
第151章 CHAPTER 45(5)

`I'll tell him sir,' said the man. And I advanced farther into the hall and followed him nearly to the door of the apartment where his master was--for it seemed he was not in bed. The answer returned, was that Mr. Lawrence hoped I would be so good as to leave a message or a note with the servant, as he could attend to no business at present.

`He may as well see me as you,' said I; and, stepping past the astonished footman, I boldly rapped at the door, entered, and closed it behind me. The room was spacious and handsomely furnished--very comfortably, too, for a bachelor. A clear, red fire was burning in the polished grate: a superannuated greyhound, given up to idleness and good living lay basking before it on the thick, soft rug, on one corner of which, beside the sola, sat a smart young springer, looking wistfully up in its master's face; perhaps, asking permission to share his couch, or, it might be, only soliciting a caress from his hand or a kind word from his lips. The invalid himself looked very interesting as he lay reclining there, in his elegant dressing-gown, with a silk handkerchief bound across his temples. His usually pale face was flushed and feverish; his eyes were half closed, until he became sensible of my presence--and then he opened them wide enough--one hand was thrown listlessly over the back of the sofa, and held a small volume with which, apparently, he had been vainly attempting to beguile the weary hours. He dropped it, however, in his start of indignant surprise as I advanced into the room and stood before him on the rug. He raised himself on his pillows and gazed upon me with equal degrees of nervous horror, anger, and amazement depicted on his countenance.

`Mr. Markham, I scarcely expected this!' he said; and the blood left his cheek as he spoke.

`I know you didn't,' answered I; `but be quiet a minute, and I'll tell you what I came for.' Unthinkingly I advanced a step or two nearer.

He winced at my approach, with an expression of aversion and instinctive physical fear anything but conciliatory to my feelings. I stepped back however.

`Make your story a short one,' said he, putting his hand on the small silver bell that stood on the table beside him,-- `or I shall be obliged to call for assistance. I am in no state to bear your brutalities now, or your presence either.' And in truth the moisture started from his pores and stood on his pale forehead like dew.

Such a reception was hardly calculated to diminish the difficulties of my unenviable task. It must be performed, however, in some fashion; and so I plunged into it at once, and floundered through it as I could.

`The truth is, Lawrence,' said I, `I have not acted quite correctly towards you of late--especially on this last occasion; and I'm come thin short, to express my regret for what has been done, and to beg your pardon.--If you don't choose to grant it,' I added hastily, not liking the aspect of his face, `it's no matter--only, I've done my duty--that's all.'

`It's easily done,' replied he, with a faint smile bordering on a sneer: `to abuse your friend and knock him on the head, without any assignable cause, and then tell him the deed was not quite correct, but it's no matter whether he pardons it or not.

`I forgot to tell you that it was in consequence of a mistake,' muttered I. `I should have made a very handsome apology, but you provoked me so confoundedly with your---. Well, I suppose it's my fault. The fact is, I didn't know that you were Mrs. Graham's brother, and I saw and heard some things respecting your conduct towards her, which were calculated to awaken unpleasant suspicions, that allow me to say, a little candour and confidence on your part might have removed; and at last, I chanced to overhear a part of a conversation between you and her that made me think I had a right to hate you.

`And how came you to know that I was her brother?' asked he in some anxiety.

`She told me herself. She told me all. She knew I might be trusted. But you needn't disturb' yourself about that, Mr. Lawrence, for I've seen the last of her!'

`The last! is she gone then?'

  • 行医录之归途


  • 郁达夫作品集(5)(中国现代文学名家作品集)


  • 变化年代的流浪


  • 都市弟子


  • 轮回弑天


  • 修真高手俏女神


  • 殿下诱情:强宠呆萌悍妃


  • 穿书女配泪沾襟


  • 异世神偷:逆天九小姐


  • 仙长生

