
第20章 CHAPTER 5(6)

"And as for the affections," added Maria, with a sigh, "how gross, and even tormenting do they become, unless regulated by an improving mind! The culture of the heart ever, I believe, keeps pace with that of the mind. But pray go on," addressing Jemima, "though your narrative gives rise to the most painful reflections on the present state of society."

"Not to trouble you," continued she, "with a detailed description of all the painful feelings of unavailing exertion, I have only to tell you, that at last I got recommended to wash in a few families, who did me the favour to admit me into their houses, without the most strict enquiry, to wash from one in the morning till eight at night, for eighteen or twenty-pence a day. On the happiness to be enjoyed over a washing-tub I need not comment; yet you will allow me to observe, that this was a wretchedness of situation peculiar to my sex. A man with half my industry, and, I may say, abilities, could have procured a decent livelihood, and discharged some of the duties which knit mankind together; whilst I, who had acquired a taste for the rational, nay, in honest pride let me assert it, the virtuous enjoyments of life, was cast aside as the filth of society. Condemned to labour, like a machine, only to earn bread, and scarcely that, I became melancholy and desperate.

"I have now to mention a circumstance which fills me with remorse, and fear it will entirely deprive me of your esteem. A tradesman became attached to me, and visited me frequently,--and I at last obtained such a power over him, that he offered to take me home to his house.--Consider, dear madam, I was famishing: wonder not that I became a wolf!.--The only reason for not taking me home immediately, was the having a girl in the house, with child by him--and this girl--I advised him--yes, I did! would I could forget it!--to turn out of doors: and one night he determined to follow my advice. Poor wretch! She fell upon her knees, reminded him that he had promised to marry her, that her parents were honest!--

What did it avail?--She was turned out.

"She approached her father's door, in the skirts of London, --listened at the shutters,--but could not knock. A watchman had observed her go and return several times--Poor wretch!--[The remorse Jemima spoke of, seemed to be stinging her to the soul, as she proceeded.]

"She left it, and, approaching a tub where horses were watered, she sat down in it, and, with desperate resolution, remained in that attitude--till resolution was no longer necessary!

"I happened that morning to be going out to wash, anticipating the moment when I should escape from such hard labour. I passed by, just as some men, going to work, drew out the stiff, cold corpse--Let me not recal the horrid moment!--I recognized her pale visage; I listened to the tale told by the spectators, and my heart did not burst. I thought of my own state, and wondered how I could be such a monster!--I worked hard; and, returning home, I was attacked by a fever. I suffered both in body and mind. I determined not to live with the wretch. But he did not try me; he left the neighbourhood. I once more returned to the wash-tub.

"Still this state, miserable as it was, admitted of aggravation.

Lifting one day a heavy load, a tub fell against my shin, and gave me great pain. I did not pay much attention to the hurt, till it became a serious wound; being obliged to work as usual, or starve.

But, finding myself at length unable to stand for any time, I thought of getting into an hospital. Hospitals, it should seem (for they are comfortless abodes for the sick) were expressly endowed for the reception of the friendless; yet I, who had on that plea a right to assistance, wanted the recommendation of the rich and respectable, and was several weeks languishing for admittance; fees were demanded on entering; and, what was still more unreasonable, security for burying me, that expence not coming into the letter of the charity. A guinea was the stipulated sum--I could as soon have raised a million; and I was afraid to apply to the parish for an order, lest they should have passed me, I knew not whither.

The poor woman at whose house I lodged, compassionating my state, got me into the hospital; and the family where I received the hurt, sent me five shillings, three and six-pence of which I gave at my admittance--I know not for what.

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    小白+雷文 不会写简介,偶把文里的对白拿出来了。“嫣儿,不要哭。前一世你因为呆在我的身边,我给了你无尽的痛苦。可是我要看到的是你的笑容,你和苍廉在一起的时候灿烂的笑容。可是那时候的你连一丝的笑容也吝啬给我。嫣儿,不要哭!我想这一世我是做到了,至少我在你的心底是已经留下痕迹的对不对!那我能不能再贪心的让你许我来世,来世让我彻底的占据苍廉的位置,来世你只属于我一个人,好不好!”“嫣儿,我要的不是勉强把自己的影子塞进你的心底。前一世,你说我有天下的责任所以不能爱我,可是这一世我已经卸下了责任,可是你还是没有爱我。或许对我来说这是最好的结局。你许了我来世,许了我希望,那我以后的日子就有了期盼。如果颜儿这一世不能把你的心交托给我,那就让我离开吧!来世如果我不再是苍国的王,来世我没有了责任,嫣儿是不是就会爱上我!”
  • 狐宝不倾城:上仙入怀来

