
第55章 How Lazaro Decided to Marry Again(2)

"I was living in a village called Duennas,twenty miles from here.I was left with these three daughters from three different fathers who were,as near as I can figure out,a monk,an abbot,and a priest (I have always been devoted to the Church).I came to this city to live,to get away from all the gossiping that always goes on in small towns.Everyone called me the ecclesiastical widow because,unfortunately,all three men had died.And even though others came to take their place,they were only mediocre men of lower positions,and not being content with the sheep,they went after the young lambs.

"Well,when I saw the obvious danger we were in and that what we earned wouldn't make us rich,I called a halt and set up my camp here.And with the fame of the three girls,they swarmed here like bees to honey.And the ones I favored most of all were the clergy because they were silent,rich,family men,and understanding.Among them,the Father of Saint Lazarus came here to beg alms.And when he saw this girl,she went to his heart,and in his saintliness and simplicity he asked me to give her to him as his wife.

"So I did,under the following conditions and articles:

"First,he would have to maintain our household,and what we could earn ourselves would go for our clothes and our savings.

"Second,because he was a little decrepit,if my daughter should at any time take on an ecclesiastical assistant,he would be as quiet as if he were at mass.

"Third,that all the children she would have,he would have to take as his own and promise them what he did or might possess.And if my daughter didn't have any children,he would make her his sole and lawful heir.

"Fourth,that he would not come into our house when he saw a jug,a pot,or any other vessel in the window because that was a signal that there wasn't any place for him.

"Fifth,that when he was in the house and someone else came,he would have to hide where we told him until the other person left.

"Sixth and last,that twice a week he would have to bring us some friend or acquaintance who would provide us with a great feast.

"These are the articles of the marriage contract,"she continued,"that that poor wretch and my daughter swore to.The marriage took place without their having to go to a priest because he said it wasn't necessary.The most important part,he said,was for there to be mutual agreement about their wishes and intentions."

I was astonished at what that second Celestina was telling me and at the marriage contract she had used to marry her daughter.I was confused:I didn't know what to say.But they lit up the road to my desire because the young widow grabbed me around the neck and said,"If that poor fellow had had the face of this angel,I would really have loved him."

And with that she kissed me.After that kiss something started up in me--I don't know what it was--and I began to burn inside.I told her that if she wanted to stop being a widow and take me as her own,I would keep not only the contract of the old man but any other articles she wanted to add.They were happy with that and said they only wanted me to give them everything in the hermitage for safekeeping.I promised to do that,but I intended to hold back the money in case I ever needed it.

The marriage ceremony was to take place the next morning,and that afternoon they sent a cart to take away everything but the nails that held the place together.They didn't overlook the altarcloth or the saint's clothing.I was so bedazzled that if they had asked me for the phoenix or the waters from the river Styx,I would have given it to them.The only thing they left me was a poor piece of sackcloth to lie on like a dog.When that lady--my future wife--who had come with the cart saw that there wasn't any money she was angry.Because the old man had told her that he had some,but he didn't say where.She asked me if I knew where the treasure was.I told her I didn't.Being astute,she took me by the hand so we could go looking for it.She led me to every corner and crevice in the hermitage,including the base of the altar.And when she saw that it had recently been fixed,she became very suspicious.

She hugged and kissed me and said,"My life,tell me where that money is so we can have a happy wedding with it."

I still denied that I knew anything about any money.She took my hand again and led me outside to walk around the hermitage,watching my face all the time.When we got to the place where I had hidden it,my eyes darted there.She called her mother and told her to look under a stone I had put on top of it.She found it,and I found my death.

She feigned a smile and said,"Look.With this we'll have a wonderful life."

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