186, 187. Cartulary of St. Mary of Worcester (Camden Society), 43, b; Rot. Hundred. ii. 775, b.
33. Rot Hundred. ii. 602, a. Cf Exch. Q. R. Alien Priories, 2/2:
'Item sunt in eadem villata de Wardeboys 6 dimidias virgatas --que vocantur Akermannelondes, quorum W.L. tenet 1/2 virgatam pro qua ibit ad carucam Abbatis si placeat abbati vel dabit sicut illi qui tenent 6 Maltlondes preter 15d.' Rot. Hundred. i. 208:
'Utrum akermanni debent servicium suum vel servicii redempcionem.'
34. Registr. Cellararii of Bury St. Edmund's, Cambridge University, Gg. iv. 4, f 26: 'Gersumarii (Custumarii).... Gersuma pro filia sua maritanda.' Ibid. 108, b: 'Tenentes 15 acrarum custumarii -- omnes sunt gersumarii ad voluntatem domini.'
Cartulary of Bury St. Edmund's, Harl. MSS. 3977, f 87, d:
'Nichol. G. gersumarius tenet 30 a. pro 8 sol. que solent esse custumarie.' I may add on the authority of Mr. F. York Powell that landsettus (land-seti), as well as akermannus (aker-madr)and gersuma (gorsemi), are certainly Danish loan-words, which accounts for their occurrence in Danish districts.
35. Hale, Introduction to the Domesday of St. Paul's, XXV: 'If we compare the services due from the Hidarii with those of the libere tenentes on other manors, it will be evident, that the Hidarii of Adulvesnasa belonged to the ordinary class of villani, their distinction being probably only this, that they were jointly, as well as severally, bound to perform the services due from the hide of which they held part.'
36. Eynsham Inquest, 49, a: 'Summa (prati) xvi a. et iv perticas que dimide. bantur xi virgatariis et rectori ut uni eorum et quia jam supersunt tantummodo 4 virgatarii et rector, dominus habet in manu sua 7 porciones dicti prati.'
37. Cartulary of Battle, Augmentatlon Office, Miscell. Books, 57, f. 35, s: 'yherdlinges.... custumarii.' Ibid. 42, b: 'Majores Erdlinges scil. virgarii. Halferdlinges (majores cottarii)Minores cottarii.'
38. Black Book of Peterborough, 164: 'In Scotere et in Scaletorp -- 24 plenarii villani et 2 dimidii villani Plenarii villani operantur 2 diebus in ebdomada.'
39. Glastonbury Inqu. (Roxburghe Series), 23: 'Operatur ut alii ferlingseti.'
40. Glastonbury Inqu. (Roxburghe Series), 137: 'Cotsetle debent faldiare ab Hoccade usque ad festum S. Michaelis.' Cartulary of St. Peter of Gloucester (Rolls Series), iii. 71: 'Burgenses Gloucestriae reddunt una cum aliis tenentibus ad manerium Berthonae praedictae per annum de coteriis cum curtillagiis in suburbio Gloucestriae quorum nomina non recolunt 29 solidos 7 d.
de redditu assiso.' Ibid. iii. 116: 'Cotlandarii: Johannes le Waleys tenet unum mesuagium cum curtillagio et faciet 8 bederipas et 3 dies ad fenum levandum, et valent 131/2d.'
41. Norfolk Feodary, Additional MSS. 2, a: 'Et idem Thomas tenet de predicto Roberto de supradicto feodo per predictum servicium sexaginta mesuagia; 21 villani de eodem Thoma tenent. Item idem Thomas tenet de predicto Roberto 9 cotarios, qui de eo tenent in villenagio.' Cf Rot. Hundred. ii. 440, a.
42. Cartulary of Battle, Augment. Office, Misc. Books, 57, f. 37, b. ' Virgarii.... Cotarii, qui tenent dimid. virgatam.' Ibid. 36, b: 'Cottarii majores et minores.'
43. Glastonbury Inquis. (Roxburghe Series), 114: 'Rad. Forest.
1/2 cotsetland pro 18 d. et operatur sicut dimidius cotarius sed non falcat.'
44. Glastonbury Inquis. ( Roxburghe Series), 14: 'Predictus W.
habet tres bordarios in auxilium officii sui. llli tres bord.
habent corredium suum in aula abbatis, in qua laborant.' Terrae Templariorum, Queen's Rem. Misc. Books, 16, f. 27. 'Unusquisque bordarius debet operari una die in ebdomada.' Cf. 27, b.
45. The history of the terms in Saxon times and the terminology of the Domesday Survey will be discussed in the second volume. My present object is to establish the connexion between feudal facts and such precedents as are generally accepted by the students of Saxon and early Norman evidence.
46. Thorold Rogers, History of Agriculture and Prices, i. p 71.
47. Glastonbury Cart., Wood MSS., i. f 225, b (Bodleian Libr.):
'Noverit universitas vestra me vendidisse domino Ricardo vicario de Domerham Philippum Hardyng nativum meum pro 20 solidis sterling unde ego personam ipsius Philippi ab omni nativitate et servitute liberavi.' Cf. Gloucester Cartulary (Rolls Series), ii.
4. Madox, Formulare Anglicanum, 416, gives several deeds of sale and enfranchisement by sale. Dr Stubbs had some doubts about the time of these transactions, but deeds of sale of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries occur, and are preserved in the Record Office. See Deputy Keeper's Reports, XXXVI. p. 178.
48. Glastonbury Inquis., tempore abb. Michaelis, Addit. MSS.
17,450, f 7: 'Petrus filius Margarete tenet virgatam terre.. nec potest filiam suam maritare sine licentia domini vel ballivorum.'
Cf Cartulary of Newent, Add MSS. 15, 668, f 46: 'emit filiam suam.' Cartulary of St. Peter of Gloucester (Rolls Series), iv.
219: 'Item, quod quilibet praepositus habeat potestatem concedendi cuicunque nativae, ut possit se maritare tam extra terram domini quam infra, acceptis tamen salvis plegiis pro ea de fine faciendo ad proximam curiam; cum si forte praesentiam ballivi expectasset in partibus remotioribus agentis casu interveniente forte nunquam gauderet promotione maritali.'
49. Cartulary of Christ Church, Canterbury, Harl. MSS. I006, f 55: 'Tenens de monday land, si filiam infra villam maritaverit 16d. et si extra homagium 2 sol.' Black Book of Coventry, Ashmol.
MSS. 864, f 5: 'Radulfus Bedellus de 10 hidis tenet I virgatam terre et prati. Et dabit merchettam pro filia sua maritanda, si eam maritaverit extra villenagium Episcopi.'
50. Cartulary of Glastonbury, Wood MSS. i. (Bodleian), f 111. S:
'Si nul de neffes folement se porte de son corps parque le seignour perd la vente de eux.'