wags, all of you, ye buffoons! Why do ye dissemble and disguise yourselves before me!

How the hearts of all of you convulsed with delight and wickedness, because ye had at last become again like little children--namely, pious,----Because ye at last did again as children do--namely, prayed, folded your hands and said 'good God'!

But now leave, I pray you, THIS nursery, mine own cave, where to-day all childishness is carried on. Cool down, here outside, your hot child-wantonness and heart-tumult!

To be sure: except ye become as little children ye shall not enter into THAT kingdom of heaven." (And Zarathustra pointed aloft with his hands.)"But we do not at all want to enter into the kingdom of heaven: we have become men,--SO WE WANT THE KINGDOM OF EARTH."3.

And once more began Zarathustra to speak. "O my new friends," said he,--"ye strange ones, ye higher men, how well do ye now please me,----Since ye have again become joyful! Ye have, verily, all blossomed forth: it seemeth to me that for such flowers as you, NEW FESTIVALS are required.

--A little valiant nonsense, some divine service and ass-festival, some old joyful Zarathustra fool, some blusterer to blow your souls bright.

Forget not this night and this ass-festival, ye higher men! THAT did ye devise when with me, that do I take as a good omen,--such things only the convalescents devise!

And should ye celebrate it again, this ass-festival, do it from love to yourselves, do it also from love to me! And in remembrance of me!"Thus spake Zarathustra.

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    多说没有什么意思,这本是有关于修真类的小说。第一次写这个方面的。能不能坚持我就不知道了。 有什么地方有问题要留言啊,没事写写书评也算是鼓励撒。别让偶寂寞哦。
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