It is clear then that a simple conclusion is not reached unless both premisses are simple assertions, but a necessary conclusion is possible although one only of the premisses is necessary. But in both cases, whether the syllogisms are affirmative or negative, it is necessary that one premiss should be similar to the conclusion. I mean by 'similar', if the conclusion is a simple assertion, the premiss must be simple; if the conclusion is necessary, the premiss must be necessary. Consequently this also is clear, that the conclusion will be neither necessary nor simple unless a necessary or simple premiss is assumed.
很多时候,我们之所以在人际交往中产生误会和 摩擦,是因为我们没有读懂对方的真实想法。而观察 和分析一个人的身体语言,则是读懂人心的利器,当 我们能够通过一个人的身体语言读懂他内心所想时, 我们与人的交流一定能够*加顺畅。《FBI身体语言 密码(插图版)》教你美国FBI超强的识人术,让你能 够**时间探知他人的内心世界。表露人真实想法的往往并非人嘴里说出来的话, 而是身体语言。一个手势,一种坐姿,一个眼神,一种声音,并 非偶然,都是内心的外在呈现。