"'Presently the Winged Hats may come to look for you, and that will give us more time. See how the habit of playing for time sticks to a man!" said Pertinax, as he tied the rope.
"'No," I said. "Time may help. If Maximus wrote us a letter while he was a prisoner, Theodosius must have sent the ship that brought it. If he can send ships, he can send men."
"'How will that profit us?" said Pertinax. "We serve Maximus, not Theodosius. Even if by some miracle of the Gods Theodosius down South sent and saved the Wall, we could not expect more than the death Maximus died. "
"'It concerns us to defend the Wall, no matter what Emperor dies, or makes die," I said.
"'That is worthy of your brother the philosopher," said Pertinax. "Myself I am without hope, so I do not say solemn and stupid things! Rouse the Wall!"
'We armed the Wall from end to end; we told the officers that there was a rumour of Maximus's death which might bring down the Winged Hats, but we were sure, even if it were true, that Theodosius, for the sake of Britain, would send us help. Therefore, we must stand fast ... My friends, it is above all things strange to see how men bear ill news! Often the strongest till then become the weakest, while the weakest, as it were, reach up and steal strength from the Gods. So it was with us.
Yet my Pertinax by his jests and his courtesy and his labours had put heart and training into our poor numbers during the past years - more than I should have thought possible. Even our Libyan Cohort - the Third - stood up in their padded cuirasses and did not whimper.
'In three days came seven chiefs and elders of the Winged Hats. Among them was that tall young man, Amal, whom I had met on the beach, and he smiled when he saw my necklace. We made them welcome, for they were ambassadors. We showed them Allo, alive but bound. They thought we had killed him, and I saw it would not have vexed them if we had. Allo saw it too, and it vexed him. Then in our quarters at Hunno we came to council.
'They said that Rome was falling, and that we must join them. They offered me all South Britain to govern after they had taken a tribute out of it.
'I answered, "Patience. This Wall is not weighed off like plunder. Give me proof that my General is dead."
"'Nay," said one elder, "prove to us that he lives"; and another said cunningly, "What will you give us if we read you his last words?"
"'We are not merchants to bargain," cried Amal.
"Moreover, I owe this man my life. He shall have his proof." He threw across to me a letter (well I knew the seal) from Maximus.
"'We took this out of the ship we sank," he cried. "I cannot read, but I know one sign, at least, which makes me believe. " He showed me a dark stain on the outer roll that my heavy heart perceived was the valiant blood of Maximus.
"'Read!" said Amal. "Read, and then let us hear whose servants you are!"
'Said Pertinax, very softly, after he had looked through it: "I will read it all. Listen, barbarians!" He read that which I have carried next my heart ever since.'
Parnesius drew from his neck a folded and spotted piece of parchment, and began in a hushed voice:
"'To Parnesius and Pertinax, the not unworthy Captains of the Wall, from Maximus, once Emperor of Gaul and Britain, now prisoner waiting death by the sea in the camp of Theodosius - Greeting and Goodbye! "
"'Enough," said young Amal; "there is your proof!
You must join us now!"
'Pertinax looked long and silently at him, till that fair man blushed like a girl. Then read Pertinax:
"'I have joyfully done much evil in my life to those who have wished me evil, but if ever I did any evil to you two I repent, and I ask your forgiveness. The three mules which I strove to drive have torn me in pieces as your Father prophesied. The naked swords wait at the tent door to give me the death I gave to Gratian. Therefore I, your General and your emperor, send you free and honourable dismissal from my service, which you entered, not for money or office, but, as it makes me warm to believe, because you loved me!"
"'By the Light of the Sun," Amal broke in. "This was in some sort a Man! We may have been mistaken in his servants!"
'And Pertinax read on: "You gave me the time for which I asked. If I have failed to use it, do not lament. We have gambled very splendidly against the Gods, but they hold weighted dice, and I must pay the forfeit. Remember, I have been; but Rome is; and Rome will be. Tell Pertinax his Mother is in safety at Nicaea, and her monies are in charge of the Prefect at Antipolis.
Make my remembrances to your Father and to your Mother, whose friendship was great gain to me. Give also to my little Picts and to the Winged Hats such messages as their thick heads can understand. I would have sent you three Legions this very day if all had gone aright. Do not forget me. We have worked together. Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! "
'Now, that was my Emperor's last letter.' (The children heard the parchment crackle as Parnesius returned it to its place.)
"'I was mistaken," said Amal. "The servants of such a man will sell nothing except over the sword. I am glad of it." He held out his hand to me.
"'But Maximus has given you your dismissal," said an elder. "You are certainly free to serve - or to rule - whom you please. Join - do not follow - join us!"
"'We thank you," said Pertinax. "But Maximus tells us to give you such messages as - pardon me, but I use his words - your thick heads can understand." He pointed through the door to the foot of a catapult wound up.
"'We understand," said an elder. "The Wall must be won at a price?"
"'It grieves me," said Pertinax, laughing, "but so it must be won," and he gave them of our best Southern wine.
'They drank, and wiped their yellow beards in silence till they rose to go.
'Said Amal, stretching himself (for they were barbarians):
"We be a goodly company; I wonder what the ravens and the dogfish will make of some of us before this snow melts."
"'Think rather what Theodosius may send," I answered; and though they laughed, I saw that my chance shot troubled them.
'Only old Allo lingered behind a little.