

`What do I know? Why not? to gain a day perhaps. It would take Sotillo a day to give me the estrapade, and try some other things perhaps, before he puts a bullet through my heart -- as he did to that poor wretch here.

Why not?'

The doctor swallowed with difficulty. His throat had gone dry in a moment.

It was not from indignation. The doctor, pathetically enough, believed that he had forfeited the right to be indignant with anyone -- for anything.

It was simple dread. Had the fellow heard his story by some chance? If so, there was an end of his usefulness in that direction. The indispensable man escaped his influence, because of that indelible blot which made him fit for dirty work. A feeling as of sickness came upon the doctor. He would have given anything to know, but he dared not clear up the point. The fanaticism of his devotion, fed on the sense of his abasement, hardened his heart in sadness and scorn.

`Why not, indeed?' he re-echoed, sardonically. `Then the safe thing for you is to kill me on the spot. I would defend myself. But you may just as well know I am going about unarmed.

` Por Dios! ' said the Capataz, passionately. `You fine people are all alike. All dangerous. All betrayers of the poor who are your dogs.'

`You do not understand,' began the doctor, slowly.

`I understand you all!' cried the other with a violent movement, as shadowy to the doctor's eyes as the persistent immobility of the late Senor Hirsch. `A poor man amongst you has got to look after himself. I say that you do not care for those that serve you. Look at me! After all these years, suddenly, here I find myself like one of these curs that bark outside the walls -- without a kennel or a dry bone for my teeth. Caramba! '

But he relented with a contemptuous fairness. `Of course,' he went on, quietly, `I do not suppose that you would hasten to give me up to Sotillo, for example. It is not that. It is that I am nothing! Suddenly--' He swung his arm downstairs. `Nothing to anyone,' he repeated.

The doctor breathed freely. `Listen, Capataz,' he said, stretching out his arm almost affectionately towards Nostromo's shoulder. `I am going to tell you a very simple thing. You are safe because you are needed. Iwould not give you away for any conceivable reason, because I want you.'

In the dark Nostromo bit his lip. He had heard enough of that. He knew what that meant. No more of that for him. But he had to look after himself now, he thought. And he thought, too, that it would not be prudent to part in anger from his companion. The doctor, admitted to be a great healer, had, amongst the populace of Sulaco, the reputation of being an evil sort of man. It was based solidly on his personal appearance, which was strange, and on his rough ironic manner -- proofs visible, sensible, and incontrovertible of the doctor's malevolent disposition. And Nostromo was of the people.

So he only grunted incredulously.

`You, to speak plainly, are the only man,' the doctor pursued. `It is in your power to save this town and . . . everybody from the destructive rapacity of men who--'

`No, senor ,' said Nostromo, sullenly. `It is not in my power to get the treasure back for you to give up to Sotillo, or Pedrito, or Gamacho. What do I know?'

`Nobody expects the impossible,' was the answer.

`You have said it yourself -- nobody,' muttered Nostromo, in a gloomy, threatening tone.

But Dr Monygham, full of hope, disregarded the enigmatic words and the threatening tone. To their eyes, accustomed to obscurity, the late Senor Hirsch, growing more distinct, seemed to have come nearer. And the doctor lowered his voice in exposing his scheme as though afraid of being overheard.

He was taking the indispensable man into his fullest confidence. Its implied flattery and suggestion of great risks came with a familiar sound to the Capataz. His mind, floating in irresolution and discontent, recognized it with bitterness. He understood well that the doctor was anxious to save the San Tome mine from annihilation. He would be nothing without it. It was his interest. Just as it had been the interest of Senor Decoud, of the Blancos, and of the Europeans to get his Cargadores on their side.

His thought became arrested upon Decoud. What would happen to him?

Nostromo's prolonged silence made the doctor uneasy. He pointed out, quite unnecessarily, that though for the present he was safe, he could not live concealed for ever. The choice was between accepting the mission to Barrios, with all its dangers and difficulties, and leaving Sulaco by stealth, ingloriously, in poverty.

`None of your friends could reward you and protect you just now, Capataz.

Not even Don Carlos himself.'

`I would have none of your protection and none of your rewards. I only wish I could trust your courage and your sense. When I return in triumph, as you say, with Barrios. I may find you all destroyed. You have the knife at your throat now.'

It was the doctor's turn to remain silent in the contemplation of horrible contingencies.

`Well, we would trust your courage and your sense. And you, too, have a knife at your throat.'

`Ah! And whom am I to thank for that? What are your politics and your mines to me -- your silver and your constitutions -- your Don Carlos this, and Don Jose that--'

`I don't know,' burst out the exasperated doctor. `There are innocent people in danger whose little finger is worth more than you or I and all the Ribierists together. I don't know. You should have asked yourself before you allowed Decoud to lead you into all this. It was your place to think like a man; but if you did not think, then try to act like a man now. Did you imagine Decoud cared very much for what would happen to you?'

`No more than you care for what will happen to me,' muttered the other.

`No; I care for what will happen to you as little as I care for what will happen to myself.'

`And all this because you are such a devoted Ribierist?' Nostromo said in an incredulous tone.

`All this because I am such a devoted Ribierist,' repeated Dr Monygham, grimly.

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