
第51章 Part 5(5)

So he called one to him whose name was Waiting, and bid him, 'Go quickly up to the castle gate, and inquire there for one Mr. Experience, that waiteth upon that noble captain, the Captain Credence, and bid him come hither to me.' So the messenger that waited upon the good Prince Emmanuel went and said as he was commanded. Now the young gentleman was waiting to see the captain train and muster his men in the castle yard. Then said Mr. Waiting to him, 'Sir, the Prince would that you should come down to his highness forthwith.'

So he brought him down to Emmanuel, and he came and made obeisance before him. Now the men of the town knew Mr.

Experience well, for he was born and bred in Mansoul; they also knew him to be a man of conduct, of valour, and a person prudent in matters; he was also a comely person, well-spoken, and very successful in his undertakings.

Wherefore the hearts of the townsmen were transported with joy when they saw that the Prince himself was so taken with Mr. Experience, that he would needs make him a captain over a band of men.

So with one consent they bowed the knee before Emmanuel, and with a shout said, 'Let Emmanuel live for ever!' Then said the Prince to the young gentleman, whose name was Mr.

Experience, 'I have thought good to confer upon thee a place of trust and honour in this my town of Mansoul.' Then the young man bowed his head and worshipped. 'It is,' said Emmanuel, 'that thou shouldest be a captain, a captain over a thousand men in my beloved town of Mansoul.' Then said the captain, 'Let the King live!' So the Prince gave out orders forthwith to the King's secretary, that he should draw up for Mr. Experience a commission to make him a captain over a thousand men. 'And let it be brought to me,' said he, 'that I may set to my seal.' So it was done as it was commanded.

The commission was drawn up, brought to Emmanuel, and he set his seal thereto. Then, by the hand of Mr. Waiting, he sent it away to the captain.

Now as soon as the captain had received his commission, he sounded his trumpet for volunteers, and young men came to him apace; yea, the greatest and chief men in the town sent their sons, to be listed under his command. Thus Captain Experience came under command to Emmanuel, for the good of the town of Mansoul. He had for his lieutenant one Mr.

Skilful, and for his cornet one Mr. Memory. His under officers I need not name. His colours were the white colours for the town of Mansoul; and his scutcheon was the dead lion and dead bear. So the Prince returned to his royal palace again.

Now when he was returned thither, the elders of the town of Mansoul, to wit, the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, and the Lord Willbewill, went to congratulate him, and in special way to thank him for his love, care, and the tender compassion which he showed to his ever-obliged town of Mansoul. So after a while, and some sweet communion between them, the townsmen having solemnly ended their ceremony, returned to their place again.

Emmanuel also at this time appointed them a day wherein he would renew their charter, yea, wherein he would renew and enlarge it, mending several faults therein, that Mansoul's yoke might be yet more easy. And this he did without any desire of theirs, even of his own frankness and noble mind.

So when he had sent for and seen their old one, he laid it by, and said, 'Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.' He said, moreover, 'The town of Mansoul shall have another, a better, a new one, more steady and firm by far.' An epitome hereof take as follows:-'Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, and a great lover of the town of Mansoul, I do in the name of my Father, and of mine own clemency, give, grant, and bequeath to my beloved town of Mansoul.

'First. Free, full, and everlasting forgiveness of all wrongs, injuries, and offences done by them against my Father, me, their neighbour, or themselves.

'Second. I do give them the holy law and my testament, with all that therein is contained, for their everlasting comfort and consolation.

'Third. I do also give them a portion of the self-same grace and goodness that dwells in my Father's heart and mine.

'Fourth. I do give, grant, and bestow upon them freely, the world and what is therein, for their good; and they shall have that power over them, as shall stand with the honour of my Father, my glory, and their comfort: yea, I grant them the benefits of life and death, and of things present, and things to come. This privilege no other city, town, or corporation, shall have, but my Mansoul only.

'Fifth. I do give and grant them leave, and free access to me in my palace at all seasons - to my palace above or below - there to make known their wants to me, and I give them, moreover, a promise that I will hear and redress all their grievances.

'Sixth. I do give, grant to, and invest the town of Mansoul with full power and authority to seek out, take, enslave, and destroy all, and all manner of Diabolonians that at any time, from whencesoever, shall be found straggling in or about the town of Mansoul.

'Seventh. I do further grant to my beloved town of Mansoul, that they shall have authority not to suffer any foreigner, or stranger, or their seed, to be free in, and of the blessed town of Mansoul, nor to share in the excellent privileges thereof. But that all the grants, privileges, and immunities that I bestow upon the famous town of Mansoul, shall be for those the old natives, and true inhabitants thereof; to them, I say, and to their right seed after them.

'But all Diabolonians, of what sort, birth, country, or kingdom soever, shall be debarred a share therein.'

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