

"Why - about once in every three or four months, I think.""That looks almost like a regular income," exclaimed Riedau. His eyes met Muller's, which were lit up in sudden fire. "Well, what are you thinking of?" asked the commissioner.

"A woman," answered Muller; and continued more as if thinking aloud than as if addressing the others: "Winkler was a good-looking man. Might he not have had a rich love somewhere? Might not the money have come from her, the money that was found in his pocket?"Muller's voice trailed off into indistinctness at the last words, and the fire died out of his eyes. Then he laughed aloud.

The commissioner smiled also, a good-natured smile, such as one would give to a child who has been over-eager. "It doesn't matter to us where the money came from. All that matters here is where the bullet came from - the bullet which prevented his enjoying this money. And it is of more interest to us to find out who robbed him of his life and his property, rather than the source from which this property came.

The commissioner's tone was friendly, but Muller's face flushed red, and his, head dropped. Riedau turned to Bormann and continued: "And because it is of no interest to us where his money came from - for it can have nothing whatever to do with his murder and the subsequent robbery - therefore what you noticed of his behaviour cannot be of any importance or bearing in the case in any way. Unless, indeed, you should find out anything more. But we appreciate the thoughtfulness of yourself and your employer and your readiness to help us."Bormann rose to leave, but the commissioner put out a hand to stop him. "A few moments more, please; you may know of something else that will be of assistance to us. We have heard that Winkler boasted of his belongings-did he talk about his private affairs in any way?""No, sir, I do not think he did."

"You say that he destroyed the note at once, evidently realising that no one must see it - this note may have been a promise for the money which had not yet come. Did he, however, tell any one later that he expected a certain sum? Do you think he would have been likely to tell any one?""No, I do not think that he would tell any one. He never mentioned to any of us that he had received money, or even that he expected to receive it. None of us knew what outside resources he might have, or whence they came. If it had not been that the money was paid him by the carrier in the office two or three times - so, that we could see it - we would none of us have known of this income, except for the fact that he was freer in spending after the money came. He would dine at expensive restaurants, and this fact he would mention to us, whereas at other times he would go to the cheap caf?""Do you know anything about the people he was acquainted with outside the office?""No, sir. I seldom met him outside of the office. One evening it did happen that I saw him at Ronacher's. He was there with a lady - that is, a so-called 'lady '-and it must have been one of the times that he had money, for they were enjoying an expensive supper. At other times, some of the other clerks met him at various resorts, always with the same sort of woman. But not always with the same woman, for they were different in appearance.""He was never seen anywhere with other men?"

"No, sir; at least not by any of us."

"He was not liked in the office?"

"No." Bormann's answer was sharp.

"For what reason?"

"I don't know; we just didn't like him. We had very little to do with him at first because of this, and soon we noticed that he seemed just as anxious to avoid us as we were to avoid him."The commissioner rose and Bormann followed his example. "I am very sorry, sir, if I have taken up your time to no purpose," said the latter modestly, as he took up his hat.

"I am not so sure that what you have said may not be of great value to us," said a voice behind them. Muller stood there, looking at Riedau with a glance almost of defiance. His eyes were again lit up with the strange fire that shone in them when he was on the trail.

  • 禅宗决疑集


  • Histories


  • Stories in Light and Shadow

    Stories in Light and Shadow

  • 上清太极真人神仙经


  • 养蒙金鉴


  • 黄永胜的一生


  • 转生之混迹后宫


  • 虹雨遗事


  • 圈养者


  • 怦然心动:总裁的独家秘爱


  • 最优雅的民国女子:她们,不曾输给时光


  • 斩龙帝君


  • 游戏世界之逆天运气


  • 神的诞生日


  • 青春的歌:霸道校草遇上腹黑千金

