

She soon found out that he was no conspirator; but she asked herself in vain whether she was to look for a common swindler, an impudent adventurer, or perhaps even a criminal in him. The day that she had foreseen soon came; the Brazilian's banker "unaccountably" had omitted to send him any money, and so he borrowed some of her. "So he is a male courtesan," she said to herself. The handsome man soon required money again, and she lent it to him again. Then at last he left suddenly and nobody knew where he had gone to; only this much, that he had left Vevey as the companion of an old but wealthy Wallachian lady. So this time clever Wanda was duped.

A year afterward she met the Brazilian unexpectedly at Lucca, with an insipid-looking, light-haired, thin Englishwoman on his arm. Wanda stood still and looked at him steadily, but he glanced at her quite indifferently; he did not choose to know her again.

The next morning, however, his valet brought her a letter from him, which contained the amount of his debt in Italian hundred-lire notes, accompanied by a very cool excuse. Wanda was satisfied, but she wished to find out who the lady was, in whose company she constantly saw Don Escovedo.

"Don Escovedo."

An Austrian count, who had a loud and silly laugh, said:

"Who has saddled you with that yarn? The lady is Lady Nitingsdale, and his name is Romanesco.""Romanesco?"

"Yes, he is a rich Boyar from Moldavia, where he has extensive estates."Romanesco ran a faro bank in his apartments, and certainly cheated, for he nearly always won; it was not long, therefore, before other people in good society at Lucca shared Madame von Chabert's suspicions, and, consequently, Romanesco thought it advisable to vanish as suddenly from Lucca as Escovedo had done from Vevey, and without leaving any more traces behind him.

Some time afterward, Madame von Chabert was on the Island of Heligoland, for the sea-bathing; and one day she saw Escovedo-Romanesco sitting opposite to her at the table d'hote, in very animated conversation with a Russian lady; only his hair had turned black since she had seen him last. Evidently his light hair had become too compromising for him.

"The sea-water seems to have a very remarkable effect upon your hair," Wanda said to him spitefully, in a whisper.

"Do you think so?" he replied, condescendingly.

"I fancy that at one time your hair was fair.""You are mistaking me for somebody else," the Brazilian replied, quietly.

"I am not."

"For whom do you take me, pray?" he said with an insolent smile.

"For Don Escovedo."

"I am Count Dembizki from Valkynia," the former Brazilian said with a bow; "perhaps you would like to see my passport.""Well, perhaps--"

And he had the impudence to show her his false passport.

A year afterward Wanda met Count Dembizki in Baden, near Vienna.

His hair was still black, but he had a magnificent, full, black beard; he had become a Greek prince, and his name was Anastasio Maurokordatos. She met him once in one of the side walks in the park, where he could not avoid her. "If it goes on like this,"she called out to him in a mocking voice, "the next time I see you, you will be king, of some negro tribe or other."That time, however, the Brazilian did not deny his identity; on the contrary, he surrendered at discretion, and implored her not to betray him. As she was not revengeful she pardoned him, after enjoying his terror for a time, and promised him that she would hold her tongue, as long as he did nothing contrary to the laws.

"First of all, I must beg you not to gamble.""You have only to command; and we do not know each other in the future""I must certainly insist on that," she said maliciously.

The "Exotic Prince" had, however, made a conquest of the charming daughter of a wealthy Austrian count, and had cut out an excellent young officer, who was wooing her. The latter, in his despair, began to make love to Frau von Chabert, and at last told her he loved her. But she only laughed at him.

"You are very cruel," he stammered in confusion.

"I? What are you thinking about?" Wanda replied, still smiling;"all I mean is that you have directed your love to the wrong address, for Countess--""Do not speak of her; she is engaged to another man.""As long as I choose to permit it," she said; "but what will you do if I bring her back to your arms? Will you still call me cruel?""Can you do this?" the young officer asked, in great excitement.

"Well, supposing I can do it, what shall I be then?""An angel, whom I shall thank on my knees."A few days later, the rivals met at a coffee-house; the Greek prince began to lie and boast, and the Austrian officer gave him the lie direct. In consequence, it was arranged that they should fight a duel with pistols next morning in a wood close to Baden.

But as the officer was leaving the house with his seconds the next morning, a Police Commissary came up to him and begged him not to trouble himself any further about the matter, but another time to be more careful before accepting a challenge.

"What does it mean?" the officer asked, in some surprise.

"It means that this Maurokordatos is a dangerous swindler and adventurer, whom we have just taken into custody.""He is not a prince?"

"No; a circus rider."

An hour later, the officer received a letter from the charming Countess, in which she humbly begged for pardon. The happy lover set off to go and see her immediately, but on the way a sudden thought struck him, and so he turned back in order to thank beautiful Wanda, as he had promised, on his knees.

  • 胎藏金刚教法名号


  • 舌门


  • 摩登伽经


  • 沧海遗民剩稿




  • 秦风(1)


    阿犁:匈奴草原上最美丽的公主,却一生颠沛流离,能爱却不能爱,能恨却不能恨。蒙恬:秦国大将,即使遍体鳞伤,也要将阿犁拥在怀中。赢政:千古一帝,有着一统六国的霸气,却无法将最爱的人留在身边。冒顿:匈奴太子,纵有举兵迎回阿犁的能力,却无法得到渴望的爱情。蒙毅:爱着,痛着,护着,却始终未将爱意告诉阿犁。 爱情在历史的这一页太过沉重,无法轻松翻过:草长鸢飞,战马荒漠,爱恨情愁化作秦风,歌唱着绝望的牧歌。本书是宫廷言情小说中出类拔萃的作品,文风绚烂,语言清新,笔触细腻。作者的历史文化底蕴相当深厚,情节设置高潮叠起,紧紧扣住读者的心,让人有读完的冲动。
  • 腹黑王妃:穿越皇后统江山


  • 清录


  • 倒计时


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  • 彼岸花永生石


  • 跟着赢家学赚钱:看盘实战


  • 中华传统文化常识


  • 你是我的小情歌


  • 盛世宠婚:首席前妻太任性

